Saturday, February 19, 2011

Worried About Heart Health? Take Your B-Vitamins!

Don't let cholesterol worry you.  Cholesterol is not the culprit when it comes to heart disease.  It is homosistein levels.  And guess what?  B-Vitamins maintain healthy homocystein levels, so enjoy a steak, enjoy a cheeseburger.  Just make sure you take your B-Complex.

List of B-Vitamins from Wikipedia.

Vitamin B-2 or Riboflavin: Great for energy production at the cellular level.

Vitamin B-5 or Pantothenic Acid: Great for managing stress and converting carbohydrates into fuel.

Bananas for B-6.

Vitamin B-12

Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin B-12

B-17 and cancer prevention.

The Beauty of B: Why You May Need More of the Vitamin B Complex
by Elizabeth Walling

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jerry Brunetti

Jerry Brunetti: Food is Medicine.  I couldn't have said it better.

A Few Things You Should Know About Cholesterol

Jerry Brunetti and Chris Masterjohn on the benefits of cholesterol.

The Healing Power of Enzymes . . .

"Studies indicate that increasing your raw food intake and taking enzyme supplements can be very potent measures in the prevention and healing of certain diseases including cancer."  Mike Adams
Article contains excellent bibliographic references.

1.  Here is an interesting Youtube video on the power of enzymes.
2.  Here is a good digestive enzyme site.  It's called EnzymeStuff.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Spinach Boosts Muscle. Popeye Was Right!

"They found that eating 300g of the vegetable reduced the amount of oxygen needed to power muscles by as much as five per cent when exercising. The effect is so powerful it works after just three days. The secret is not iron but nitrates which are abundant in the vegetable. These chemicals make the mitochondria – the "engine rooms" of every cell – more efficient, they found."