Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hans-Hermann Hoppe on the 10 Commandments, Libertarians, and lasting peace

PETER ST ONGE: So the Deep state is effectively passing 98.8% of our laws numbering roughly 11 per day

The Supreme Court just gutted the administrative state, the unelected deep-staters who have usurped the will of the people and left us with a rabid, mutant federal government no sane voter ever wanted.  Last Friday, the Supreme Court released a ruling Loper Bright vs. Raimondo that dethroned the so-called Chevron deference, a legal doctrine that for 40 years effectively forced judges to assume that government bureaucrats have whatever authority they want.  Since the 1970s, Chevron had become a keystone of the Administrative State cited by 70 subsequent Supreme Court decisions and over 17,000 rulings in lower courts.  Now it is gone.  The ruling itself involves a fishing boat that was forced to pay for regulator ride-alongs at a cost of $700 per day which would have bankrupted them.  So they sued, saying the agency did not have Congressional Authority; they just made up the rule.  The court agreed.  The larger issue is whether Congress makes law or do unelected bureaucrats make law?  This ruling says Congress makes laws, as it says in the Constitution.  The New York Times was positively horrified, mourning that the ruling "transfers power from the Executive branch to Congress."  In other words, it transfers powers from the unelected bureaucrats to the elected politicians, who actually have to answer to voters.  This matters because Federal bureaucrats currently spawn roughly 4,000 rules per year, which all have the force of law, compared to 50 actual substantive laws passed by Congress every year.  So the Deep state is effectively passing 98.8% of our laws numbering roughly 11 per day.  This is partly because the vast majority of rules are unpopular and would never be able to pass Congress.  So try running for election banning gas stoves or raising the gasoline tax, and see how far you get.  It's much easier to pass the buck to some bureaucratic Rando who cannot get fired.  The Loper ruling will lead to hundreds or possibly thousands of challenges to rules that were made without Congressional authority which is roughly all of the rules.  These range from environmental mandates and diversity to OSHA and the SEC, and they include the more totalitarian parts of the deep state.  For example, the COVID era tyranny never could have happened without Chevron deference.  No 6 ft distancing, no bans on going to church, no vax mandates, leaving your loved ones to die alone, none of those would ever have been passed by Congress.  All are now illegal.  Same for self-defense and the Second Amendment, where Rogue bureaucrats have banned bump stocks or directed banks to effectively close down gun shops again without Congressional authority.  And, of course, the border where Congress has famously passed nothing the entire open borders, human trafficking industrial complex is made of rules the administrative state made up.  In short, Loper reins in the rogue bureaucrats, who are currently running our country into the ground.  We've already seen fruits.  Two weeks ago, the Supremes struck the ban on bump stocks, and last week saw a separate case where the Supremes ruled the SEC cannot use its own in-house tribunal to impose fines which seems obvious given courts are supposed to be impartial but that was Chevron deference for you.  As for the economy, reining in the totalitarian administrative state means less crony regulation, less more jobs, more growth hiring, incomes, and less inflation.  It will take time for Loper to clear out the overgrowth clogging our economy, but the healing has begun. 

And we've spoken several times before about NATO's continued escalation in this Ukrainian proxy war, and we appear to have reached new dangerous levels.  So after the US began sending these long-range missiles and green lighting the targeting of Russian territory, the Russians seem to have looked for ways to begin to retaliate.  So they're sending their warships to Cuba to send the signal with their nuclear weapons drill.  And now, they are announcing that they're going to ship weapons to any state in conflict with the West, much like the West is doing in Ukraine.  Then we see this attack on beach goers in Crimea with this American attack Ms and cluster munitions warheads. What I hear now from Moscow is there's massive pressure building up to effectively say, "No more."  And seeking to restore deterrence by looking at ways to retaliate.

How do you read the situation in terms of what happened in Crimea?  How serious is this, and instead of calming things down the United States seems to be on the verge of greenlighting contractors to go into Ukraine as well.  Where do you see all of this heading?

1:35, MACGREGOR.  A few fronts first is a decision by the attackers was always a bad one because they have a range of probably a hundred eighty miles or more depending on the Target and what occurred Crimea was total of five missiles were fired could have been four maybe but I think it was five all but one missile was shot down which tells you something about the quality Russian Aaron missile defense it's pretty substantial but the last missile instead of being shot down seems to have been damaged and effectively knocked off course so that is Warhead exploded over the Black Sea and near the beach that you were talking about now the cluster Munitions that were inside were not ignited or detonated for some reason they fell harmlessly to the ground so something interrupted the missile something disrupted the mechanics of the Warhead and even though people were killed and injured we could be very grateful that those cluster Munitions those little bomblets did not detonate because they are very lethal and they would have done infinitely more damage than we witnessed so I guess the point is it was not intentional to do the damage that was done two people on the beach in Crimea however the damage was done one way or the other and it doesn't make a great deal of difference to you if you're Russian if you were killed by a bomblet that explodes or doesn't.  The bomblet is a bomblet that came from the United States. 

JOHN BEAUDOIN: If pharma is indicted without any CDC FDA NIH indictments, then you know that the plan is to sacrifice pharma while the deep state WOP remains safely in place.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

DAVID KURTEN: Obviously you had Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, who were Russian, being bombed by neo-Nazis attached to the Zelensky regime for 8 years . . .

His name is David Kurten, the Heritage Party Leader out of Sussex.  The moderator is Iain Dale.

I've spoken about this at length many times over the last 2 years and you can't take what's happened in the last two years in isolation.  This comes on the back of what the West did, the CIA and Victoria Nuland, particularly, ousting a democratically elected president in 2014 Yanokovic because he decided he didn't want to join NATO and he didn't want to join the EU, which is their right.  What the West has done, the collective West, has put in a puppet in Poreshenko and then another puppet in Zelensky and we've encouraged him to . . . 

DALE.  Zelensky won an election . . . 

KURTEN.  He won an election in 2019 on the basis of peace with Russia he did a bait and switch at the behest of the deep state in the West who basically control him.

DALE.  Wow, you really sort of have the Putin propaganda, haven't you?

KURTEN.  It's not Putin's propaganda.  It's actually reality, and it's what I'm talking about.

DALE.  It's a very strange reality.

KURTEN.  It is reality you interrupted me there so let me just finish and continue so there was absolutely no need for the West to get involved in this on either side.  We should have been trying to de-escalate from the beginning in February 22 . . . 

So we should have just sat back and let Russia invade a sovereign country?

There was a peace deal in April 2022 that Putin and Zelensky worked out in Turkey with Erdogan.  Boris Johnson went to Zelensky just after that, and the next thing we know, Zelensky said "No, we're not going to make . . . ."

IAIN DALE.  This is pure Putin propaganda.

No, it's not [propaganda].  It's actually what's happening.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

No, I'm not ashamed of myself. 

KURTEN.  How much land should we let Russia take then?

Well, if we hadn't gone in and agitated this and escalated this to support Zelensky to escalate . . .  

Wow . . . wow . . . 

. . . there wouldn't have been any land taken at all.  Obviously you had Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, who were Russian, being bombed by neo-Nazis attached to the Zelensky regime for 8 years . . . 

We might as well have Vladimir Putin sit where you are.

That's an insult.

You're an absolute disgrace.

That's an absolute insult.

It was meant to be.

You're not calling me a disgrace.  And that is really not good moderation.

It may not be good moderation but I'm just reflecting what virtually every single person on this entire program is saying.