Sunday, June 2, 2024

MORENS, TAUBENBERGER, & FAUCI, 2023: the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine preventable diseases.

As of 2022 after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted as pointed out decades ago and still true today the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine preventable diseases. 
Taking all of these factors into account it is not surprising that none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses have ever been effectively controlled by a vaccine.  --Morens, Taubenberger, and Fauci, 2023

Vaccination has long been deeply ingrained in the public consciousness as the most effective means to prevent a wide range of diseases. Public health campaigns and medical professionals have long advocated for the benefits of vaccination, emphasizing its critical role in safeguarding individual and community health. The influenza vaccine stands out as a prominent example among the many vaccines promoted over the years.

This vaccine has been continuously championed for decades, with efforts to encourage its uptake particularly vigorously during flu season. Nearly every drugstore and pharmacy offers the influenza vaccine, making it easily accessible to the public. This widespread availability reflects the importance placed on preventing influenza, a respiratory illness that can lead to severe health complications, especially in vulnerable populations. Through persistent promotion and education, the influenza vaccine has become a cornerstone of preventive healthcare, demonstrating the enduring value of vaccination in modern medicine. But just how effective has the influenza vaccine been in practice? Have deaths from influenza declined due to this highly promoted annual vaccination? What do the statistics tell us about the vaccine’s impact on public health?

1:28-1:57:  Vaccination for influenza began in the 1970s.  The chart shows that mortality rates [from influenza] increased from the late 1970s to the early 2000s.  Vaccination rates for the 65+ year-olds reached 60-70%, and over the next 20 or so years, the mortality rate slowly declined and reached essentially the same level as it had been when vaccination programs began.  So during these over 40 years, the death rate [from influenza] has not improved. 

References: Chapter B, Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care, Vital Statistics, B 149–166, p. 58; Leading Causes of Death, 1900–1998,; Vital Statistics of the United States 1992 Volume II—Mortality Part A, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1996, p. 12, various National Vital Statistics Reports 2001-2019; Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population, Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 165, February 14, 2005; Flu Vaccination Coverage, United States, 2019–20 Influenza Season,; various CDC MMWR and other reports. David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci, “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses,” Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023,

Saturday, June 1, 2024

MACGREGOR: Germany is moving inch by inch; intellectually, mentally and strategically in the direction of Russia. We are going to see a definitive break between The United States and Berlin in the months ahead.

MENDELSOHN: Breast-feeding also stimulates the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland, which enhances maternal behavior

from Robert Mendelsohn's Male Practice: How Doctors Manipulate Women, 1981.

Rather than discouraging breast-feeding, conscientious doctors should be doing everything they can to promote it because of its enormous importance to both mother and child. It strengthens the bond between them in a way that no amount of holding and hugging will achieve. It stimulates hormones that reduce postpartum bleeding and discomfort and causes the uterus to contract more rapidly to its normal size. It gives the mother sensual pleasure. It helps protect her from cancer of the breast.

Breast-feeding also stimulates the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland, which enhances maternal behavior. It also has a tranquilizing effect (without drugs) that helps the mother adjust to the pressures of having a new baby in the home. The prolactin also suppresses production by the ovaries of the hormone that triggers ovulation, thus providing natural birth control for a much longer time.

The baby benefits because breast-feeding provides it with nourishment superior to that supplied by formula milk. It provides better bone maturation and intellectual development. It protects the child from asthma and other hereditary allergies. Because nursing babies are not locked into rigid feeding schedules they eat when they are hungry. This makes them less prone to the digestive upsets seen in babies who are allowed to cry until the clock says mother can shove a bottle in their mouths. There is even evidence that the resulting avoidance of emotional disturbances and the breast-fed baby's closer bond to its mother reduce the danger of hypertension later in life.

One of the most important benefits that the baby receives from mother's milk is protection from infectious diseases that the mother has fought off through her well-developed immune system. The bottle-fed baby is much more likely to suffer a nightmare of illnesses that include diarrhea, colic, gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, meningitis, asthma, hives, other allergies, pneumonia, eczema, obesity, arteriosclerosis, dermatitis, growth retardation, hypocalcemic tetany, neonatal hypothyroidism, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sudden infant death syndrome. Babies raised on canned formula milk may also be affected by ingesting too much lead.

Continue reading this excellent piece.  

ARMSTRONG ON WWIII: Throughout Europe, the draft age will be up to 60 and that is coming to the USA no matter what BS the press tells you. They also intend to draft girls this time.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Macron faces a serious collapse in confidence among the French and he too desperately need to create war. He is pushing NATO to send in troops. They already have “advisers” there and Russia knows that the Brits are in Ukraine firing the missiles for Ukrainians are not competent. Likewise, Ukraine is incapable of sinking Russian ships in the black sea without US satellite intelligence.

We are on the edge of World War III because Western nations are nearing default on national debts. They NEED war as a distraction. China sold $53 billion of US debt in the first quarter. They would be INSANE to buy any debt from any Western government at this stage. Zelensky is selling out his own country for a handful of silver. They cannot conquer Russia and break it up as they are telling people.

We must be concerned about the 1st week of September both domestically as well as internationally. Even the Telegraph Newspaper wrote about the Trump verdict:

“A politically motivated prosecution by Democrat prosecutors presided over by a politically connected Democrat judge in a politically Democrat jurisdiction against the likely Republican presidential nominee in an election year. It smells rotten because it was rotten. The whole thing stinks.

Whether you love or hate Trump, this conviction should appall you. This is not about Donald Trump. It’s about the weaponisation of the criminal justice system against a political opponent. It’s the type of prosecutorial and judicial conduct we expect in Putin’s Russia. Prior to this case, America was deeply divided. Now it’s tearing at the seams.”

The ONLY hope we have is that RFK joins Trump either as health-czar and/or head of the DOJ. That would be an overwhelming ticket. This is the only shot we have at reducing the destruction on the horizon from this insane march into World War III.

Our staff in Germany have personally confirmed that a friend who is 59 years old was just drafted. Throughout Europe, the draft age will be up to 60 and that is coming to the USA no matter what BS the press tells you. They also intend to draft girls this time.

LORI SIMPSON: I won't even allow them to put in an IV because that's how they gave him all of the drugs that he did not consent to

The woman's name is Lori Simpson.  Her husband's name is John. 

I was training the 1980s when they're were standards John was told by the nurses to defecate in the bed.  I was just horrified.  He was double restrained.  He had chemical restraints and physical restraints, and I was certainly taught that that was illegal.  That's not something you can do.  They took away all his dignity.  They just destroyed him as a man.  I said to him if I ever need to go to the hospital for a trauma or whatever, that would be the only reason I would go,  these are the things I won't accept.  I won't even allow them to put in an IV because that's how they gave him all of the drugs that he did not consent to.  They would just come in and say hey this is for this or that and push it through the IV.  So we are very careful, and there is no way that we would go back if we could avoid it.

So what do you think about all of this what was going on because it's not just your husband.  Absolute countless people having the same story but hardly any making it back home and it's still going on today.

It is still going on.  For us, it was pure evil for pure profit.  We had really good insurance because it was my insurance through Healthcare and they probably . . . from what I can see so far I had $1.8 million paid to them for John, and I think because he didn't die they were out of bonuses and so that's why they eventually discharged him.  And when they discharged him, his CO2 was high.  He had pneumonia on discharge.  He was so weak he couldn't even pick up his foot if a sheet was on it, and certainly he couldn't walk.  He was fully dependent on discharge.

And he had to go back into the hospital you said so what we're not 

He did.  He was discharged with pneumonia, so his stats were very low and I had to call the ambulance again.  I thought I was having an equipment failure.  He was on trach collar oxygen and nasal cannula oxygen, and I thought the trach that the concentrator had broken.  But actually it was him, and he was diagnosed with a hospital actually Hospital acquired pneumonia.  He went to a different hospital.  But I had sent him to an urgent care near us, and they wouldn't come out and talk to me because they were reading the notes from the first hospital that was talking about how violent I was.  I was always respectful, didn't even talk to the nurses.  Never got calls from doctors unless they wanted to do something to him, and then it was always a threat: do this or make him a DNR, a Do Not Resuscitate.  He had multiple pneumo thoraxes.  We took him to the you the ER to put one chest tube in the middle of the night.  He had pneumonia 2 days later.  The ER is a very dirty place in a hospital.  It's not where you should do that type of procedure.

Make sure you have an advocate.  Make sure you have advanced directives.  Make sure everything is spelled out.  I think that John did not get Remdesivir only because we had everything in writing.  When I looked at his lab values and everything else they did to him to orchestrate to getting him on the vents, he shouldn't be here but he is.