Sunday, May 8, 2022

Fecal transplants have ‘fountain of youth’ potential: Process reverses effects of aging in mice

Well, this is good news for the elite who can use the fecal tissue from aborted babies.  For the regular Joe, how does one benefit from this?  Is this procedure easy, inexpensive, and available to all?  Again, what is the source of this fecal tissue?  You getting my point?  Does it come in a capsule?  Perhaps.  But what is its source?

The human gut microbiome changes with age. Some of these changes adversely affect metabolism and immunity. They can be associated with age-related disorders including GI, cardiovascular, neurologic, autoimmune, and metabolic diseases. Research from just last year showed how fecal transplants restored cognitive function in aging mice. This latest study by scientists at the Quadram Institute and the University of East Anglia in England only furthers the promising findings.

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Our results provide more evidence of the important links between microbes in the gut and healthy aging of tissues and organs around the body,” says Dr. Aimee Parker, of the Quadram Institute. “We hope that our findings will contribute ultimately to understanding how we can manipulate our diet and our gut bacteria to maximize good health in later life.”

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