Thursday, September 8, 2022

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00:58  Fresh hot off a trial.  I just put that attorney in her place.  John just crushed an unemployment attorney in New York City.  John was representing.  He absolutely massacred this crazy psychopath.  I mean blood was coming out of her neck.  

No, she needs therapy now.  She was crying at the end of the hearing.  You know how you make closing arguments?  She wanted to say more, and the judge said "Look, I'm sorry, I can't help you."  

We're facing energy crisis like never before.  Inflation crisis like never before.  And I think right now is no better time in American history where people need to rediscover entrepreneurship, which was something that made this country great, that made this country unique among nations because at the advent of the early years of the United States pretty much everybody was an entrepreneur.    

2:55  The conversation I am having is that it's looking like we need to have a new society.  There're the people who understand what is going on, and then there's the Muppets.  It's the Muppets that have been sitting on our resources.  So, what do we do?  We just have to be our same old selves.  We have to be entrepreneurs, we have to think, we have to collaborate, like you and I do.  I mean you and I can go out in the world and make deals with people.  We have the idea that we can make money and we can serve other people and we can get along.  Whereas the Muppets are stuck in the world of "I need my government benefits and where do I wait in line for my next job?"  And that's all they know.  So, here's our problem.  I could set up a business or something, but where do I get my resources?  Who do I hire?  So this is the big question.  We need to have land that we have use of.  I just bought a bunch of land.  And I am going to create a deed, put deed restrictions on it, and make it into my own township.  It's going to make its own water, energy, and these things.  Nothing new.  It's easy to do.  Nothing miraculous.    

4:00  But a lot of people need to move in that direction or join people that are in that direction.  But also consider . . . what the heck do you do in an environment where you can't get supplies that you absolutely need, like that part for your car, or that part for your AC unit that we spoke about before? I think we need to be in a position to make that stuff.  What do you think? 

4:44  Aspects from the health realm.  There's going to be opportunities there in terms of natural supplements, like growing necessary herbs that you need for immune system health.  The more we decentralize, the more self-sufficiency, self-manufacturing that we do the better off we are.  I mean this morning, the European Union has decided to close in their circular firing squad and shoot themselves with, right? They've decided on a partial ban on Russian gas, petroleum and hydrocarbon products, which will breed starvation and economic ruin in Europe, which doesn't benefit anybody, even the morons over at the World Economic Forum.  These are idiots who think they have all this nascent talent in countries that they govern.  Thankfully, the U.S., thank God the founding fathers were able to buffer much of the tyranny.  If we did not have those things in place we'd be just like the European Union.  We'd be like that moron, Justin Trudeau, who's ran for election 20 or 30 times, and he has 300 scandals in any given week and somehow this idiot is still in power.  And via edict, he just basically banned handguns in Canada.

6:24  Well, they want to make our lives as difficult as possible.  When I say "they," I mean the people behind the show that you're watching.  They want to make our lives as difficult as possible so of course, starving us out, cutting off the fuel, jacking up the prices is going to make a lot of people angry.  And all they talk about is who to blame.  

7:35  They want to make it so that you can't exist in society, so this is what we're talking about.  You can't live in this society the way we've had it.  People like us--we're the target.  They want us to be excluded from society.  Okay, fine, I don't want to be with the idiots.  But if I don't have access to the resources, then I guess I need to figure out how to do that.  So, one thing is I need to be able to make things locally.  I need to be able to make them, to do that.  Maybe I need to go around and find car parts.  I need to find a big round of trash the county put aside, right?  Because we don't actually recycle the trash.  We tell people to recycle, but we put it in a big mound and stick pipes in there, and we put sod on it and let the methane out and we just let it sit there for decades.  So, if we go over there and grab those raw materials, we can make things.  I've seen people on the internet make fuel and plastic from waste products.  

The more self-sufficient we are, the better we'll all be.  

Buy 2 tow trucks, run a tow-truck service, $10,000 to $20,000.

25:55 Look at the example of Cuba.  All these classic cars still running on the streets.  How?  Embargo against them for 50 years, still is maybe, they can't get new cars, new car parts, what did these guys do?  Jury rig, or something.  They had to figure out how to do their own metallurgy or welding.

26:18  Iran, after the Islamic Revolution, go to Iran right now and you'll find American muscle cars, 1960s Camaro SS's, Pontiac Judge, GTO's, older Mustangs, you'll find all these muscle cars left over and they can't get any parts for them, but you have an entire cottage industry popping up that is making parts for these cars.  A lot of times these metal parts can be replaced with a high-density resin.  You don't need a metal part.  We always like to do a giveaway.  You and I end up doing that every time we do a call like this.  If you like the idea of owning the mechanic shop that you like to take your car to--you pay your mechanic a lot of money, but you trust him--and he's going to do a good job and he has a good staff and all this stuff, why not buy the shop?  Here's why.   You buy the shop and start adding new services, creating a niche market.  You bring in more niche markets and start making more money, but don't bring in more money until you buy the shop, right?  One of the things you could do is make cars run more efficiently.  Who would want that now?  

There's a 3-step process.  Step 1: you can remove the throttle body from the engine.  Has to be a gas engine.  You take the throttle body off and you carb it out a certain and it causes the fuel to turn into a plasma.  This a little bit different than a mist; it's a plasma.  And you put it back in the car and it will dramatically increase your mileage 20% to 50%.  There are 2 more things that you can do to the engine and still keep it in spec and keep the engine warranty.  If you were to bring that in where there are qualified mechanics and show them the procedure, they could put together a whole marketing thing for an F-150.  If you want to take over a business like that, that's what I would do.  I would come in there with a business idea that could possibly make more money.  I told my son . . . he actually gets paid by the Jiu-Jitsu gym to help the owner, and he trusts him.  He's like the Assistant Manager.  Why don't you buy into the gym?  You understand the business, you have a good rapport with the people that work there, and maybe it's $50,000.  It's not a lot of money and maybe you can finance the $50,000 but here's the thing: the gym wants to expand; the owner wants to get a new location.  Why don't you come in there with an offer to buy into it so that now you are a co-owner with the original owner, and you then come in there with a new marketing plan but still he would be running it.  And I don't care if he does it.  My thinking is that I want my children to think that way.  I mean if you're asking me, "What can we do, John?"  Well, there's an idea.  Okay, $50k might be beyond people, but you can find it, or maybe you just need a better idea.  

29:37  That's thinking out of the box, and people don't think that they can do that.  The reality is folks that you definitely can.  Last but not least, John, let's talk about some of the limitations that people are facing in terms of credit.  They're worried about debt collectors, things of that sort.  What's your advice to them, so that they're not hampered by the fear of all this nonsense? 

30:00  Don't be afraid.  Okay, for 30 years I've been telling people 

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