Tuesday, March 19, 2024

In 2007/2008, U.S. GDP was ~$15 trillion. National debt was ~$9 trillion. In 2024, U.S. GDP will be ~$28 trillion. National debt will exceed $35 trillion.

Pomegranate peel is a chelator of heavy metals and nanoparticles. And a natural antidote to the fusion cleavage site.

PoP [Pomegranate peel] has higher cancer prevention agent movement than heart and juice (Mphahlele, et al).  --NCBI

NCBI covers it,

PoP [Pomegranate peel] is a rich source of polyphenols including phenolic acids, tannins, and flavonoids, especially anthocyanin. These peels offer several functional and nutraceutical qualities owing to their bioactive ingredients, including lowering blood pressure, reducing oxidative stress, lowering cholesterol levels, and restoring heart health. PoPs have a variety of biological effects, including the ability to resist pathogenic microbes effectively, and used as an additive in various food applications.  


NCBI explains,

PoP has higher cancer prevention agent movement than heart and juice (Mphahlele et al., ). Pomegranate skin accounts for 40% of the whole fruits, and its antioxidant activity is higher than that of the edible (Abid et al., ). 

Talk about your portable pharmacy.  Check this out.


Monday, March 18, 2024

Alex Jones called the COVID mRNA shot "sugar water"? Well, what about all the stories of Alex Jones knowing about the shot decades before everybody else?

Boeing, $BA, whistleblower John Barnett was planning to drive home to Louisiana after his deposition on Friday 3/8 before Boeing lawyers asked him to stay one more day to finish his testimony