Saturday, December 9, 2023

Since there is no appetite for U.S. military entering wars, we have found these proxy wars to enter thereby enriching the military industrial complex at the expense of the American public

FDR’s maternal grandfather was Warren Delano who made a fortune trafficking opium into China in the 1830s and 1840s

Friday, December 8, 2023

Trump took to the cameras in the New York civil fraud trial to explain how defense expert Eli Bartov destroyed Leticia James' case

Countries that consume the most meat are the countries that live the longest. (Even after correcting for wealth)

GARDASIL VACCINE: 50% drop in teen pregnancy over a 10-year period. 9 to12-year-old-girls were going into menopause and with all of the bodily changes that go with that.

The intention of all vaccines is to destroy your fertility; they don't want you to have a future.

I'm a co-author of the book HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed, Mary Holland, J.D., 2018.  We published that in 2018 and we have a chapter on the fertility effects of the HPV, the human papillomavirus vaccine, which remember at the beginning we're giving just to girls; now, it's given to both girls and boys.  The vaccine was introduced in 2006.  By 2018 when we publish the book there had been a 50% drop in teen pregnancy.  Now, these are unplanned pregnancies.  You wouldn't want for someone to have a teenage pregnancy necessarily but [what's important here is] that there had been any 50% drop over a 10-year period, suggested to us that something was very wrong.  We were also having girls, as Dr. Northrop points out, report premature ovarian failure.  Essentially 9, 12-year-old-girls were going into menopause and with all of the bodily changes that go with that.  Although women in girls who were in the clinical trials could not come in as being pregnant and it was not advisable women did get pregnant in the clinical trials and what we saw was a miscarriage rate over 27% in the Gardasil 9 trials so we knew from the HPV vaccine that fertility could be a very serious issue.  And to my mind, the rollout of COVID shots with all of the propaganda, with all of the censorship to ill effects, all of the sort of targeting children, you know, we've seen this before, the COVID shots are even worse as Dr. Liz Mumper and Dr. Christiane Northrop pointed out.

From the Lawsuit Information Center

Gardasil is a vaccine intended to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), which can sometimes lead to cervical cancer in women. Gardasil was developed by the embattled pharmaceutical company Merck & Co.

Merck obtained FDA approval for Gardasil in 2006 based on deceptive research and clinical trials that misrepresented the vaccine’s efficacy while concealing its safety risks and side effects. Merck then launched an aggressive and highly misleading marketing campaign to include millions of parents vaccinating their pre-teen daughters with Gardasil. 

Vaccine manufacturers are always in court even with all the liability protection that your government grants at your expense.