Friday, January 26, 2024

Platelet Formation as part of Primary Homeostasis

This was good. 

Google Maps can log where you go no matter how long you stay there.  

The problem with indicting Google Maps is that Google Maps is the best map app and how to avoid using it.  

Google records every search you perform.  And every YouTube video that you watch.  

Likely apps on your phone that are owned by Google.  

Privacy tools.

Overview of easy steps to protecting our privacy.

Smart devices in the house?  Who carries phones along with them everywhere you go.

Understand how your data is being collected.  

Got to understand the tools that you're using.  

Mass surveillance doesn't care whether you're interesting or not. 

"Privacy is for people who break the law."  Interesting quip.  

6:00  Laws change.  Societal norms change.  But that data is forever.  You may feel safe now.  You may even like the government in power now, but another regime could come to power and they have all the access to data in perpetuity.  That data doesn't just disappear.  So everything that you're putting out now stays in a permanent database associated with your identity.  It's collected, and any future regime can have access to that.  Like I said, societal norms change.  What's considered fine and acceptable behavior today, in 10 years time it might not be; in 20 years time, in 40 years time it might not be.  So it's worthwhile to make a conscious choice about how much data you're actually letting go out into the wild because you really don't want much stuff being swept up and collected for future regimes to use.  If you think that there is a chance in the future that you might disagree with a future government?  Well, you should probably protect your privacy right now, because they're not going to be going "Well, you believed this thing 10 years ago, but I'm sure you're a changed person and things are different now."

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó: How did it happen that Russia became the largest supplier of uranium to the United States last year?

CHARCOAL: Natural parasite control for his pigs

This was interesting because it shows how farmers/ranchers naturally deworm their livestock.  Charcoal is antiparasitic.  It's healthy for the gut.  I did not know that it whitens teeth.  Added bonus.  

Use naturally occurring charcoal, or activated charcoal for people, rather than a product from Big Agra or Big Pharma.