Monday, December 18, 2023

every American family has a second mortgage.

Remember as the world drowns in blood, our Savior triumphs.

For those without an X account.   

Trans-Vaccenic Acid, a fatty acid found exclusively in milk and meat of ruminate animals, has anti-tumor activity

Trans-Vaccenic Acid.  

Purposeful stalling and diversion, playing on the fact that general masses do not pay attention too much, and view every empty “jab bad”, “FDA bad”, and “Pfizer bad” pronouncement as a sign of progress . . .

Hard to find anyone more in tune with the vaccine war than Sasha Latypova and Katherine Witt.  Here is Latypova.  Be sure to read some of the comments.

For fairness, let’s hear from the other side of this argument:

Oh. The other side says “You don’t understand” and STFU. Duly noted.

I think Dr. Yeadon understands very well what is going on, and think he understands too well for Robert Malone’s liking, and that’s why the response is full of, let’s say - hate and hyperbole but no actual rebuttal or an explanation of what exactly is incorrect.

Making a big show on social media asking questions (“Why is FDA silent!”) that were asked and clearly answered (by the FDA and by the federal judges) for 3+ years and pretending that this time it’s different, points to several possible scenarios, and combinations thereof:

Severe incompetence of those “experts” who keep up this theater. It is possible that they do not understand how this crime is being committed and by whom, and it is possible they did not see the previous answers by the FDA (even in court depositions), and are not aware of the decisions by federal judges in key cases, and do not understand the current US law, and never heard of EUA Countermeasures (while working for DOD and DTRA and getting paid to make countermeasures). Possible, but not likely. And if this is the case, then why are they called experts, again?

Purposeful stalling and diversion, playing on the fact that general masses do not pay attention too much, and view every empty “jab bad”, “FDA bad”, and “Pfizer bad” pronouncement as a sign of progress and that their favorite shiny talking head on the internet is fighting for their health freedom;

Since we are in the election year, everything is about elections - spinning the narrative in support of whoever political campaign they are aligned with.

For everyone’s information, including Dr. Malone’s (I think, he was asking why the FDA is not addressing product adulteration) - the FDA has inspected Moderna’s manufacturing facilities back in September and found numerous violations, and issued an angry form 483 (which means Moderna is not cGMP compliant and has never been). The contents of the form are still secret. Interestingly, it is Reuters that is trying to FOIA it. It will interest everyone involved to know that the FDA conducted similar inspections of Catalent (Moderna’s fill-finish contractor), and Rentschler (Pfizer’s active substance supplier) in 2021 and 2022 and in all cases found them non-cGMP compliant. Did anything happen after these shocking findings by the FDA? You guessed correctly if you guessed - NOT A THING! EUA countermeasures are not regulated in an enforceable manner by the FDA. They are “inspected and accepted” by BARDA which has nothing to do with the FDA. And as non-investigational chemical entities, they can be legally misbranded and adulterated. Lot-release testing does not apply to them, as Dr. Marks stated in court deposition. Dr. Malone can easily look up the relevant parts of the law.

So why are big experts asking the same damn question over and over again and expecting a different answer? That quote is misattributed to Einstein by the way.

I don’t think this is a sign of insanity. Nobody involved in this is stupid or making mistakes. Clearly, all these “near misses” from the truth are designed to nearly miss the truth as long as possible while the global prison is being constructed.  

Israel is destroying entire neighborhoods in Gaza instantly. This is barbarism in its cruelest form. In WWII, even the Warsaw Ghetto was spared the unprecedented pulverisation of #Gaza…