Sunday, September 4, 2022

Why Are Leftists Obsessed With Destroying Hero Culture?

For example, today we hear constant gnashing and wailing from the political left about the “crimes” of the Founding Fathers and why they should be erased or canceled from our cultural zeitgeist.  They have even attempted to revise the very foundations of American history through their "1619 Project"as they assert that no American accomplishment is valid because "everything" was built around the institution of slavery.  They make no mention that slavery was an institution in every single culture on the planet since civilization began, but that doesn't matter to them.  

The goal of the 1619 Project was to diminish or dismiss everything distinctly American, right down to the revolution that founded our nation.  What they care about is the deconstruction of heroes, in part because if you can destroy the character of a hero then you might be able to also destroy what they stood for in the process.  And, if you can destroy the ideals of a society, it becomes a lot easier to then control that society.  

When the political left seeks to undermine the legacy of the founders they aren't just engaging in character attacks against men who can no longer defend themselves, they are also attempting to sabotage the vision those men created – The vision of a free republic outside of the dictates of collectivism and monarchy (rule by the elites).

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