Friday, March 15, 2024

Was the assassination of JFK the origin of the Zionist/Neocon alliance?

JASON HELMES: You develop confidence and strong mental health by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy.

Thank you to Karen de Coster's "The Therapy State" @ Lew Rockwell.

Find Abigail Shrier's website here. And her Twitter feed here.

Some takeaways:

1. We incessantly ask kids how they're feeling, if they're happy, how their mental health is, etc, and this is creating kids who think they're fragile instead of resilient.

2. Trying to solve every problem for kids has caused a generation who can't do anything for themselves.
We (Gen X) were told to "suck it up" or "you'll live" or "rub some dirt on it" all the time. Many of us came to the conclusion this is "bad parenting" because our feelings were neglected, and we vowed not to do this to our own children. Because of that, kids immediately over-dramatize everything that happens to them, making mountains out of molehills, and thinking the world must revolve around their emotions and feelings.
3. You develop confidence and strong mental health by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy.
You can't think your way out of anxiety. You don't gain confidence by analysis of your thoughts or mental health issues. You gain confidence and eliminate anxiety by doing gradually more difficult tasks, excelling at them, and realizing you are a competent, capable person.
4. One of the best ways to decrease your happiness is to chase it.
Our society constantly tells kids they should be "happy" and asks them if they are. Happiness isn't a state you should be in 24/7. That's not realistic. Joy and bliss aren't permanent states - they are fleeting. Contentment, stillness, and being even-keeled are much better goals to aim for mentally.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Bobbie Anne Flower Cox Explains Uniting NYS & State Legislators’ Lawsuit Against Hochul's Executive Overreach

REMEMBER THE EVICTION MORATORIUM OF 2020 AS PART OF THE CARES ACT? The CDC authorized that. The Supreme Court ruled 1.5 years later, "that is an unconstitutional regulation. The CDC does not have the authority to make that regulation."

Interview by Catherine Austin Fitts New York Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox.  Find this interview.

COX:  People were reaching out to me, calling me, coming to my office, emailing me, they were begging me to help them not lose their properties because the government and, especially, the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, issued a nationwide eviction moratorium.  As an attorney, the second I heard it my mind started blowing up.  Even as a non-attorney, it should strike you as odd.

FITTS:  I went nuts when I heard it.  I went nuts.  Where did they get the jurisdiction to do this?  

COX:  They do not have the jurisdiction to do that, and from day one I was going on whatever it was radio shows, TV, and Real America's Voice or OAN or Epoch Times, and I was saying "They don't have the power to do this, folks.  They do not have the power."  Sure enough, it took a year and a half, but it worked its way . . . they got sued, and it worked its way up to the United States Supreme Court.  And a year and a half later, the Supreme Court struck it down and said, 
that is an unconstitutional regulation. The CDC does not have the authority to make that regulation.

But look what it did.  It destroyed so many Mom and Pop property owners and landlords.  You know, most of the landlords in this country are mom-and-pop.  They're not the big conglomerate 

FITTS, 1:35. Right now in the financial world, David Webb wrote a book called The Great Taking, 2023, talking about how they might take our securities, and if you look at all the different ways they have of taking our securities, there are many more dangerous ones than the ones he posited.  And there's a push right now in front of the legislature to fix the UCC on the theory that that's going to protect them from taking your securities.  But what I want to say to every hedge fund manager in the world is, 

Don't worry about them taking your own security.  If they take your body and keep it, they'll be able to take your securities, no problem.  

So, this is where the danger lies.  What you're litigating is how when Klaus Schwab says it's 2030, and you have no assets, this is how they get your assets.  Your chief assets being your body and your mind, your person.  If they can throw you in a quarantine camp with no proof of any sickness or anything else and keep you there with no due process, tell me they're not going to get your real estate if they want it, right?  

COX, 2:50. Yeah I know it's horrendous.  I have never, and I have been practicing law for 25 years, I've never read anything like this.  I mean the regulation . . . it's on my plaintiff of Uniting New York State as a web page on their website that is solely about this case, and you can link there to the judge's decision and you can also see a lot of press releases and photos and our press conference about the case, but you have to read this regulation. 

I am going to paste this here because I really like the clarity.  Find it on their website

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, of Cox Lawyers, PLLC, filed the lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court the beginning of April 2022.  The case is all about separation of powers between the Executive branch of government (the Governor and DOH) vs the Legislative branch of government (our State Senators and Assembly Members).  This “regulation” is really a law that the Governor and DOH are illegally forcing on the people.  Only the Legislative branch has the power to make law.  The Governor and her Department of Health do not have the power to force people to isolate or quarantine.  This is a clear example of extreme government overreach.  When one branch of government usurps the power of the other branch(es), that is tyranny. 

FITTS, 3:28. I know, you have to read it.  That's what you got me to do, right, I saw your presentation [and] you got me to read it.  And I knew it was bad, and I read the headlines, but when I read it I was like, Oh, my God, they can take everything.

COX, 3:43. And they can put in . . . people keep asking me the most common question I get is well, "Where are the camps?  Have you seen any of the camps in person?"  The regulation says you don't even have to build a place.  They can commandeer any property and turn it into a quarantine facility, so you could have a multi-family house, you could have a hotel, even a prison out of the prisons in New York because it's too racist to have prisons where everybody spreads to have a prison.  So we have empty prisons they could use, a school they could use, anywhere they want.

FITTS, 4:24. They can take whatever they want

"Trust and Safety" departments exist as a mechanism to get rid of non-Leftists ("assholes") from communities and companies. It's a purging system.