Friday, June 24, 2022

Visits to the ER after consuming Daily Harvest's plant-based French Lentil & Leak Crumbles?

Sounds like a rare condition.  My prediction is that food manufacturers that are connected to Bill Gates, George Soros, Davos, and Klaus Schwab's WEF will henceforth use the food supply to kill off more Americans whose immune systems have been depleted by the spike proteins in the COVID injections. Restaurant have failed to heed customer complaints and concerns about cooking everything in Canola Oil.  Oh, look, they're working closely with the FDA. That detail by itself  should tell you not to put their crap into your body via your gullet.

We’re working closely with the FDA and with multiple independent labs to investigate this," the company said in a recall notice updated Wednesday, noting it was consulting with microbiologists and allergists as well as experts on toxins and pathogens. However, it said its tests have all come back negative so far. 

Most of the foods that claim to be organic are suspect.  They're either grown according to standard procedures that have long been accepted and rebranded for profit or they're hydroponically grown with a lot less nutrient dense soil.  The food supply is one large bio-hazard outdoor lab. Or they're lying in other ways.  They've lied about everything related to COVID: its origin, the Imperial College model that estimated tens of millions would die . . . from COVID.  Those numbers may regrettably pan out after the culling from the vaccinations.  They lied about COVID's severity.  They lied about early treatment.  They lied about deaths from other causes and tagged them as COVID to pad the hospital books.  They've lied to us about the effects of the vaccines.  They changed the meaning of what a vaccine is and does.  

Then they changed the meaning of what it means to be vaccinated.  They lied to us about the spike proteins.  They lied to us about the vaccine's safety and effectiveness, claiming at first it 95%, then 88%, down to 75%, only to learn later that ut was actually only 12% after a week or two before it tanked into negative territory. And the same people who lied to us about COVID and about the vaccines are lying to us now about the food supplies.  I mean anything that the BMGF, Soros, and Schwab get a hold of it is intended to increase the die-off.  Lot of folks are speculating that the country will find itself in a civil war.  We're there already.  The opponents are the depopulationists of BMGF, Soros, Schwab, Davos crowd, and the tech giants, against anyone who lives life and peace.  That's.   

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