Wednesday, April 10, 2024

We’re getting close to the main event. The collapse of US empire. Big unloading of US debt around the world. US Govt bonds are now a toxic asset. Gold up 30% in 6 months

Follow your instincts

if it's a permanent cover-up, then it's an act of war, it's hiding things which everyone on your commission knew that the Pentagon was changing their stories, lying to you, then it's a cover-up, an act of war. Under Article 3, Section 2 of The Constitution it's treason

Do you support a criminal investigation into 9/11?  I know yours wasn't exposition it was not a criminal investigation.

I don't know I do support a permanent commission to examine not to sap but lots of other things in this area 

But if it's a permanent cover-up, then it's an act of war, it's hiding things which everyone on your commission knew that the Pentagon was changing their stories, lying to you, then it's a cover-up, an act of war.  Under Article 3, Section 2 of The Constitution it's treason, and unless we get to the very bottom of it then we're still talking, you know, a treasonous exposition.  

Speaker Johnson warns MTG's push to vacate him as speaker could result in a Democrat becoming Speaker of a Republican-led House.

CANOLA OIL TAKES A HIT ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Canola and seed oil suppliers have formed THE SEED OIL COALITION to combat social media [TRUTH] misinformation around the health effects of seed oils