Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Google got its start helping the CIA build a political radar system for "birds of a feather flocking together" online.

Every day that goes by with Biden keeping Assange imprisoned is another day that the US loses all credibility to claim a belief in a free press.

What geniuses. Infant Son of J6 Defendant Placed on Quiet Skies Suspected Terrorist Watchlist

When you look at the Rockefeller Foundation's [founded 1913] selection of him [Canadian, Dr. George Brocks Chisolm, 1896-1971] as the first Secretary General for the World Health Organization [created April 7, 1948] you can ask a very simple question, why would the Rockefeller Foundation, of all places, why would they pick a Dachau prisoner to be the one that they would put at the head of the World Health Organization at its inception?  And why was it that in 4 short years after that decision was made the World Health Organization became known for its official statement that the role of the World Health Organization, beyond health, was for the control of the population of the earth?  This was a eugenics continuation.  And by the way, that's their written policy statement.  By 1955, this was written policy.  And one of the things that we have to examine is the entire purpose behind that was the promulgation and distribution of vaccine-oriented technology.  The entirety of the World Health Organization was based on vaccination and based on providing for, at the time the Wellcome Trust, who by the way was the architect of the pandemic; so let's be clear on the fact that this is not a late arrival into the world.  This is actually something that we know the Wellcome Trust had in play for an exceptionally long time and fully intended to deploy without any question every bit of what was going on the World Health Organization at Inception was the welcome Trust being given the permission the remit to go about out making sure that the human population was subject to Universal dependency on vaccines this is not once again as I have been criticized many times this is not an allegation this is an accusation and we have to understand the difference I am not suggesting that this is inferred from anything I'm literally going back into the charter formation and The Smoking Gun in the formation for the World Health Organization they actually gave themselves a permanent and absolute exoneration for all criminal activity that they engaged and not just exemption from being prosecuted for the activity actual exemption from being investigated into the activity itself so you're not only not allowed to question the Dogma you're actually not allowed to suggest there was a question to it and Sasha I've said this many times if a criminal organization gets to write its own laws and then you read the law and in the law they say by the way we can break the law with impunity and it's illegal to even investigate that I don't have to infer from that that there might be some bad actors Somewhere In The Weeds that is overt statements of a self-aggrandizing consideration that says I'm going to give myself in this case the World Health Organization and all Affiliated organizations I'm going to give them an immunity from inquiry not just immunity from prosecution you don't do that if you're not intending to do harm.  

3:26. Q4 2023 going into q1 2024 are we through this or are they still able to concoct variance and continue their

3:41. This was the trial run this was the Let's test out to see how frail this thing we call humanity and human systems actually are this was a dry run if you look at the fact that right now we have over 70 identified biological weapons at an equal Readiness level that we were around what we call the coronavirus by a weapon program we have a host of optionality that's available at any moment and once again what we've done is we field tested and number of systems and let's go through the systems we tested .  The easiest one to both see and indict is the gullibility of the public right the idea that one third of humanity lined up and said please save me from the thing that you created and give me the thing that you created to save me from the thing that you created right a third of humanity fell for it a third of humanity was coerced into accepting it but those individuals were not wanting to do it they were actually put in a position where their choice was get the shot or don't go to work don't travel don't see your kids don't do whatever else and so that third coercion group I don't necessarily see myself in a position where I go well you know they're exonerated because they were pressured into it I still think they could have they could have held out but the fact is they wouldn't have fallen for it but for the coercion so let's put an asterisk next to that group and the third that didn't fall for it one of the things that became very clear was we were part of a psychological operation a lot of people talk about this is the psychological warfare operation to see what level of intimidation coercion or manipulate manipulation would make us break and Sasha one of the things that I celebrate every single day is that an enormous number of humanity said no and meant no that was not part of their plan that was not at all part of their plan and the reason why we're going down the AI cbdc all of these other kinds of digital currency digital current communication controls censorship everything else the reason why we're going down all these pathways is to see where our breaking point is where are we going to give up and go okay you got me I need my Twitter feed I need my social media I need my fill in the blank and the fact of the matter is a third of the population has stood its ground saying we will not bend the knee that's too big a number by the way for the incumbency to control if it was 3% or 5%, maybe but a third they can't control it which is the reason why I think that they're going after Ai and why they're going after currency because those two are the one assault they haven't tried if they do it but if they do it without a proximate reason remember go back to the 2015 acknowledgment by Peter Dash you need to create a crisis and you need to get the media to hike the crisis so if we do not have a crisis they know the public won't fall for it so we have to create crises and look at what we've been doing over the last year over the last year we created allegedly a war which is not a war when the war in Ukraine wasn't working we created Another War which happens to be the war allegedly over Gaza and Israel and everything else but this is not a war either this is actually a giant theatrical distraction that happens to have the inconvenience of killing people who are in fact in the way of the elephants that are seeking to mate right now.  But this is not a war this is a conflict for the or of instability and we need to understand those things very clearly because what is coming on the back of this and you know this is going to happen when I and as you know when I was asked to go to Iran in the early 2000s and go to the National biological engineering conference it was held in Tehran one of the things that I remember talking to you about was the fact that there were an enormous number of biological agents that were being worked on for all manner of Good and Evil at that conference there's no question that what we want to do is draw Iran into a conflict and then we want to go haha I ran has and then we're going to fill in the blank they're going to have a toxin they're going to have biologic they're going to have both and we're going to throw them under the bus going look we found that these are bad guys we will never look at the fact that every single thing that I run has in development right now the United States not only has in development but has published the list of those toxin agents under the compliance with 18 us code which actually defines biological weapons we already have the list but we're going to blame an outside party for using that list and one of the things that I've been trying to alert people to through this current alleged conflict is do not be surprised when you hear an announcement having Iranian made biologic agent it is not Iranian that is going to be a distribution of one of our scheduled toxins which we have armed and ready to go and I'll tell you how I know it's going to be from us United States military patented a blast resistance toxin propeller which was actually which was actually an RPG a rocket propelled grenade fin stabilized round that would allow a blast to distribute a biological or biologic agent or toxin without deactivating it so it could Mass spread over population and mark my words in the next few weeks it is highly probable that that is going to be alleged to have come from the United from Iran but the fact is the United States on the technology built it patented it and talked the world how to make these things

Dr. Chris Masterjohn on Methylated Vitamins

7:08. With the exception of liver meat is very low in folate.  Best sources of folate are liver, legumes, and dark greens. 

His belief is that everybody's health is limited by methylation, and that all methylation issues come down to just 5 genes.  Neither is true.