Friday, July 5, 2024

It's OK

Thank you to Christiane Northrup.

This is a tear-jerker.

The word abortion cannot be found on the Wistar Institute's website.  Huh.  

Fetal Cell Line, Wi-38, comes from a Swedish woman in 1963.  
WI-38 is a diploid human cell line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation female fetus. The fetus came from the elective abortion of a Swedish woman in 1963. The cell line was isolated by Leonard Hayflick the same year, and has been used extensively in scientific research, with applications ranging from developing important theories in molecular biology and aging to the production of most human virus vaccines. The uses of this cell line in human virus vaccine production is estimated to have saved the lives of millions of people. 

MRC-5, five because it took 5 babies.

HEK 293 was isolated from a female fetus, named Joanna, in the 1970s.  HEK, Human Embryonic Kidney.  But the baby used for this was NOT an embryo; she was 3 months gestation.  Nobody knows how many babies it took for HEK 293, but there were 293 experiments, so that's a lot of babies AND NO PAIN MEDICATION.  That would ruin the cells.  

2:56  Jordan.  They used his cell line to help with the COVID-19 vaccines as well, PER.C6.  Wikipedia explains that,

Several of the vaccines in use or advanced development for COVID-19 use the cell lines HEK-293 or PER.C6 for production. In other cases, notably the vaccines made by PfizerSputnik-V and Moderna, HEK-293 was used during the testing phase. PER.C6, a retinal cell line that was isolated from an aborted fetus in 1985 was used by Janssen in development of COVID-19 Vaccine. 

"They took my eyes."

I'm Bo.  In 2015, China tried something new for me and 8 other babies.  It's called "Water Bag Abortion."  To keep us alive as long as possible so that the organs will be fresh.  My lung made the Walvax-2 cell line, which was "derived from the lung tissue of a 3-month-old fetus."  I'm not going to be the last one though.  There's going to be more after me and me and me and me . . . . 

Acclaimed doctor, Ian Donald, the pioneer of the ultrasound scanner, claims to have witnessed the WI-38 dissections conducted at the Karolinska Institute.

Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded safe anesthetic as a rise and cried in agony and when they're usefulness had expired they were executed and discarded as garbage


Ellie, 1962

David, 1966

Joanna, 1972

Jordan, 1985

Bo, 2015

EL CAJON MAYOR, BILL WELLS: if you're an illegal alien, you can get free college tuition and even 20% down on a house. These are things that American citizens are not getting.

Dr. Bill Wells is the current mayor of El Cajon, CA.  Give a listen to the freebies and their cost to city residents is for funding the adventures of illegal migrants.

*  Since October, he's had over 250,000 migrant drop-offs in San Diego.

*  The County of San Diego already spent $6 million on a migrant welcome center.  He says he's not sure why they need that  

*  They've just allocated an additional $19 million for the migrant center.  


*  Everybody that comes across, whether they're a citizen or not, is entitled to full healthcare; that includes sex change operations, an expense for the whole family. 

*  People that come over with kids are put up in hotels.  Those hotels cost $8,000 to $10,000 a month, and that's paid for by the city.

These are expensive things.  Now there's a bill in California that says if you're an illegal alien, you can get free college tuition and even . . . 

*  20% down on a house.  These are things that American citizens are not getting.  

CHASE HUGHES: How to Keep Ego in Check During Disagreements

It's important not to let your ego play into anything.  So if someone starts saying something, agree with it and be like, "Well, that very well could be true. I didn't know I was going to get cross-examined, but I think that very well could be true."  

But I want you to give those positive body gestures, those big open arms, those gestures that are like bringing someone into you, these gestures that are like pulling someone into you, big open arms.  All of those gestures, the moment that person decides to correct their action so they get more of your attention and they get more of this open body language where you're talking to each other.  I'm immediately shifting.  The moment that the behavior is corrected, the moment a punishment begins, it should not last more than a quarter of a second.  The moment it's over with, there's instantaneous release of anything that's negative there.  There's no emotional decay; there's no emotional half life that needs to spend itself off over time.

MANOOKIAN: So [Pamela Petroff] was treated as a pariah because she committed the sins of being a Trump-loving Christian person who didn't wanna take the vaccine for medical . . . and religious reasons

The same legal team that won the huge case in the Ninth Circuit against LAUSD's C19 injection mandate also won a big settlement against Disney's injection mandate🔥🔥🔥🔥
Now this just on its own is huge news because Disney does not settle with employees. It just...has a kind of... company policy, under which it does not settle with employees. It fights, because it can do no wrong and because it says it's visionary and, you know... it's a do-good company and all these kinds of things that expresses its vision in all sorts of ways. Right? And the truth is that internally, they are, trampling the rights of their employees, treating them like they're disposable, and as though they are, you know, irrelevant. --Leslie Manookian

The same legal team that won the huge case in the Ninth Circuit against LAUSD's C19 injection mandate also won a big settlement against Disney's injection mandate🔥🔥🔥🔥 Writer, filmmaker, former Wall St. business executive, and President of the Health Freedom Defense Fund (@theHFDF) Leslie Manookian (@LeslieManookian) describes for Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts during a recent episode of the @ChildrensHD series Financial Rebellion how her team not only won in the Ninth Circuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District's COVID-injection mandate, but also managed to get a settlement for a Disney employee who was treated "like a pariah" when she requested an exemption from the company's COVID-injection mandate.

Some key parts of the clip transcribed:

Manookian: "Now this just on its own is huge news because Disney does not settle with employees. It just...has a kind of... company policy, under which it does not settle with employees. It fights, because it can do no wrong and because it says it's visionary and, you know... it's a do-good company and all these kinds of things that express its vision in all sorts of ways. Right? And the truth is that internally, they are, trampling the rights of their employees, treating them like they're disposable, and as though they are, you know, irrelevant. And that's what happened to Pamela Petroff, who is this young woman, a receptionist on 20th-century television animation." Manookian: "When [Disney's COVID-injection] mandate came out... I think it was March, February, or March of 2022... This is after after the summer of 2021 when the CDC said the shots don't stop transmission or infection. Why in the world would they be doing this? It's insane, right? It's just irrational. And so they issue this mandate, and then they tell [Petroff] they're gonna fire her. And she says, you know, I have an immune condition, and...I also have... a medical exemption request and a religious exemption request. And from that moment forward, she was treated like a pariah. She was harassed by her supervisors. I mean, one of them even went on to social media and started talking about how you should cut out anyone who supports Trump, anyone who's a Christian, or anyone who's a Republican from your life. Literally, she just destroyed them. So she was treated as a pariah because she committed the sins of being a Trump-loving Christian person who didn't wanna take the vaccine for medical reasons and religious reasons. And, she filed these accommodations, and they internally discussed how they knew that they could accommodate her and that they had to accommodate her, but they lied to her and told her that they could not. And from what I understand, this wasn't an isolated case."

4:15, CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS, So if it goes to trial, all this information goes public, right?

4:21, MANOOKIAN. All of it. I wish the case could have gone to trial. I truly wish that but there are other considerations such as "How broad sweeping was their policy, were they singling her out, and in some ways they were to some extent because there were exemptions that they did honor in other shows and also you know how much can she endure because it's not easy folks it's really hard to go through this I think she's she's in her late twenties this was a huge wake up for her about what Corporate America is really like or whether or not . . . . I mean she dreamed her whole life of being a Disney Employee she was really into dancing and acting and all these things and singing.  This was her dream come true to get this job and then she was going to work her way up and then so it was very hard for her to get to the point where is she just said I can't take this anymore but that's a good segue to one of our other cases which is Nike.

Chase Hughes on Entrepreneurship

I would write your goals in a Sharpie marker so that you can never back down from them.  --Chase Hughes
Definitely get an accountability partner who is going to call you out on BS when you try to lie your way out of not achieving a goal.  --Chase Hughes
I didn't like Chase's assessments of people's motivations or how to read behavior.  

His point about military personnel getting ready to leave and they write a resume, Chase says you're going to use it.  So he says don't write that resume.  Because your experience and mindset in the military, where every decision requires permission, is like a huge governor flip switch on your brain, problem-solving, and workarounds.  That was insightful.  

Instead, go out and develop salesmanship, and confidence in building and selling a product.  

SMEAC?  WWII procedure on how orders come down from the brass to the troops.  Chase says to not discount what you picked up in the military.  He got connected to a lot of people who knew how to do marketing and email campaigns, how to run a Facebook group and that kind of promotion.  If you know how to find people with recipes, then you'll never have to cook.  

34:28  Your mindset is more valuable than anything else.  The way that you think, and the way that you see the world should be your #1 investment, above stocks, above Bitcoin, above real estate investing, it should be 100% investing in things that change your mindset and get a better mindset.  Anybody that's smart enough to be an entrepreneur would take the mindset over the 3 Ferraris.  Mindset is so much more valuable. 

36:05  Money psychology is the 2nd part of that mindset.  "Do I deserve to earn X number of dollars?"  If you view rich people as scam artists or douchebags, what will you become when you earn your wealth?  And that's holding us back so much, just saying "it's okay for me to charge X number of dollars," or "it's okay for me to make money and getting okay with that to the point where if you've got a little place where you keep goals, even if you open up the inside of your closet door and write them on the inside of that, I would write your goals in a Sharpie marker so that you can never back down from them.

37:40 People who had an accountability partner that they spoke to weekly had a 95% of achieving their versus someone with no accountability partner.  The concept of Accountability Partner is built into the military.  So used to having someone like that who is going to "check you" and say, "Hey, man, you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing."  Definitely get an accountability partner who is going to call you out on BS when you try to lie your way out of not achieving a goal.