Saturday, June 22, 2024

You have to be okay with being uncomfortable to truly achieve success

RICHARD GAGE: how did hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel tear themselves apart in 12 seconds?

JOHN BEAUDOIN: Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey fooled the world, and I'll show you the fraud that they committed. Acute fentanyl intoxication. They tested dead bodies.

2020 was the year of COVID.  Huge first wave in Massachusetts.  I think the only reason that first huge wave didn't happen in New Hampshire is because you don't have the financial incentive that we have in Massachusetts.  And the world should know about Massachusetts.  I'm going to take a break and tell you about Massachusetts here for a second.

2022 Industry Snapshot Highlights:

The life sciences industry employs 106,704 with an average annual wage of $201,549 for a total of $21.5 billion in total Massachusetts-based wages.

Massachusetts remains the top NIH-funded state per capita, with $3.3 billion constituting over 9% of all NIH funding.

Massachusetts biopharma companies have received 26% of all VC investment nationally.

122 companies received 124 rounds of investment with an average round of $41.1 compared to the national average of $28.8 million.

The drug pipelines of Massachusetts-headquartered companies make up 7.2% of the global pipeline in 15.6% of the US pipeline.

600 Pharma ecosystem companies in Massachusetts alone.

$47 billion in venture capital financing.

There are 50 companies over $100 million a year in pharma revenue.

10 companies over a billion dollars.  

And R&D is in Massachusetts Pfizer's divisional headquarters for the MRNA vaccine is in Massachusetts.

My congressman is Jake Auchincloss.  His father is Hugh Auchincloss who worked for Fauci for 20 years as the number two man.  That's all Massachusetts.

And if you look at July 27th, 2020, of all sovereigns in the world with 3 million people or more per population, were New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, with Belgium a distant fourth, so far distant that Massachusetts was 50% more than Belgium.  And I will offend Belgium here. One of the most corrupt countries over there in Europe.

"Over half of people in Belgium think corruption is still widespread," The Brussels Times, Lauren Walker, July 14, 2022.

So if they are that way, what are New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey.  And why New York and New Jersey?  Well, you've got Wall Street.  

"Profiting on Crisis: How Predatory Financial Investors Have Worsened Inequality in the Coronavirus Crisis," American Behavioral Sciences, Laura Robinson, Jeremy Schulz, et al, November 2021.

Northern New Jersey is just a suburb of Wall Street, so all of the executives live out in the burbs of New Jersey.  They padded the numbers quite a bit.  How do you prove it?  Good luck.  I can prove it in Massachusetts because I have the records but New York won't give up the ghosts.  They won't give up the records.  So when I talk about Massachusetts, it's not just that I live there, it's not just that I have the data there, because I'm also going to review some Minnesota data.  It's that Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey fooled the world, and I'll show you the fraud that they committed.  Acute fentanyl intoxication.  They tested dead bodies. 

"CNN analyst slammed after writing COVID deaths are being over counted: TWO AND HALF YEARS LATE," New York Post, Gabriel Hays, Jan. 14, 2023.

Oh, positive COVID test.  It's a COVID death.  Blunt force trauma to the head.  Blunt force trauma to the torso.

"With Postmortem Testing, 'Last Responders' Shed Light on Pandemic's Spread," NPR, Public Health, May 19, 2020. 

A few medical examiners and coroners are now stepping up testing significantly, performing tests on all the bodies that are brought in, says Aiken. 
"They're surprised at some of the people who are positive," including suicides and car accidents, she says.

Old ladies falling down the stairs in the Care Homes because nobody was there to care for them.  Oh, it's COVID. 

"The hidden COVID-19 health crisis: Elderly people are dying from isolation: the lockdowns and visitor restrictions meant to protect nursing home residents from the coronavirus can also threaten their lives," NBC News, Suzy Khimm, October 27, 2020.  Updated November 17, 2020.

They called these deaths COVID deaths, and they padded numbers.  If they're willing to go so far and commit such fraud for accidental deaths, what do you think they did for heart attacks for 95-year-olds?  In the CDC memorandum, I'll save myself some time flipping to the page, I also have Vermont records.  A 98-year-old: she died from a heart attack.  [Ethel Viola Bourne]  Who is going to say anything about that?  But I matched her up with a VAERS record with the only 98-year-old who died on the same day.  And she was injected two days before, and what happened?  Her heart rate went to 145 beats per minute at 98 years old.  She was dead in 2 days.  It wasn't mentioned on her death record but I found the data.  They killed her with the jab and then they hid it and they refused to mention it.  This is absolute evidence that the vaccine killed this woman.  Now, yeah, who's going to mourn a 98-year-old?  That's sad, right?  She was a person.  She didn't deserve to go by having her heart race for 2 days and we know that tachycardia and dysautonomia, and I'll show you some graphs about dysautonomia, has occurred from these jabs.

Friday, June 21, 2024

JENNY MCCARTHY: Do we need the hepatitis B shot in the second day of life?

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. Why are we giving the hepatitis B vaccine to a one-day-old child? The major vectors for [Hepatitis B] are sexually transmitted or by needles.

"Do we need the hepatitis B shot in the second day of life?" - Jenny McCarthy

Jim Carrey: "Grab em & Stab em?"

When we passed the Vaccine Act of 1986 . . . when I was a kid there were only three vaccines and I was compliant.  When we passed the Vaccine Act, it made vaccines very, very valuable, and all of a sudden there was a gold rush to add a lot of new vaccines to the schedule for diseases that aren't even casually contagious, like rotavirus, like Hepatitis B.  Why are we giving the hepatitis B vaccine to a one-day-old child? The major vectors for [Hepatitis B] are sexually transmitted or by needles.  Why would you give that to a one-day-old child?  It's really a profit motive.  --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Ah, RFK, Jr. is a little short-sighted on the profit motive point.  The profit is not only the profit to the vaccine manufacturers, but it's also a drain on the family finances who have to pay for special care to their child if and when he gets autism.  So the family bleeds their money.