Thursday, October 19, 2023

Today, after carnivore she’s lost nearly 500lbs and has finally found the “off switch” for her food . . .

REGARDING BIOWEAPONS LABS IN THE FORMER SOVIET SATELLITES: first, get the labs up to snuff technically; two, do vaccine research, and three, do gain of function research.

Here is Reinette Senum's video with Dr. Lee Merritt

5:30. They literally named the Tbilisi, Georgia bioweapons lab the Luger Lab for Senator Luger.  So it wasn't a secret. So here's what they did.  First of all, we sent our people over to fix these places up physically and then we sent our own bioweapons guys over, and we said, okay, your 3 tasks are: first, get the labs up to snuff technically; two, do vaccine research, and three, do gain of function research.  This is 199 . . . , the early 90s, '94, '95 now.  So when I hear these guys in Congress investigating as if they don't know that I just want to remind your audience, well, they should know it because they've been sending these bio- weaponeers W-2s for their taxes since 1994 probably . . . 30 years. 

6:25. I was having a conversation with somebody in the Freedom Movement but I won't mention his name but they were saying that in 2002 they had to buy a weapon going they knew of the whole vaccine they knew there was going to be pushback they knew there was going to be an anti-vaccine movement so in 2002 they began to establish certain people in the Medical Freedom Movement that we have today on the forefront.  They're not . . . they are plants.  Well, they've been around for 10 to 12 years they've been around for 20 years.  These guys were playing the long game.  They knew that this pushback, the anti-vax movement was going to happen, and they positioned themselves, you know, and I'm like well, who said . . . , well ask yourself, who is, who's got the screen, who's got the platform, who's got the viewers.  They tell you some truth bombs.  They have to tell you the truth in order to cover and obfuscate the lies. They have to tell you some truth and they have to be somewhat effective, but not really effective. And if they're really speaking the truth, they're going to deplatform you, like they deplatformed me in the very beginning. 

So this gentleman and I do believe he knows said that this is what's going on the medical Freedom Movement which I've been a part of, you've been a part of, is actually one gigantic illusion.

8:10. There are those of us that aren't part of that.  What you just said is a bombshell, and I didn't know that part of it.  There's military intelligence, and then there's military counterintelligence.  Don't misunderstand what counterintelligence is.  It's not about lying per se; it's about making sure that useful information does not come out in a timely fashion. Think about D-Day.  We knew the Germans were coming at some point, but we kept stalling, we kept faking.  We'd put fake plans on dead Germans and float them aboard because we didn't want them to get the information at a time that they could act on it. Another way to figure out who these guys are is look at who has something has the money to travel all over the place they're at every major event.  Like my friend who is a really great child psychologist Mark McDonald in Los Angeles.  He was supposed to be on the Joe Rogan Show one night, and at the last minute they kicked him off because he would have said how bad this was on children and how suicidal they were after this masking nonsense.  They didn't want him, so they put on somebody else whose name we won't mention. And suddenly Joe Rogan show it was in great shape and Spotify had a big audience and it was pushed out to 6 million viewers.

9:50. There's no way in the world that an individual like that can get 6 million viewers unless they're put into that position.  There are true people who are medical Freedom Warriors.  I know them, you know them, but they don't have that kind of platform, that kind of viewership.  

It's the timing of the truth that matters when someone speaks the truth it may be like many weeks or months past it's prime date and so it gets downplayed and gets buried in nobody cares.

11:00. I know that the term controlled opposition is out there but I think really we're dealing with a military counterintelligence. Controlled opposition is like the college student defending climate change.  They don't know CO2 from ozone, but they're going to tell you how we have to decrease the CO2.  They couldn't tell you the parts per million, what it is in the atmosphere, but they know that we need to get it down to save the planet.  

11:50. Babylonian Mafia their bloodline

12:20. Some prominent people were captured. There's a layer of wannabes.  These are people  made chairman of departments or research bigwigs that want fame and money and they're willing to sell their their soul for it, just like Hollywood does.

12:35. Below that you have people that are prominent or smart guys, they have gravitas, and may have some blackmail-able thing but they've lost their job because they spoke out early and then got captured by these guys.  Those were sad I saw that happen and I felt bad and I wanted to tell them don't do it don't do it and I will still tell one and I think that he would not mind me saying this and I think Dr. Rashid Buttar was a victim of this but he was a good guy. But the thing of it is we saw some things that we thought weren't making sense.  And then when I put it all together, it seemed to me that what happened was that he got captured because he took money from the wrong people.  And then when he realized with whom he was in bed with, being the Army military officer that he had been, he decided to fight back.  And then you couldn't have somebody with a voice like his fighting back so I think that's . . . .

14:48. Well, it's warfare. What it is is warfare, and the problem is that we are primarily in an intelligence war. And as James Giordano says, (explains Dr. Merritt, pointing to her head), "This is the new battlefield. The brain is the new battlefield. When they used to talk about the fog of war being the fog that descended on General Washington that he used to escaped the British; no, this fog is the life of the mind and it makes you confused about who is who, what's true, and people will just give up, and say, "I don't know.  I can't deal with it."  If you have that attitude, unfortunately, the first people to get killed in war are people who have no situational awareness. You have to sort your way through this, and you named the way to do this, to sort this out . . . you look at people when you see a narrative being pushed out, like by everybody.  That's not us, that's the intelligence services running it.  You've got to search for the truth. 

16:28. Or you've got data points in the back of your mind from a lot if research.  I'll just say, . . . an example of today's world, when I  heard Hamas went in and beheaded 40 babies, I raise my red BS flag vigorously.  There's something wrong here because, first, you're a small force, you're outnumbered millions to one here, and you're going into create havoc andThtake down an IDF base and you're going to take time out to go over to some hospital and behead 40 babies?  Logistically, it doesn't make sense.  The coming across the wall as Rafi 

GAZANS: They are literal prisoners of Israel, who want nothing more than to be free:

history of Hitler's "Aktion T4" program, which targeted disabled adults and children between 1939 and 1945.

The title of the video is "Hitler Versus the Disabled (Aktion T4)," October 16, 2023.  Video notes read, 
This is the fully-sourced and backed-up history of Hitler's "Aktion T4" program, which targeted disabled adults and children between 1939 and 1945. For the list of sources, see the [video] section . . . .

Above is a disturbing video about how Hitler authorized the euthanasia of the disabled and mentally ill in Nazi Germany (and Austria which isn’t mentioned in the video).

If someone asks or defends Hitler saying that Adolph never ordered the killing of Jews, gypsies, etc. ask them about Hitler’s written and signed Euthanasia Letter.

The Catholic Church pushed back on these murders of children and the mentally ill. Good for them!

Today, the medical establishment is just as complicit with mass murder as it was in Nazi Germany:

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed

Masked vs. Unmasked

Essential vs. Unessential

And don’t forget Henry Kissinger talking about eliminating the “useless eaters”.

Bill Gates and his ilk support this eugenics/race crap. This is why I get VERY upset with anyone who writes about “race” as a valid concept. Race is elitist and eugenics bullshit!

“They Think We Are Crud!” Lt. Ripley from “Alien3”

"If our bases are not for containing the Soviet Union, then maybe they're for interdicting drugs, or maybe it's for threatening Iran, or maybe it's for providing security for some pipeline we're building to cut the Russians out of the Caspian Sea, "

Posobiec's interview doesn't start until the 11:00 mark, so simply fast forward through all the hype and advertisement.  

Scott Horton's Show.   


Posobiec opens with a reference to John Mearsheimer.

Horton magnificently refers to Pat Buchanan [articles listed @ Lew Rockwell and books listed here] to answer Posobiec's question about "How did we get here with 2 major war fronts, Ukraine and now Israel?" In the 1990s, he ran for president.  He was Ronald Reagan's, first Nixon's, and then Ronald Reagan's speechwriter, CNN and then MSNBC host.  He ran against Bush, Sr. in the primaries in 1992 and later switched to the Reform Party.  He wrote this incredible book, A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny, 1999.

And Jack, at the end of the Cold War 30 years ago, the Soviet Union ceased to exist on Christmas Day, 1991, a major section of the Conservative and Libertarian movement especially that said, 

The Cold War is over.  The emergency is over.  World communism is dead.  Now it's time to end our empire and bring our troops home from around the world.  And let Europe and Asia take care of their own security needs as Ronald Reagan's Ambassador to the UN, Jean Kirkpatrick, who was herself a Neo-Conservative hawk, said, "Now, we can be a normal country in a normal time.  Now we can shed the burdens of superpower status and seek to preserve our own liberty in our own society here at home. 

And instead, the National Security establishment refused to just get a real job.  And they found reasons to expand America's footprint in the Middle East, first, with Iraq War I, and the rest with the Bill Clinton Doctrine and Iraq War 1.5 through the 1990s.  And, of course, NATO expansion in Eastern Europe, also the build-up in Asia, but we'll leave that aside for now.  

14:15  No coincidence at all, and no conspiracy either.  There are books about it, New York Times all about it.  It was Bruce Jackson, Executive Vice President from Lockheed Martin Murrieta who founded the Committee for NATO Expansion and the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq.  This is basic economics, basic rent-seeking by government contractors.  Doesn't matter whether it's the military or any other government program.  They would rather get paid with tax money than have to compete in the marketplace.  And that was just what happened.  And not just them, but the National Security bureaucracy themselves, of course, the generals and all the spies at the CIA, the National Security Agency (NSA), and all these guys . . . no one wants to give up their fiefdom.  If our bases are not for containing the Soviet Union, then maybe they're for interdicting drugs, or maybe it's for threatening Iran, or maybe it's for providing security for some pipeline we're building to cut the Russians out of the Caspian Sea, or some other project, anything but coming home.  

15:21  And so what they did was that they got us into the Terror War, fought it for 20 years and don't have a single thing to show for it.