Sunday, January 21, 2024

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink; Tax him if he Tries to think.

Is this why they're racing to digitize everyone?

This is the reason why the 1st Amendment is under attack and we feel like we're all being squeezed back into feudalism

from Mel K

"Under the immigration laws of the United States, a noncitizen who applies for an immigrant visa abroad . . . is required to receive vaccinations . . . ." To avoid the shots, noncitizens enter illegally. Unexpected or expected consequences?

Mandated vaccination for legal immigration?  Does this explain the massive illegal immigration, all to avoid the gene-manipulating shot? 

Check this out from Jeffrey Tucker.

Consider, for example, the continued requirement that any legally immigrating person coming to the US from another country and seeking residency is absolutely required to get the COVID-19 vaccine, a shot widely admitted not to protect against infection or spread and is associated with injury on a scale without pharmaceutical precedent. 

And yet the US government requires it. 

The evidence is here from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. 

Meanwhile, the US is currently experiencing a wave of immigration from asylum seekers which this country has never seen in raw numbers before. There is no requirement that these people coming across the Southern border and then shipped around the country face any such requirement of Covid vaccination. That only kicks in if you seek to immigrate the old-fashioned way, which is to say, by seeking legal permission. 

So this is why we have issues like these

"In 1950, the median household income was $3,000; the cost of a new home back then was $7,354"