Sunday, June 23, 2024

BYSTRIANYK: From the mid-1800s until the mid-1900s, there was nothing short of a miraculous societal and health transformation. Yet, that extraordinary health revolution has been primarily forgotten and replaced with a mythology that medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines were responsible

From the mid-1800s until the mid-1900s, there was nothing short of a miraculous societal and health transformation. Numerous changes accomplished by millions of people (activists, public health officials, inventors, scientists, engineers, plumbers, electricians, teachers, health advocates, and so many more) took our world from an era overshadowed by the specter of infectious diseases to an epoch of prosperity, relative health, and well-being. Yet, that extraordinary health revolution has been primarily forgotten and replaced with a mythology that medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines were responsible, which came on the scene after the vast majority of the improvements had occurred. “Life for children in this country has been made infinitely safer. We have reduced death from principal communicable diseases of childhood — measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria — to a new record low, a point actually promising complete eradication of these diseases!” “2 inches taller… 15 pounds heavier,” LIFE Magazine, June 2, 1941, p. 71.

Elastic fibers give the skin a youthful appearance, the heart structures to pump blood, and the lungs to expand. To recoup lost elastic fibers, take collagen with vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid

Well, actually the elastic fibers are very late in development in the evolution of life.  These are structures like a rubber band, that have elasticity.  These fibers are formed in the first years of life, and around puberty there are no more or very few elastic fibers anymore.  So it's a permanent structure.  It's very important for the arteries, especially the main and largest artery in the body, the aorta, because it gives you elasticity to a pumping heart.  It's important for the lung that it gets elasticity in the breathing.  And it's also important for the skin because it gives the baby-face appearance of the skin.  And as we get older, these elastic fibers of the skin are destroyed by ultraviolet rays or variations of that.  Maybe that's why we look older when we get old.  There have been very convincing reports that people after the vaccination suddenly appear to look much older.  Now this may be due to a psychological factor, too, but we definitely have proof that these elastic fibers in some cases are profoundly destroyed in the skin. I have one example here, and you see on the left side there's a very delicate network of very fine elastic fibers.  They are black on the top is the epithelial of the gums.  Here you can see this man is 38 years old and he has vasculitis of the skin.  Here you can see these very delicate black lines here.  These are the remnants of the elastic fibers, and there's no network below the basement membrane.

Interview starts @ 3:55.  It's a 2 1/2-hour interview.  

Though organic is the preferable option for anything you put inside your body, grass-fed may be the second best.  Organic collagen is available but from specialized vendors.  
Differences in outcome?  Not everyone needs an operation.  Surgery takes time to heal.  

Her video on how to avoid hemorrhoidal surgery, meaning no need for surgery.  

Fiber video. 
Behavioral modification to avoid surgery. 

It's all

5:35. God gave you 6 hemorrhoidal vessels.
3 of these vessels tend to be the most common pathologic.  So with time these hemorrhoidal column vessels will grow, they'll swell, they'll begin to bleed, they'll begin to prolapse.  That occurs over time so these hemorrhoids have an aging process and so the 3 larger vessels, there are 2 in the right and one in the left, are the most common to be affected there are some patients where all six hemorrhoidal vessels are affected.  The original surgery involves removing basically the three primary vessels.  And we would avoid trying to do all six because that is too much surgery.  That whole surgery involved removing external skin all the way to the inside lining of the rectum, that little column of tissue, and when you do that in three different areas around the bottom, holy smokes, that's hard to heal.  The temptation is, and this is why no offense to my general surgery friends I did not learn this in general surgery, I learned this in colorectal surgery, you really have to be conservative with how much tissue you remove.  The temptation is to remove everything that's swollen in the body, smooth as a baby's ass.  You can't do that because the skin has to stretch, it has to be stretchy, which is why removing 6 of these hemorrhoids is going to be really tough recovery.  I don't think it's going to end well. So we try not to do six incisional hemorrhoids, that is just not going to happen.  Not in trained hands typically.

7:40. So this is my plea to you to find someone who is a colorectal surgeon and not just a general surgeon so that's old fashioned incisional hemorrhoidectomy.  That is very painful.  There are newer techniques that work mostly on the inside where you have less pain fiber. Where are the recovery for those types of surgeries are much shorter.  So the recovery is gauged in one or two weeks as opposed to three to six weeks.  The more you can do on the inside the better.  Which of these surgeries that you were going to get is extremely dependent upon the surgeon you were talking to so that is a question that you should probably ask what is your approach there Doc?. My job is to do the most I can with the least amount of pain to you possible which means if I can avoid external incisions I will if I have to make an external incision can I do it in a way that avoids and incision in the anal Canal itself the part that is under the most tension because if I can I will.

9:50. The recovery process is yours my friend.  That has nothing to do with me my job is technically typically not put tissue under tension to avoid as many painful incisions as I can Improvement of what your complaint is.  The recovery is all on you.  You are not going to be happy if you decide I'm just not going to poop for a week it's not going to hurt it's not so bad and true enough for that first week when you haven't pooped you're right congratulations but now there's a brick that has to come through fresh incisions.  That bricks not going to be coming through there on its own; you're going to have to use stuff to make it come through there.  And then you'll have a brick ripping things and then you're going to have resulting diarrhea that follows that gets into all the incisions and all the stitching and destroys everything and things get burny and irritated and you've just bought yourself a 2 or 3 month recovery instead of a 2-week recovery.  So I know it sound like a great idea to ignore when I'm about to say by not eating after surgery because I have a lot of patience and say, "Oh, I just won't to eat anything." That is just a bad idea. 

LATYPOVA: [U.S. Military] crossed the proverbial Rubicon; that was the point of no return. You were not allowed to deploy US military onto Roman Republic. But they did. That's what they did in 2020. They deployed the military. There is no return from this. This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.

You were not allowed to deploy military onto the Roman Republic . . . just as you're not allowed to deploy US military onto US soil.  But they did.  That's what they did in 2020.  They deployed the military.  There is no return from this.  This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.  So they made damn sure that they're not going to be prosecuted. --Sasha Latypova

I'm pretty certain that in 2020 while this creeping tyranny and control of the military was over decades, maybe starting in 2012 they started building up this capacity.  I think in 2020 what actually happened with this "COVID live exercises," Mike Pompeo [70th Secretary of State, 2018-2021] called it, they essentially crossed the proverbial Rubicon.  If you remember from Roman history when Julius Caesar with his troops crossed the Rubicon that was the point of no return.  You were not allowed to deploy military onto the Roman Republic . . . just as you're not allowed to deploy US military onto US soil.  But they did.  That's what they did in 2020.  They deployed the military.  There is no return from this.  This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.  So they made damn sure that they're not going to be prosecuted.  So this whole deployment of this fake pandemic fear and then injecting everybody with poison was pre-planned for years, and executed by the US Military.  I don't know if they work for themselves or they work for others or if it's a matter now of servant controlling the master, I don't know.  But this needs to be investigated.  But, in fact, what I have documentation on, evidence is that the US military deployed themselves on American soil and worldwide because they control all these bases, you know, they have a military presence all over the world.  They drove this fake pandemic, fake fear, and the purpose of this was to inject everyone with this mRNA poison and to poison, disable, and kill as many people as possible.  

ROSEMARY JENKS: So if you're a non-citizen in this country, . . . if a government official hands you a voter registration form you're going to think that you need to fill it out, then you're going to be unlawfully registered to vote. If you vote, it is a deportable, criminal offense

This is not about illegal immigrants.  This is about an illegal administration.  This is about an illegal administration turning the country into a gangland.


Immigration Accountability Project: Biden Admin “Orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. — State election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.” “I'm Rosemary Jenks with the Immigration Accountability Project. As Senator Lee said, we estimate that there are upwards of 30,000,000 noncitizens, so foreign-born who have not naturalized and are therefore ineligible to vote under our laws. The problem that we have now is that the Biden administration there's a Biden executive order that orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. We also know that state election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.”