Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PAT BUCHANAN: you're going to see the west and its peoples shrink in world population. all of them will be predominantly folks from the third world. and the idea they're going to preserve western culture and civilization is really putting hope over experience

NY FIREMEN WHO DIED ON 9/11. This gets harder to watch in light of the enormity of the crime to conceal the crime and the criminals

I see lots of memes that say, "Never Forget" laid over the image of the Twin Towers along with Building 7.  But people have already forgotten, have already forgotten the details of the event.  Do you know who was killed that day in that attack?  Do you know who committed the attacks?  Do you know the extent of the crimes?  Do you know the extent of the cover-up?  No on all accounts, and in this way you're already forgetting.  Heck, the CIA loves to clever tags in the media for you to remember but to do nothing about it.  9/11.  Easy to remember.  Who can forget that?  Lee Harvey Oswald?  Again, that 3-named assassin, or patsy, who can for J F K or Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, or Martin Luther King?  Who can forget Sirhan, Sirhan?  Clever little phrases, numbers, and slogans to remember for a lifetime.  But what do you know about the details?  If it's nothing, then you've already begun to forget.  

Follow Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, and 

Architect Reveals Latest Bombshell 9/11 Revelations!

NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, was tasked by Congress to explain these collapses to the American people.  They said "Office fires brought the buildings down," so they re-engineered this controlled demolition to look in their report that came out 7 years after 9/11, they re-engineered it to make the demolition look like a collapse to the engineering community and the public.  People haven't asked many questions about it, because it's 1,000 pages long.  

RUDKOWSKI: Well, I did.  I asked Larry Silverstein a lot of very serious questions. Silverstein bought the buildings beforehand.  He got a very special insurance policy on it and then doubled his money after claiming it was two separate incidents that he should have gotten paid for.  He did get paid for it, and he's still running around.  He's one of the biggest landowners in all of New York City, one of the most powerful, richest people in the world and I've had like 5 conversations with him.  Every time it didn't really go swimmingly.  Silverstein is literally known for "pulling the building."  The BBC also reported the collapse before Building 7 came down  

RICHARD GAGE_911: This image only makes sense if . . . the World Trade Center engineers were high on LSD when they constructed the buildings, or, explosives were used to completely demolish these steel-framed, fireproofed buildings from the top down.

[RG911Team] Zoom into this hi-res photo from 9/11 and tell us what you see. This image only makes sense if: -The 110-story Twin Towers were made of toothpicks. -Every structural connection was held together by duct tape. -The NYC building code is so lax that a preschooler could get their design approved. -The World Trade Center engineers were high on LSD when they constructed the buildings. -Building developers are immune from liability for creating skyscrapers out of Jenga sets.

… or, explosives were used to completely demolish these steel-framed, fireproofed buildings from the top down. 

16:20  If you're in the educational system at all, you know there's an entire industry based on training and methods, and there's a large amount of money that goes into people developing whatever new, Kagan, whatever new disciplinary educational strategies are going to do everything.  And these things are always promised to fix the promise specifically, now, of course, the most important problem they can fix is the gap between minority students and other populations.  That's supposed to be the thing that they're always selling.  Over and over, these methods are failures, that actually the oldest methods, things like direct instruction, are actually the most effective method.

41:00  Richard de Juvenel's Sovereignty: An Inquiry into the Political Good, 1998.  

Leaders had to invoke a divine right because people had a problem understanding the authority without a connection to the metaphysical.  It just didn't make sense, and it still doesn't.  People still operate in our background, like we're still deeply religious and spiritual creatures.  No matter how you feel about that particular software program, it continues to run.  And so we end up in a scenario where people who go in and try to make highly rational decisions on a regular basis in politics lose, and they can't figure out why.  Political commentators need to spend more time at WalMart,