Saturday, May 11, 2024

JEFF CLARK, DOJ: it's really nauseating to see Governor Cuomo and Leanne Wen . . . I mean there aren't two more nauseating people, liars who lie to each other and then lie to the public, and it's complete gas lighting

Jeff Clark, DoJ it's really nauseating to see Governor Cuomo and Leanne when I mean there aren't two more nauseating people, liars who lie to each other and then lie to the public, and it's complete gas lighting.  And everyone knows that Cuomo was one of the lockdown mandators in Chief, and everyone knows that Leanna Wen, crisis actor and Planned Parenthood zealot, was the big cheerleader for COVID, the massive health emergency masks in the lockdowns.  [I'm going to include the vaccines. He missed that.  Why would Jeff Clark of the DOJ miss that key factor of this mass democide?] And then comes his apology that recognizing that, "And look, obviously it was a novel disease in many ways it's been overplayed . . . ."  So here we have a federal agent indicting Governor Cuomo and Wen in the court of public opinion.  Talk about your soft criticism, a backhanded compliment, it's like a massaged criticism.  So Clark offers nothing beyond what every normal thinking man and woman was thinking 4 years ago.  Why so late, Jeff?  His indictment is meaningless.  He just compounds the gas lighting, layering it.  

LATYPOVA: there is such a category of premeditated murder called depraved indifference—it's when you knowingly inflict harm

[T]he Department of Defense was...fake relabeling and substituting smaller batches...within a million-dose batch...they would throw in 30,000 doses of re-labeled [jabs]...So that could be the introduction of more toxic, smaller lots into larger lots and relabeling them."

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for James Delingpole (@JMCDelingpole) how the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has "fake relabeled" COVID-19 injection batches and included them in much larger batches. Latypova notes that these batches may be "more toxic" than the rest of the batches in which they're included.

"[W]ith these poisons...there were many instances of clusters of deaths...and we just don't know what particular toxicity means, it could mean there are more deadly ingredients," Latypova says, referring to the variance in toxicity between COVID injection batches. The pharma exec notes that Craig Paardekooper, a pharmaceutical sciences student at Kingston University in England, "identified, at least in Europe, it was the freshness of it [the COVID injection vials]" that determined toxicity level.

"So Belgium was kind of like, a ground zero, it was highest toxicity in Belgium, because the plant is in Belgium. And then as you move away from Belgium, you have lower and lower [toxicity]," Latypova says. She notes succinctly: "If it's fresh, it's definitely deadly."

Perhaps most alarmingly, Latypova notes that she and her colleagues "found that the Department of Defense was also fake re-labeling and substituting smaller batches." She explains that "within a million-dose batch, they would throw in 30,000 doses of re-labeled [jabs], God knows where it's coming from, so they were doing that too. So that could be introduction of more toxic, smaller lots into larger lots and relabeling them."

"Nobody got prosecuted for this," Latypova adds.

"At this point, I call it murder," the retired pharma executive says. "I call it premeditated murder because there is such a category of premeditated murder called depraved indifference—it's when you knowingly inflict harm. And now we have them for several years, knowing that these products cause excessive death, and injury, and all they do is deny and continue. Deny and continue. So it is a premeditated murder."

Friday, May 10, 2024

LATYPOVA: microbiome is everything in the human body and is responsible for making neurotransmitters, for the proper functioning of the metabolism, and many other critical biological processes.

"I also came to the same conclusion as Mike [Yeadon] that...virology and vaccinology are completely fake sciences. And they have been faked for a long time, for reasons of systematic poisoning..."🔥

Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for James Delingpole (@JMCDelingpole) how virology and vaccinology are "completely fake sciences" that have been invented in order to prop up billion-dollar pharmaceutical industries that cater to diseases like autism and cancer.

"I also came to the same conclusion as [former Pfizer VP] Mike [Yeadon] that this whole virology and vaccinology are completely fake sciences. And they have been faked for a long time, for reasons of systematic poisoning, because they need to create children with cancer, they need to create children with autism, because billion-dollar industries depend on it..." Latypova tells Delingpole.

Latypova notes these diseases are not side effects of "vaccines," but rather "primary" ones.

"[A]ll of this [CDC] vaccination schedule, it causes autism in children because...[of] neurotoxicity and...[the] destruction of...[the] microbiome," the retired pharma R&D executive notes. Latypova adds that the "microbiome is everything in the human body" and is responsible for making neurotransmitters, for the proper functioning of the metabolism, and many other critical biological processes.

Latypova adds, "that's why vaccines cause diabetes, so that's why we have obesity, that's vaccines—and that's why we have autism, because [vaccines'] neurotoxins get into the brain, especially the metals—like, aluminum was always a problem, but they replaced it with other things and metals, [but] they still get into the brain of the baby, and they still cause autism."

These "vaccines" result in the "destruction of a human," Latypova says, adding that "it's very cruel." Furthermore, she notes that "They absolutely do it on purpose."

A Poor Man’s Nuke: Weaponized Ticks, Fleas, and Mosquitos. “We can kill 10,000 people at $1.43 per Life”

22 State AG's and 49 Senators have written to Biden in opposition to the WHO "Pandemic Treaty" and IHR changes. They understand the problem but will they go beyond entreaties