Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Plastics in Pork? I Could Imagine the Sausage at Fast Food Joints Has Plastics

We have a lot of cleaning up to do.  And you certainly cannot rely on any of the alphabet agencies for it is exactly these agencies that give companies permission to put any junk into the food supply.  You'd think that individual companies would have a standard of quality.  Not so much.  They'll use the cheapest ingredients to make money on mass production.  The FDA's own website lays claim to safety [there's that word], 

FSIS routinely collaborates with other Federal agencies, States, tribal authorities, stakeholders, and the public to ensure the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products along the farm-to-table continuum

Looks like they're falling down on the job.  How long has this been going on, this plastic in my ribs, pulled pork, ground pork sausage?  

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