Monday, September 12, 2022

" . . . create a new reality that somehow a shot is immunity"

COVID-19 always was influenza.  No it wasn't, Judy.  COVID-19 is the syndrome that develops from having SARS-CoV-2 virus.  

0:00.  So every year the flu shot and the Prevnar shot [a pneumococcal vaccine; we should know by now there are no benefits to any of these vaccines].  It used to be called PNI, pneumonia and influenza.  Now it's called PIC, pneumonia, influenza, and coronavirus.  And Tony Fauci just said last night, so now every year, every 6 months, you're going to get all 3 shots and it's going to be called a flu shot.  Well, if it's one shot, why are you putting it in each arm?  Because they've always done that and told you that's a flu shot.  So they've been lying to us for decades and killing the elderly, or the most susceptible.  The goal of COVID-19 was to kill everyone you injured, create a new reality that somehow a shot is immunity and that, as I've heard, all the masks ended influenza.  No it didn't.  COVID-19 always was influenza, January 2020: 4,000 deaths a week from influenza.  Never was COVID or SARS-CoV-2 or anything else.  And now that we started injecting the COVID . . .

1:13. Notice there isn't a single COVID vaccine that says on the bottle SARS-CoV-2.  That's because it's nit.  It's humanized SARS-CoV-2.  It's deadlier SARS-CoV-2.  It's more deadly SARS-CoV-2.  

1:30. So if those shots have done that much damage, Russian Roulette--you've got 5 bullets in the barrel, you know.  Are you going to spin that wheel?  Are you going to roll those dice?  Is it worth . . . we're playing Russian Roulette.  What are you really doing?  So I'm hoping, it's really my prayer that people wake up and see what's been done for a long time.  It's been a long time, and both you and I know the susceptible gave been injured, have been given afib, or atrial fibrillation in the elderly . . . the explosion to drive the use of Eliquis and other drugs that are bleeding people out and causing cancer that have never been tested.  Yeah, there's a lot of fear mongering going on . . . 

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