Friday, May 20, 2022

Why do we hear more policy pronouncements from Yellen than we do from Biden? What's up with that?

Does Janet Yellen replace Joe Biden as President?   

Dammit, Janet Davos Loves You!

So who is this person? The answer came to me in a flash while replying to someone on Twitter and I’m ashamed to admit it took me this long to see it.

The answer, of course, is Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.  Ticks all the boxes.

Female, seemingly apolitical, knows her way around Washington, former head of the Fed and a Davos troll to the tips of her fingernails.

And, just to put the cherry on top of this theory, she is the only person who could credibly stand up to Jay Powell at the Fed who has clearly gone off the Davos reservation by defending the dollar and the Fed. Per my last article, if the Fed is truly fomenting a dollar crisis to reassert its primacy in the pantheon of central banks, then Yellen would be the one person who would complete the Davos coup by firing Powell, neutering the Fed and ending the chaos.

Davos has to reassert control here and restore our faith in The Churn. Yellen is just the person to make sure all of that happens.

I know what you’re thinking, though, it seems a stretch to put an unelected central banker at the head of a powerful country? What are you smoking, Tom?

I told you the Central Bankers were coming!

So, expect President Yellen in the next six months, effectively appointed by Davos like Mario Draghi was appointed in Italy. They don’t have a lot of time to pull any of this off, no less getting Biden out of office.

With President Yellen, the central banker takeover of the West would be complete with this arrangement.  I don’t know if it’d work out the way Davos plans, but it’s the cleanest solution to their current problem I see.

For this reason alone, I think this is the most likely scenario as things are quickly escalating with Biden.

If you don’t like it, there’s a dog kennel with your QR code on it

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