I believe this study. My staff and I experienced this.
2 women unvaccinated in my office were postmenopausal and got their periods when exposed to a vaccinated employee. The non-menopausal unvaccinated also got their periods.
Now I ask you all and
Why is this happening?
Could the spike be a piece of a microbe that is now airborne?
Could that piece of microbe activate a dormant microbe?
Is this why it kills the bifidobacteria?
We are in a world of designer microbes as Dr. Adonis Sfera,
says. They cannot patent real microbes so they have to manipulate them. The patent starts the business and the stock price. Ask , one of the best patent attorneys.
This is the future.
The problem with designer microbes is they force your pathogenic microbes to become stronger to fight them. Once your strong pathogenic microbes reject those designer microbes, they then start attacking your own body. This is the making of superbugs.
The body rejects the unnatural by creating natural superbugs. This is why you see cases of CMV encephalitis post the shots, shingles, herpes encephalitis, prion disease inducing Parkinson’s, or EBV possibly inducing lymphoma or cases of Ecoli, Cdiff, Crohn's, and cancer (most cancers we will find out is loss of bifidobacteria first).
There is not enough good
to fix this. In fact, in the last month, I have not seen one decent stool sample at @Progenabiome. People come to me for Fecal transplants and I always say “Who is your donor? “ because good donors are hard to find. The microbiome of humanity is disappearing, starting with #bifidobacteria but you all keep following the price of that stock.
These studies
will become validated with time….
I see what no [else] one sees . . . The lost microbes . . . starts the disease process.