Tuesday, January 7, 2025

MICHAEL BARDEN: Who were the communist East German Stasi police, and why does that matter to you in the United States?

Who were the communist East German Stasi police, and why does that matter to you in the United States?  The Stasi was a large organization that covertly and overtly attacked citizens in East Germany who did not want to comply with the Communist dictatorship.  These attacks are called is there Zersetzung, which means decomposition.  The reason they called it this is because every aspect of one of their target's lives was destroyed.  They kept large files or dossiers with every detail [on] one of their targets' lives.  They blacklisted the target from getting work they used slander campaigns to destroy their targets' credibility.  They destroyed their finances and even their relationships their targets were surveilled 24 hours a day 7 days a week home break-ins or destruction of personal property was very common this is Marcus Wolff who was the number two director of the Stasi police.  Why is that important to you as a US citizen?  Here is why . . .  because Marcus Wolff was consulted when our very own Department of Homeland Security was created . . . in 2002.  

DR. SHAWN BAKER: Don’t stop playing

ROSA KOIRE, 2013: UN Agenda 21 is a transition from a representative government to government or governance by an unelected boards and commissions

00:50.  Someone said to me just a couple of days ago that they said, "You know it seems to me that people in the United States are kind of obsessed with the concept of freedom," and what I thought to myself was, "But aren't we all?"  I mean isn't this the nature of the human being to be free? And even though, of course, it's like Dylan said, Bob Dylan, "Are birds free from the chains of the Skyway?"  No, of course, not.  We are subject to the Natural laws, but the laws of man should not be used to subjugate human beings.  We are free.  So what I'm going to be talking about is United Nation's Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, and I'm sure unlike people in the United States you may have heard about this Global agreement.  But in the United States, anyone who talks about it is considered to be and labeled a conspiracy theorist, an extremist, kind of a nut, and the Press will malign you.  In fact, up until very recently the Press denied, the United States press and the World Press, denied that Agenda 21 exists.  But it does.  It exists, and it is the blueprint.  It is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all means of production, all construction, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world, inventory and control.  The action plan.  It's the real deal.  It's a transition from a representative government to government or governance governance by an unelected boards and commissions


Her name is Rosa Koire.  Read her Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Rosa Koire, 2011.

I'm going to show you the new map of the United States of America.  you may not be able to see this very well.  We have 50 states in the United States, but these are mega regions.  Mega regions.  Mega regions.  Mega, meaning large.  Mega regions.  These are the city-states.  These are large cities that are being made larger.  And remember, I told you that the gray area is the wildlands.  That's going to be the area that no one will have access to.  And you know I haven't told you anything about myself.  I was a legal witness, an expert witness in land use and land valuation for my government, for the State Department of Transportation, expert witness, testified in court, and I found out about this because I saw that people were not being able to use their land and I looked behind that and I found Agenda 21.  This is true, okay?  The federal government of the United States is doing this.  It's in process of creating mega-regions that are essentially crossing national boundaries.  This is Cascadia.  It used to be a portion of Washington State, Oregon State, Idaho, and Vancouver area, British Columbia in Canada.  The Southern California and Texas triangle areas include part of Mexico.  This breaks national boundaries.  It breaks State boundaries.  It breaks County boundaries.  It's also a project of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.  Regionalization and world government.  You use trade agreements to destroy boundaries, and you actually cannot make local law that breaks those treaties.  

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Praises the series Yellowstone for its “remarkable insights regarding the nature of American land and resource wars” and its realistic portrayal of a variety of deep state tactics, ranging from lawfare to physical violence.

Five years ago, Catherine selected Yellowstone as Solari’s 2019 Movie of the Year, praising the series (at the time, just two seasons in) for its “remarkable insights regarding the nature of American land and resource wars” and its realistic portrayal of a variety of deep state tactics, ranging from lawfare to physical violence. These themes remain prominent in the show’s just-completed last half of the fifth season. As land grab strategies—both sneaky and in-your-face—proliferate all over the world, Yellowstone is far from fictional escapism. If you don’t yet understand what the land-grab-related events in the Netherlands, Lahaina, Gaza, and many other places have in common, Yellowstone may help connect some of the dots.