Friday, December 27, 2024

Dr. Kruse alleged that Calley Means is tied to the Rockefeller family, which Means denied by pointing to his frequent criticism of the Rockefellers’ role in American history.

Daniel J. Edelman.  

Dr. Jack Kruse reminds us of Calley's connections.  

And by the way, you could not have had a better champion for truth, integrity, and honesty on this subject than Dr. Jack Kruse.  Grateful that he insisted on being there.  

DANNY JONES: In this uncomfortable clip, @DrJackKruse challenges the idea of what actually caused her pancreatic cancer.

do you know the reason why California got the jab early?  Because there were many people from China that were over there.  --Dr. Jack Kruse

05:03  Did you know that SV40 is associated with rapid presentation of stage 4 pancreatic cancer?  Did you know that, yes or no?  Ignorance or fraud, bro?  Where we at?  

05:45  She was a product of the modern medical system, and I think probably got all the vaccines that she was supposed to get over her life.  

05:50  I think that's reasonable.  Nobody would argue with you about . . . 

06:03  I find this in fully good faith.  I mean we can talk about what you think happened.  But my story that was implanted on my mom is she was a product of modern medical advice.  She ate ultra-processed food of a low-fat diet.  She probably had some tough things going on with her lightness, circadian rhythm, and sleep dysregulation.  She was working to be active but was somewhat sedentary, probably over-relying on pharmaceuticals.  I don't know her whole vaccine history.  [She] didn't get the COVID jab; that wasn't available.  She was on other medications as we talked about 

06:37  Just so you're clear.  It was available in California when your mom was there.  271,000 people in California got the jab . . . do you know the number. . . do you know the number one place

06:52  Are you suggesting my mom got the COVID jab?  Is that what you're saying?  

06:54  Did I say that?  Can I ask the question before you try to answer before me?  

07:02  You are making a lot of suggestions.  What are you saying?  

07:05  I'm saying to you, do you know the reason why California got the jab early?  Because there were many people from China that were over there.  So the jab was given specifically at two major places.  Do you know where those places were?  

07:21  Probably Stanford.

07:24  Oh, okay, and where else?  In Los Angeles.  

07:30  So my story is that she had multifactorial issues that are actually hard to pin down of modern society that are attacking her overall mitochondria, and her metabolic health.  I think that pancreatic cancer and many forms of cancer are highly tied to our cellular regulation and not tied to the absence of some cancer therapy

Thursday, December 26, 2024

A REAL CONCERN THESE DAYS: If you must have surgery, be sure to get a written guarantee from the hospital that they will not gift you with an unwanted or unconsented vaccine

CERNOVICH: Lmfao. Man. I had no idea how badly H-1B was being abused. Fucking entry level accountant, REALLY???

Lead paint was banned, not because children were eating paint chips, but rather how well it absorbed RF/EMF radiation