Monday, March 18, 2024

Boeing, $BA, whistleblower John Barnett was planning to drive home to Louisiana after his deposition on Friday 3/8 before Boeing lawyers asked him to stay one more day to finish his testimony

CAN'T MAKE THIS UP: Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘concerned’ the First Amendment is ‘hamstringing’ the government from censoring it's citizens


LUONGO: We trade against Tether. What is Tether? It's a $100 billion U.S. Treasury slush fund and it keeps rising in value.

The hosts are Jim Iuorio on the left and Bob Iaccino on the right.

4:18  The Fed doesn't care about Bitcoin.  The Fed likes Bitcoin, I think.  But the Fed was waiting, and this is something I want to talk about the next time I have Caitlin Long [who makes some interesting comments on Bitcoin below] on my podcast because she's asked me this question a couple of times, and now I can finally answer it for her now that we've seen how the Bitcoin ETFs have worked out.  The Fed wasn't ready for her Custodia Bank and stuff like that that she's doing.  They weren't ready for that because they didn't have the rest of the infrastructure in place to allow for that to happen.  She was way ahead of the curve, and rightly so she was way ahead of the curve but providing a market service that we need just not right then.  Now that we have the structure in place, it's all going to be fine.

IUORIO, 4:55  So in a short answer, do you think we're past the point of no return for the governments to crack down and eliminate Bitcoin and all that bs?

Tom says that the threats to Bitcoin are not only done, but they were never serious, citing SHA-256.

LUONGO, 5:05  I never believed that in the first place because I never believed the DoD had the keys to SHA-256.  If they did, then we have a bigger problem than f*** Bitcoin.  The entire internet runs on SHA-256.

Luongo mentioned Tether, a market crypto currency that I'd never heard of.  What caught my ear was this, 

What liquefies the Bitcoin trade?  What do we trade Bitcoin against?  Nobody trades against the dollars.  We trade against Tether.  What is Tether?  It's a $100 billion U.S. Treasury slush fund and it keeps rising in value.  As Tether . . . Tether makes perfect sense to me now that Leticia James gave it the slap on the wrist and I think the Fed controls Tether.  I think the Fed controls Tether.  I think the Fed executed all the other stablecoins in order to have control over the Bitcoin trade in that respect and know that Tether is audited; they own a little bit of Bitcoin; they own a little bit of gold; they own about 85% in short-term treasuries.

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR.: The economy is now no longer based on industrial production or any kind of production; it's based upon speculation.

The economy is now no longer based on industrial production or any kind of production; it's based upon speculation.  So if you look at what's happening on Wall Street, they're no longer going factory by factory and saying "What's the production?  What's the efficiency?  What's the lowest cost?  What's the future?"  They're all focusing on "What's the Fed going to do this week?"  And that's what everybody bets on, and it's financialized our economy.  It sent all of [our] industry abroad.  It's destroyed the American middle class and we do that by printing dollars.  You print $34 trillion that you don't have, why would the world even value them anymore?  And the reason that they continue to value them is because we have 800 bases abroad and that kind of anchors this whole system.  And it's already destroyed our moral authority around the world.  And it now . . . our influence around the world is this big compared to when I was a kid when we had moral suasion and we also had . . . people wanted American leadership.  Now, they consider it bullying.