Tuesday, March 5, 2024

"The chief engineer of tragedy," Victoria Nuland, steps down. And her replacement, John Bass . . .

And her replacement, John Bass, former Ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the U.S. withdrawal from the country.

Monday, March 4, 2024

DR. HANK, MD: Now I look back at all of the studies done in the 80s and 90s to show the childhood vaccines increased the risk for all of these conditions, everything from ear infections to severe asthma to Type I Diabetes . . .

Luongo has talked into a microphone for 5 plus hours today.  

2:53. Ukraine funding.  It looked for a while to me like it was dead in the water, that the Empire is I call it was starting to "put out the signs" that we are getting out.  And then now, it's back.  Another tens of billions of dollars.  The Senate passed it, and it comes down to this new Speaker of the House.  Is he going to hold the course?  How do you see this playing out? 

LUONGO, 3:24.  It's always been that Project Ukraine is the only thing that Davos, the old European oligarchy, and the Anglosphere, the British/American Neoconservatives, agree on, but they agree on it for different reasons.  Davos and the Neocons are not the same people; they are both globalists, but they are globalists of different stripes.  So Joe Biden is not really Joe Biden: it's obviously Barack Obama's third term.  They map to Davos.  But at the same time, the State Department has empowered the Neocons, the State Department, and National Security Council to run Project Ukraine.  Up to and including the moment where they could actually get to Russians to knuckle under, but the Russians aren't going to knuckle under.  Davos wants Ukraine and the threat of the Russians as the boogeyman to push forward their own fiscal integration their own Ukraine funding their own political integration and everything else that has to do with the EU.  That's what the article I wrote last week about the Euro bonds and all all that stuff that's what that was about "Why War Bonds Are Returning to Europe," Tom Luongo,  so what's going on in the US well the Biden Administration again the upper end of it maps to Davos the National Security Council maps to the old mom they both want the money they want some money sent to Taiwan they want the money sent to Ukraine they want Humanity humanitarian Aid sent to Ukraine like $26, $27 billion worth.  That's all money laundering to funnel liquidity into the failing German banks, like the Bundesbank is bankrupt at this point, right, the German Central Bank.  So thanks to Powell and 5.5% interest rates, you can see the old guard up on the Senate, pushing this because they were told to push this as hard as possible.  So McConnell, the last thing McConnell is going to do before he's moved out to pasture, is try to get this thing through is to cut the deal with Chuck Schumer for $95 billion that goes over to the House, and the minute they pass this thing they get Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat from New York, to float the trial balloons they were going to go around the speaker Johnson who refuses to even bring the bill to the floor.  And they were going to use some backdoor thing to go around the Speaker to force a vote on it, force it through, and Johnson said, "Ah, that's cute, two week recess."

LUONGO, 6:43. He gavels out a two-week recess.  At the same time that that happened, another GOP member of the House floated a $66 billion version that stripped out all of the humanitarian aid and it was just all the military industrial complex, which yeah, that's just classic Washington pork at that point.  It's not even Ukraine Aid at that point; it's just Washington pork.  A lot of it's going to go to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics.  But none of the money needed to go to Ukraine to keep Ukraine solvent and in the fight nothing in this money is going to do it anything whatsoever other than being another kick in the can through various structures within Ukraine that are eventually going to wind up in the EU where everybody's pockets are back here, right?  

LUONGO, 7:35. Johnson is doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing if you believe that he was put in place to stop this globalist wing of our old guard in our government and I believe that that's the case the people who put Johnson in power are the people who got rid of Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy was put in place I mean he survived Kevin McCarthy survives 14 votes because Davos wanted him to be Speaker. And we were never going to get anything other than that, we were always going to get a traitor running the Congressional Delegation.  Well, how do we get rid of him?  How is this even going to happen, if there isn't some group of sovereigntists in the background going, "You know what, no, that's enough."  This gets back to why I believe what the FED is doing what it's doing.  The FED is trying to break the globalist class overseas by making dollars too expensive is the basic idea of the thesis.  Everything else is just the mechanics of it, but that's the basic idea.  

MULLEN, 8:48. Johnson was not the first choice of the people who wanted to get rid of McCarthy the first choice was Jim Jordan.  What's your take on Johnson because when he first got in there?  But you do believe that he's going to stand firm?

LUONGO, 9:20.  The thing is is that everybody has to do this we all get that the hour is late, Sauron's forces are moving, right, Saron is breathing Orcs and goblins High and we're all in trouble and we got two Hobbits in the ring going south this is our Hail Mary will somebody please stand up and just be a hero?  Do something.  And the reality is it's never that simple.  Like these guys are in very complicated positions where they say one thing and do something else.  Don't know them by their words, know them by their actions.  When Schumer and McConnell push this thing to Johnson's desk, and they start talking about subverting the Speaker to get the GOP delegation in the House to get rid of the Speaker, and the Speaker gavels out a two-week recess., what more do you want from the guy?  And that finally gets a meeting with Joe Biden.  It was that that got a meeting with Joe Biden?  Joe Biden wouldn't even talk to Johnson for months; they wouldn't even speak.  He couldn't get a meeting with the President, the Speaker of the House couldn't get a meeting with the president to discuss the border policy and $95 billion worth of foreign aid with a looming government shutdown and Biden wouldn't take his phone call?  What planet do you people live on?  Does Washington not function well of course you've got a whole bunch of people up on Capitol Hill taking orders at the point of a gun from a bunch of globalists overseas who always act this way.  By the way, this kind of non-negotiable behavior is the hallmark of what the EU does every freaking time.  Like you go up there you're going to talk to the European commission you make the case in front of them you show them who's in charge you do your thing the Yanis Varoufakis thing during the Greek debt crisis.  He walks in, you got a plan to get us out of debt, here's how we're going to do it, blah, blah, blah.  We worked it out, we want to work with you, we want to restructure the debt.  It's a 45-minute song and dance routine.  They're all sitting up there like the political bureau from USSR, and they go "Oh, that's nice," and then they look at you like you just sung the Swedish national anthem.  And they just talk amongst themselves and they ignore you.  This is the way our government has started acting.  "Well, they're Republicans.  We don't speak to them anymore."  It's ridiculous clearly this is the non-negotiation tactic they always pull.  "Nope we're in charge.  You're going to do what we say, and we're going to ignore you until you do what we tell you to do."  

LUONGO, 12:27. Johnson is clearly like, "Yeah, that's cute, but I'm Speaker of the House, I'm actually more powerful at this point then you are Joe Biden, because no one believes you're even freaking president.  So yeah this bill is going to die."  I don't know that it's going to die they've got to pass something the point is it's going to be a horse trade and that's fine you're not going to be able to stop it what he's trying to do is get money spent on the border anyone's $100 billion dollars in actual, honest to God, real spending cuts just to start out with.  And this is a basically just a tip moment. And everybody on Capitol Hill knows it

Rudy Giuliani can be brought up on charges for his participation in the deception that led to the deaths of so many workers at Ground Zero. His actions and his personal history suggest that he was engaged in greater crimes related to 9/11.

CLEAR EVIDENCE: CONTROLLED DEMOLITION, MEDIA GASLIGHTING, NANOTHERMITE, "MOLTEN STEEL POOLS AT THE BOTTOM," AND largest elevator modernization project in history in the 3 years prior

Randy Gordon says

Can confirm the molten steel pools at the bottom.

Thomas von Essen, New York Fire Commissioner on oral histories of the explosions occurring on 9/11.

[RG911Team] Where did the Twin Towers go? They were blown up from the inside out - just as the videos show. That’s why the debris pile in their footprints is so small compared to the huge mass of the skyscrapers. Almost everything exploded outward. Gravity doesn’t do that.

Read moreBe sure to check out the largest elevator modernization project in history in the 3 years prior just for fun.