Saturday, September 10, 2022

All in the Name of Equality

Following the sudden passing of Queen Elizabeth II, Daniel Cohen asks

Is this symbolic of the end of post-WW II Anglo-American order? 

It is the end of that WWII, Bretton Woods order.  David over @ Lew Rockwell hints at more sinister causes.  And since I, too, don't believe in any coincidences, I see Queen Elizabeth II's death as an opportunity to usher in King Charles who is a fervent adherent to Klaus Schwab, the Rothchilds, WEF, and the New World Order.  

Vaclav Havel, Klaus Schwab, and Prince Charles at the 1992 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

It's bothered me for a couple years now that Dr. Gary North said to ignore these guys, that they were irrelevant.  


How much do you want to bet she got an additional booster just days before this event? 

You meet with the new Prime Minister before the cameras and lights and then you die, like what 48 hours later?

Recall that her mother lived to the age 101. 

How many do we know that got the extra boost never to return.        David 

BANG Showbiz at MSN, writes

Dr. Greenshields told The Times newspaper: "It was a fantastic visit. Her memory was absolutely amazing and she was really full of fun."

He went on to reveal he was surprised to hear she was seriously ill just days later, adding: "It came as a great shock to me when I heard she was gravely ill because she was in amazingly good form over the weekend.

"She was the life and soul of things. She was speaking very personally to me about her time there way back when she was a child, she was talking about her horses from the past, naming them from 40 years ago, people’s names and places. She was quite remarkable."  So something happened. 

You don't go from 70mph one day to lifeless the next. I'm just worried about the degeneration of this new era.   

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