Tuesday, September 17, 2024

EAT THE SUN: My father is 75 years old. We both began eating low carb about 7 yrs ago. Both of us lost nearly 18% of our total body fat in the first year and we have kept it off.

My father is 75 years old. We both began eating low carb about 7 yrs ago. Both of us lost nearly 18% of our total body fat in the first year and we have kept it off. My pops still: - mows his own yard - laid his own paver wall for his landscaping beds. - rides his bike to the grocery store - runs around with the grandkids - launches his boat by himself - does moderate exercise a few days per week. - he is on zero medications. Up until 68yrs old, he struggled with anxiety. He was tired a lot and always felt like he was sick from “something”. Now, he’s flourishing. His only regret was not finding out about low carb lifestyle sooner.

This is 75! 

UPDATE: Sky News Arabia reports that Mossad allegedly planted PETN on the pager batteries, detonating them by increasing the temperature

HOW DID MOSSAD SIMULTANEOUSLY BLOW UP 4,000 HEZBOLLAH PAGERS? The pagers were imported five months ago and contained up to 20 grams of explosives. Sky News Arabia reports that Mossad allegedly planted PETN, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, on the pager batteries, detonating them by increasing the temperature.


IGOR is the name of the cheese, which is a milder Provolone.  In fact, Whole Foods describes it as a "Mini Provolone Dolce," a sweet little provolone.  It was good.  No complaints.  This cheese was a product of Italy.  That good or bad?  Depends on the manufacturer, but I've heard propaganda that the quality of produce in Italy is excellent.  My one and only abiding concern about any cheese is the rennet, whether its made of a vegetarian Merck product or animal based from the farm.  Fewer than 5% of cheeses will ever identify as animal rennet.  Does that assume that the rennet is vegetable based?  Probably.  The cheese was $18.99/lb. I paid $6.46 for it so I got a 1/3lb. 

Well, I ordered this meatloaf thinking it was made of beef.  It was made of turkey.  I just didn't catch it.   It looked like the traditional beef meatloaf.  The price wasn't listed so I was arguing with a recently immigrated middle-aged woman from God knows where who had no sense of customer service.  She barely had a sense of her own incompetence.  She said she didn't know the price.  I asked don't you have a list of prices?  Looking at me knowingly, she said she'd have to weigh it to find out what the price was.  I said no.  I said what's the price per pound? She said she didn't know.  I said don't you have a list of prices on the items in your display case?  And then she finally understood.  The work an older man has to do nowadays just to get a lunch.  So she looks for it.  She finds it.  She quotes me a price.  $11.99/lb.  I ordered half a pound.  She was afraid she was going to have to cut the displayed slices to accommodate my 1/2 lb request.  Turns out that each slice is approximately a half pound.  She didn't know that.  Then I see the tag.  A tag is generated and attached only to completed orders.  So I got 0.51 lbs for a price of $6.11.  But I didn't get beef.  When did Whole Foods start selling turkey meatloaf?  Who eats turkey meatloaf?  It has wheat in it, and I got a mild allergic reaction; that combined with the sugar probably caused that reaction.  It is like a parlor trick nowadays ordering food.  You're looking for the dangerous seed oil, only to be delighted by their absence only to realize you're still going to get sick from the sugar and grains.  It's fun.  : - /

The one good find I saw here at Whole Foods was their rotisserie chickens.  The price of their chickens is $8.99 for a whole chicken.  The ingredients list was simple--chicken, seasoning, and one other item.  No word of Canola Oil anywhere.  But I can't tell that if that's a good sign or a deliberate, marketing omission to skirt around the popular concerns about seed oils.  King Soopers 8-piece baked [but loaded with a lot of unhealthy seasoning, including Canola Oil] costs $9.99.  So Whole Foods is $1 cheaper.  
How does a store that specializes in organic foods be this bad? This store has a 3-star review on Yelp.  Not good.  Not good for a high-end grocery store.  

POLLY ST GEORGE: Ditch your smartphone / exploding pager device

ARMSTRONG: the model forecasts that Trump should win. I do not see how the Neocons would allow a Trump victory to occur

I have said historically that the LEFT is always the most violent because the foundation of what they preach is that they are the victims of the rich. Vance actually made this point.
"The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months,” Vance said. “And two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.”  --Martin Armstrong

In fact, from the outset, [the Neocons] directed American foreign policy to sanction even Western companies that made pipe for all of the Russian pipelines to Europe since 1960. This has been going on for 72 years. The origin of the Neocons was actually inside the Democratic Party. They wanted the totalitarian power that Marxism created, but they were not fond of the economic equality positions. Thus they became the “conservatives” inside the Democratic Party – not the Republicans. Yet ever since, they have gathered Republicans to support their causes as well and that is typically waging war and their main goal is always Regime Change. Today, they have become an unelected silent third party that infiltrates the current administration to gain their objectives.



COMMENT: Well, based on the last 2 screenshots you posted of you asking Socrates about what if Kamala wins and then this one, it appears that even though Socrates projects a Trump / Republican win in 2024, THEY will not allow that due to what Socrates says in both posts . . . a Dow high in 2024 and a 2-year decline + a 20% – 44% decline in the DOW if Harris “wins.”
Oh crap!  Chaz

REPLY: I have always sought to differentiate my personal opinion from that of the computer. I have shown the model forecast that 4 out of 6 show that Trump should win. I have expressed my opinion that I do not see how the Neocons would allow Trump to occur. I was in a meeting in Berlin in May after the WEC in London. I stated there that I personally believed that they would try to assassinate Trump. They thought I was a little out there on that one. I explained that was my opinion because the computer overwhelmingly points to a Republican victory. The 2020 projection was 50/50 so I reported it would be a tight race.

I have said historically that the LEFT is always the most violent because the foundation of what they preach is that they are the victims of the rich. Vance actually made this point.

"The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months,” Vance said. “And two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.”

He added, “I’d say that’s pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric and needs to cut this crap out. Somebody’s gonna get hurt by it, and it’s gonna destroy this country.”

Look, I just know these Neocons. They will keep trying to start World War III and/or kill Trump. There is way too much at stake for them here. I think you are going to read in the future that this was a major black-ops conspiracy. They have spent their whole lives hating Russians. I cannot see them quietly fading into the sunset. Let’s see. If they kill Trump or start World War III before January, then he wins, but they have trapped his agenda into war.