Saturday, June 25, 2022


I really find the abortion debate one of the most disturbing topics to be rehashed and defended in the public square.  Yes, it must needs be considered, thought about weighed, and so forth, but if the ultimate decision rests on the mother's shoulders, or those of both parents, what good does a hearty discussion about it do other than to justify the parents' decision to murder their baby?  And for those who argue against it, what hope have you given the young mother?  Since the theme of abortion is death, I cannot help but think how the irony of each person wrestling with this topic is lost: for both sides benefit from a parent who decided to greenlight the glories of life.  

The scenarios that the pro-choice side loves to traipse out are always pathetic.  Always.  I hear things like poor, desperate teenager."  Okay, that's not for a lifetime.  Two, when you're taking care of another life, the participants are buoyed by each other's desire to participate, so there is a mutual enhancement of one another's existence.  To me, the debate is pure leftist drivel that tries to degrade everybody's life.  

Look at the effect that parents can have on a child's life snd how that child can reciprocate that love.    

One part of the debate I find annoying is how the media introduces it, "The court's opinion on abortion rights . . ." as though the authority of life comes a from a governmental panel of strangers rather than from the hearts of individuals and loved ones, your parents, our spouses.     

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