[RG911Team] Why isn’t FEMA there when you need them after a natural disaster like Hurricane Helene…
— Richard Gage, AIA, Architect (@RichardGage_911) October 6, 2024
But on 9/11, they were there instantly?
Oops, you’re not supposed to ask that question. pic.twitter.com/NNwJGatSk9
Saturday, October 5, 2024
FEMA on 9/11: to be honest with you, we arrived late Monday night and went into action Tuesday morning . . .
SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: The more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe it's injected into newborn infants...my scientific endeavors have really shown me that, by and large, nature...didn't make mistakes...nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies
Brandy Vaughn claimed that Polysorbate-80, a known sterilizing agent, was one of the inert compounds or adjuvants included in the Vitamin K shots.
"The more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe it's injected into newborn infants...my scientific endeavors have really shown me that, by and large, nature...didn't make mistakes...nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies." (1/2)
— Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) October 6, 2024
Physician and co-author of… pic.twitter.com/4XviUEG4wm
"The more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe it's injected into newborn infants...my scientific endeavors have really shown me that, by and large, nature...didn't make mistakes...nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies." (1/2) Physician and co-author of Dissolving Illusions Dr. Suzanne Humphries describes how the so-called vitamin K shot—an injection **supposedly** given to newborns to prevent a rare but serious bleeding disorder by aiding in blood clotting—is not necessary for newborns. "My opinion is that the more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe that it's injected into newborn infants," Humphries says. "If you look at my scientific, endeavors, they have really shown me that by and large, nature on overall didn't make mistakes like this...Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies." "Just like babies are programmed to be anti-inflammatory, I believe that babies are programmed to not have, numerously higher levels of coagulation than adults," Humphries adds. Furthermore, Humphries says, "if the baby's clotting is not full until 6 months of age, how long is your injection going to work for? ...it's not completely logical that giving a huge injection on the first day of life is going to protect them over the long term." Partial transcription of clip: "My opinion is that the more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe that it's injected into newborn infants. And that, if you look at my scientific, endeavors, they have really shown me that by and large, nature on overall didn't make mistakes like this. That nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies. And that until babies are 6 months old, they're not actually a full coagulation, normal coagulation. So there's a reason. Just like babies are programmed to be anti-inflammatory, I believe that babies are programmed to not have, numerously higher levels of coagulation than adults. "Also if you look at the coagulation, supposed deficits that a baby has, it's not just the vitamin K factors. So I would suggest that you read a lot about it and consider, if you feel better about giving it, then only give the drops. But most people I know who understand the difference don't give any at all. And if you do give it, maybe it would just be if there was an extremely traumatic birth, but, you have to understand some of the things that medical interventions do at birth. For when the baby is born, what happens is it's a very tight passageway as we all know. And so the baby is squeezed very tightly. The brain I'm sorry. The cranium is made so that it can compact in on itself. The brain is squeezed. There's trauma all throughout the body. About 30 percent of babies will have micro hemorrhages from a normal delivery. "Now, afterwards, in most societies, that cord is clamped right away, which is a problem. Because you're not only leaving behind up to 40 percent of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or else where. Now, if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2,000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go? "When you have these vitamin K factors, those areas that bleed tend to clot, and it's a little harder to clear that out than if you just leave it that way. The concern is always the minority, this vastly small percentage of children, who can develop an intracranial hemorrhage and it can be problematic. So we're now treating everybody for this problem. So I think it's important to understand the full spectrum, before agreeing to the injection. And it should be your personal decision that you feel comfortable with after knowing what there is to be known about vitamin K, which I believe in the USA has been given since the 1970s, something like that. But before before that, we weren't giving it. The other thing is that if the baby's clotting is not full until 6 months of age, how long is your injection going to work for? So it's not completely logical that giving a huge injection on the first day of life is going to protect them over the long term."
Complete presentation.
Eric R. Weinstein’s “Great Replacement” by Johnny Vedmore
Eric R. Weinstein’s “Great Replacement” https://t.co/eTU0L1U0uC via @JohnnyVedmore
— St. Michael, the Archangel (@aveng_angel) October 5, 2024
"The Great Replacement" concept is not just used to intimidate or scare domestic populations, it is real and it is really being implemented. So don't dismiss the obvious fallout from this. It's designed to lower the standard of living wherever it is implemented. You're doubling the population in many cases so as to reduce the amount of goods once available to just the native population.
Vedmore explains,
Essentially the UN decided that the democratic voters of a nation-state would oppose unfettered economic migration, as we are experiencing today, and the folks at this globalist entity believed they knew better. To achieve their goals, the United Nations needed to subversively introduce this agenda in an undemocratic manner without gaining the consent of the native citizens of the democracies that they were to target. The man they chose to analyse and map out this scheme, which many refer to now as “The Great Replacement” was Eric R. Weinstein, who has since become a central figure in the “Intellectual Dark Web” whose members include Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, Jordan B. Peterson, Sam Harris, Douglas Murray, Joe Rogan, and Eric’s brother Bret Weinstein.
Vedmore's revelation is so valuable here. It's important to keep regular notes as to who the "Intellectual Dark Web" is. When I first heard Jordan Peterson, I thought he was fantastic and was really pursuing truths in service of working kids.
Ben Shapiro.
David Rubin.
Jordan B. Peterson.
Sam Harris [in my opinion, one of the more disgusting guys anywhere].
Douglas Murray.
Joe Rogan, and
Bret Weinstein.
In the context of "The Great Replacement," however, Eric Weinstein stands out as the prime culprit. He was employed by the UN, an exclusive hotbed of communist intellectuals.
Eric Weinstein was employed by the UN to produce a document entitled: "Migration for the Benefit of All: Towards a New Paradigm of Economic Immigration," Weinstein was aware of the damage which economic migration was to do to the native populations in places such as the United States and the United Kingdom. In one part of the document he produced for this nefarious United Nations agenda entitled, “Preference for migrants, undercutting of natives”, Weinstein wrote:
“When migrant and native workers of comparable value to an employer are asked to compete, it is to be expected that the employer will take the applicant who costs him/her less. If, however, the respective terms of employment of the native and the migrant workers differ considerably, the employer may develop a preference between otherwise equal candidates. If migrant workers are not permitted to seek alternative work in the host country, then their “company loyalty” is reduced to a matter of law and regulation. In such circumstances, employers know that they will not have to earn migrant worker loyalty with the expenditure of resources that would be needed in the case of native workers. Thus it is to be expected that in systems tethering migrant workers to their employer-sponsors, some migrants will out-compete natives of comparable or greater value simply by virtue of the terms of employment set by the MWP. Since this is precipitated by a rational market response on the part of native employers, this consequence must be seen as a natural, if unfortunate, by-product of direct migrant sponsorship.”
Asheville Rescue
goosebumps 🙏 https://t.co/4puXLGZj8V
— Polly St George is here. Accept no substitutes! (@FringeViews) October 5, 2024
DR. DANIEL NAGASE: spike proteins stop DNA repair and stop detection and destruction of tumors.
"This has never been seen before in human biology: a cancer that can spread between people. But that is essentially what has been created [with self-amplifying mRNA 'vaccines']...This is gain of function performed out in the open...."
— Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) October 5, 2024
E.R. Physician Dr. Daniel Nagase… pic.twitter.com/WUl9yCclkF
from Eureka: A Dose of Science, "First Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccine Approved in Japan,"
Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved the first self-amplifying mRNA vaccine against COVID at the end of November this year. The vaccine, developed by biotech companies CSL and Arcturus Therapeutics, can use a lower dose of vaccine since saRNA can replicate inside the patient's cells.
In clinical trials, when used as a booster, the vaccine created more antibodies that lasted for longer in the body than the usual mRNA vaccines.
Researchers are hopeful that this is only the beginning for saRNA treatments for infectious diseases and even cancers. Two different research groups are working out whether saRNA can be used to produce proteins in the body, among other applications. And since doses can be lowered, it is predicted that side effects would also be minimized - a boon for people who have strong reactions to the current COVID vaccines.
saRNA does have some drawbacks, including more complex manufacturing techniques. IT also has the potential to overstimulate immune-signaling pathways, which could block RNA replication and cancel out the vaccine's benefits. However, this first approval is an encouraging step for researchers who believe in this new technology.
For more information, head to Nature.
Japan's approval of this self-amplifying RNA vaccine is by itself an abomination, but the fac that the population resides in tight quarters makes this decision even more diabolical.
Following is a complete transcript of the above video.
Now that copy of the instructions by the replicon can invade other people through contact, and that is why it's so dangerous because now instead of just getting a cold, getting sick, snuffly, you know, runny nose, maybe a cough for about a week and then getting better, now all of a sudden, along with that respiratory virus because of this replicon photocopier, that respiratory virus now has the ability to make spike proteins on top of just the normal cold and flu symptoms. So now what do spike proteins do? Well, we know from the Cell Biology articles, published in 2022, that spike proteins stop DNA repair and stop detection and destruction of tumors. So the natural surveillance system and cancer prevention system you have in your body, where it fixes any errors in your own DNA, it catches tumors before you even notice them and then kills them before they turn into tumors, those systems are all degraded and sometimes completely impaired by spike proteins. And it was really interesting, the study from 2022 that was published in 2022, if the spike protein was the part of a viral capsid, that is the spike protein was attached to a virus shell, it didn't cause DNA damage. But if the spike protein was alone free floating not attached to any shell, that's when it caused the damage to DNA repair and tumor surveillance. So spike proteins are cancerous. So now people are going to be catching spike protein instructions from the air, from contact with people who took the replicon injection.
2:02. O, my God.
So this has never been seen before in human biology, a cancer that can spread between people. But that is essentially what has been created. It's a gain of function in experiment. It's only a matter of time that once you have enough people with enough replicons, eventually, one of them will get another RNA virus in their body whether it's an alphavirus from a mosquito or a coronavirus from someone else who was sick. And as soon as there's another piece of RNA in that person's body at the same time the replicon is in the body, the replicon can do recombination. And recombination is when you take two different genes and you put them together into one big gene. That's been known for 25 years. One of the first articles was a review article that I posted on Twitter, on Japanese Twitter, and it said replicons were a revolution in genetic engineering because they have fast recombination. They can combine genes from different species faster than anything that we know of. This is gain of function performed out in the open on the Japanese public just waiting for that right accidental combination between spike protein gene and airborne virus.
Complete interview.