Sunday, July 7, 2024

THEODORE POSTOL: Right now, what [Russian forces] are doing is minimizing their casualties while they are destroying Ukrainian forces at the rate of nearly 2,000 casualties a day

"Right now, what [Russian forces] are doing is minimizing their casualties while they are destroying Ukrainian forces at the rate of nearly 2,000 casualties a day . . . We have lost already." Professor of Science, Technology, and National Security Policy in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT Theodore Postol describes in an episode of Breaking Points how Ukraine is taking 2,000 casualties *per day* in the ongoing war with Russia. Postol notes that "the American press is not covering this" and that Ukraine and its alleys have "lost [the war] already." Transcription of the clip:
"We have just stuck our thumb in the eyes of the Russians at every opportunity, and this is not good diplomacy. We have this war. We want to win the war." Incidentally, we're not winning it. We are losing it catastrophically, and the American press is not covering this. Right now, the Russians could end this war in weeks if they chose to take the casualties. Right now, what they are doing is minimizing their casualties while they are destroying Ukrainian forces at the rate of nearly 2,000 casualties a day. That's like, 40,000, 45,000 casualties a month. "That is the strategy of the Russians at this time. That's why we're not seeing great gains in territory, because their strategy is destroy the Ukrainian army. And then when the army is sufficiently depleted, then sweep in and take over everything. They have 300,000 troops, fully armed, fully trained, and fully equipped, not... involved in the fighting at this point, that they can call in anytime they choose. The problem they have, or if you wanna call it a problem, is they don't want to take the extra casualties associated with a big offensive action against the capable army. "So [the] first part of their strategy is to destroy the capability of the army they're facing and then unleash the backup forces, the reserve forces on the remaining army. This is a bad situation, and the American press has not reported it accurately. I follow this every day. There's a lot of international coverage of this from organizations that every time you check what has what they said and what has actually been verified, they're accurate. So it's not it's clear to me that we accurate picture of the situation in Ukraine. We have lost already."

Chef Mikie mocks the health food craze. Hilarious

ChefMikie_ is your host. 

What would life be like if you were not in the Bill Gates dystopian control grid? The Amish are a living example of this. They don't use technology. They use very few pharmaceuticals. They grow and eat their own food. Their kids go to their own homeschool systems. They stay within their own church.

Jose Vega takes down Matt Pottinger

Learn more about Jose Vega.  And learn more about Warhawk, Matt Pottinger, member of the Hoover Institute, an organization that I like thanks to Thomas Sowell and his frequent interviewer,