Saturday, September 7, 2024

KEVIN RYAN: 9/11 Commission Report (911CR) was written by a professional myth-maker, Phillip Zelikow, who was also a Bush Administration insider. Oddly enough, the outline for the report was written by Zelikow and his colleague Ernest May even before the investigation began.

Since September 11, 2001, the United States has initiated a number of wars in Muslim countries. These wars, which would be more correctly called massacres, have resulted in the deaths of countless innocent Muslims.  In some cases, attempts have been made to present these aggressions in the guise of humanitarian efforts to promote democracy.  But the limited public support for U.S. military action around the world goes back to the U.S. government claim that Muslims were responsible for 9/11. This claim is untrue and it is past time for people to recognize that fact.

There are many ways to see that Muslims were not responsible for 9/11.  Author David Ray Griffin has previously made arguments in this regard.[1]  As time goes on, however, more facts lead people to realize that claims of Muslim responsibility for terrorism in the U.S. should be highly suspect. These facts include that the October 2001 anthrax attacks were blamed on Muslims only to be later traced to a U.S. military facility and to non-Muslim, U.S. scientists.  Moreover, a number of FBI-planned acts of terrorism since 2001 have been falsely attributed to young Muslims who were victims of appalling acts of entrapment by the FBI.[2]

According to the official account of 9/11, nineteen young Arab Muslims were responsible for the entirety of the mass murder that day. The FBI accused these young men within 72 hours of the attacks and, although the list changed slightly at first, it has remained the same since shortly after the attacks.  To support the accusations, U.S. authorities pointed to passports that were found under implausible circumstances, luggage containing unbelievably convenient documents, and other dubious evidence.

In October 2001, reporter Seymour Hersh wrote —

“Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists’ identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, ‘Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the F.B.I. to chase.’”[3]

Years later, the 9/11 Commission Report (911CR) was written by a professional myth-maker, Phillip Zelikow, who was also a Bush Administration insider.  Oddly enough, the outline for the report was written by Zelikow and his colleague Ernest May even before the investigation began.  It is now widely accepted that the 9/11 Commission and the FBI did very poorly in terms of investigating most aspects of the attacks. In just one example, the FBI never even interviewed the people suspected of engaging in 9/11 insider trading.[4] 

Despite the poor quality of the investigation, the 911CR used inflammatory language which focused on Muslims as “the enemy.”  The Commission told us that “the enemy rallies broad support in the Arab and Muslim world by demanding redress of political grievances, but its hostility toward us and our values is limitless.”  The Commission was being false and misleading when it made these statements, however, as the evidence shows that 9/11 was not a Muslim crime.

Muslims do not Murder Innocent People

The most obvious reason that the Commission was off-track is that Muslims do not murder innocent people.  Some people find this statement outrageous.  Of course Muslims murder innocent people, they say, that’s what al Qaeda does.

The problem is that, as a society, many of us have been trained to accept religion as a noncommittal affiliation or label.  For example, many of the current U.S. leaders have engaged in mass murder around the world over the last ten years yet they still call themselves Christians.  Anyone can see that they are not. Those who truly believe in God live by the laws of the religion they proclaim and Christians do not engage in wars of aggression or the torture and killing of other human beings.

The word “Muslim” is Arabic and literally means “one who submits (to God).”  But Webster’s Dictionary defines a “Muslim” as an adherent to Islam.  Being an adherent of Islam means to follow the teachings of the Holy Qu’ran.  And according to the Qur’an, one of the greatest sins is to kill a human being who has committed no fault:

Great read.  Keep reading . . . .

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: other oral polio vaccines do which is once you put them in somebody's gut, they can mutate, and the longer they're in there replicating, the more likely it is that they can mutate and become something more virulent and spread

It is a novel oral polio vaccine.  It's a genetically modified, oral polio vaccine that was developed and first listed by the World Health Organization, W.H.O., in the year 2020.  It is unlike any other polio vaccine that's been given before because they have basically genetically modified it, so that it hopefully, and not definitely, but hopefully will not do what the other oral polio vaccines do which is once you put them in somebody's gut, they can mutate, and the longer they're in there replicating, the more likely it is that they can mutate and become something more virulent and spread to somebody else, which is exactly what happened here because this boy, 10-month old boy has a partially paralyzed limb and has been deemed to have poliomyelitis has been diagnosed with a circulating oral polio vaccine-derived virus infection.  That's what they're saying, and the biggest news is that the boy who started this media campaign, I should say, was infected by a virus from a vaccine and not from a wild poliovirus, so it's unique in a lot of ways not to mention the fact that there are hundreds of cases of this Type 2 viral sourced polio infecting people worldwide, including London, the USA, Type 2, just like this boy has, London, USA, Egypt, Congo, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique.  Go to the World Health Organization website and you can see it for yourself.  Yet interestingly, we're going to stop a war that had absolutely no regard for children whatsoever.  Israel is all of a sudden humanitarian and it's going to stop a war, what, because the UN and the WHO asked them to, so they can go in and save all these children that have been potentially infected by a vaccine-derived poliovirus by giving them a new genetically modified oral polio vaccine that has never been fully tested, that is released on Emergency Use . . .

Find the complete interview here.

OWEN BENJAMIN: Any business or venue in debt to a bank is controlled and has to do what the banks say. So the next step is finding platforms that will let you on or build your own platform.

This happened to me 5 years ago. Private companies can do this. I legally fought it with Patreon when I was kicked off for that. After 50k in legal fees, I learned that this is legal in America to do.
So the next step is finding platforms that will let you on or build your own platform. Which I’ve done. Same with venues. Any business or venue in debt to a bank is controlled and has to do what the banks say.
So the solution is to have your own land or venue without debt. You can call to action your listeners to chip in. Which is what I’ve done successfully.
Their next move is a slander campaign in media to claim you’re an evil terrible thief. You have to resist that and live as clean and honorable as you can. And just accept that people will leave you because of the slander. It hurts but it happens.
People close to you will be given offers to betray you and slander. This will happen. All it does is reveal who was always going to betray you.
I’m way way way down the chess game at this point. I know your instinct is just to feel like the world is unfair and to complain about it for sympathy. But that doesn’t actually do anything.
This road gets real biblical real quick. And it’s very hard.
If you wanna just stay comfortable and easy. You can do that. Just do your best with whatever you choose.  

Hope that helps!