Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Enders was trying to infect monkeys.  

Lies and Obstruction: Indefensible Air Defenses on 9/11, Kevin Ryan, September 8, 2024

Why were none of the 4 hijacked planes intercepted?  Understanding the answer to this question calls for understanding the different conflicting accounts given the organizations, the people, and the protocols that were in place to defend the skies over North America. 

Flights that were hijacked: Graphic that shows the flight paths of the 4 planes as given by the official accounts.  All four were set to take off around 8am on September 11, 2001.  The two planes that hit the World Trade Center were American Airlines Flight 11, and United Airlines, Flight 175, both with a Boeing 767 aircraft.  American 11 is the red line at the top here, United 175 is the dark red line below it. 


We're going to analyze the movie, Prestige, 2006, by my favorite filmmaker of all time and storyteller, Christopher Nolan.  Unbelievable how many layers there are in Prestige, and it's all about magic.  It's all about stagecraft.  It's all about consent.  So today, on 9/11, we're going to mix the willing suspension of disbelief, stagecraft, magic, and what real magic is, what true magic is.  What magic isn't truly disappointing.  

Act I, The Pledge; Act II, The Turn; Act III, The Prestige.

We'll take a look at David Copperfield when he made the Statue of Liberty disappear exactly 18 years before the Twin Towers demolition in April 1983.  Prestige, of course, is based around . . . no one is legit?  Beyond.  He's doing it on so many levels.  He's speaking to a behavior, a frequency of understanding, like the best in the business.  He speaks to the smart boys who see more layers to it.  And then he speaks to other craftsmen.  It's not going to be about how Tesla was really his assistant.  In the end, the whole movie does a magic trick on you, and I can prove it.  And it has to be honest, engineered meticulously for it to work, same with 9/11.  What a wonderful day, and my post office box was empty today.  Epic gravy this week.  On Monday, we examined Amadeus to love God, the gamma Salieri, and Mozart, and we took a deeper look at what and whom the threats were coming from and what genius actually means.  

It's Icarus.  It's Nimrod.  It's Lucifer.  It's the same story.

CARNIVORE AURELIUS: Why is nobody talking about how just 125 - 300mg of magnesium per meal reversed depression in just 7 DAYS? Magnesium deficiency causes neuronal damage that can manifest as depression and over 50% of people are deficient.

PAT BUCHANAN: you're going to see the west and its peoples shrink in world population. all of them will be predominantly folks from the third world. and the idea they're going to preserve western culture and civilization is really putting hope over experience