Thursday, October 19, 2023

GAZANS: They are literal prisoners of Israel, who want nothing more than to be free:

history of Hitler's "Aktion T4" program, which targeted disabled adults and children between 1939 and 1945.

The title of the video is "Hitler Versus the Disabled (Aktion T4)," October 16, 2023.  Video notes read, 
This is the fully-sourced and backed-up history of Hitler's "Aktion T4" program, which targeted disabled adults and children between 1939 and 1945. For the list of sources, see the [video] section . . . .

Above is a disturbing video about how Hitler authorized the euthanasia of the disabled and mentally ill in Nazi Germany (and Austria which isn’t mentioned in the video).

If someone asks or defends Hitler saying that Adolph never ordered the killing of Jews, gypsies, etc. ask them about Hitler’s written and signed Euthanasia Letter.

The Catholic Church pushed back on these murders of children and the mentally ill. Good for them!

Today, the medical establishment is just as complicit with mass murder as it was in Nazi Germany:

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed

Masked vs. Unmasked

Essential vs. Unessential

And don’t forget Henry Kissinger talking about eliminating the “useless eaters”.

Bill Gates and his ilk support this eugenics/race crap. This is why I get VERY upset with anyone who writes about “race” as a valid concept. Race is elitist and eugenics bullshit!

“They Think We Are Crud!” Lt. Ripley from “Alien3”

"If our bases are not for containing the Soviet Union, then maybe they're for interdicting drugs, or maybe it's for threatening Iran, or maybe it's for providing security for some pipeline we're building to cut the Russians out of the Caspian Sea, "

Posobiec's interview doesn't start until the 11:00 mark, so simply fast forward through all the hype and advertisement.  

Scott Horton's Show.   


Posobiec opens with a reference to John Mearsheimer.

Horton magnificently refers to Pat Buchanan [articles listed @ Lew Rockwell and books listed here] to answer Posobiec's question about "How did we get here with 2 major war fronts, Ukraine and now Israel?" In the 1990s, he ran for president.  He was Ronald Reagan's, first Nixon's, and then Ronald Reagan's speechwriter, CNN and then MSNBC host.  He ran against Bush, Sr. in the primaries in 1992 and later switched to the Reform Party.  He wrote this incredible book, A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny, 1999.

And Jack, at the end of the Cold War 30 years ago, the Soviet Union ceased to exist on Christmas Day, 1991, a major section of the Conservative and Libertarian movement especially that said, 

The Cold War is over.  The emergency is over.  World communism is dead.  Now it's time to end our empire and bring our troops home from around the world.  And let Europe and Asia take care of their own security needs as Ronald Reagan's Ambassador to the UN, Jean Kirkpatrick, who was herself a Neo-Conservative hawk, said, "Now, we can be a normal country in a normal time.  Now we can shed the burdens of superpower status and seek to preserve our own liberty in our own society here at home. 

And instead, the National Security establishment refused to just get a real job.  And they found reasons to expand America's footprint in the Middle East, first, with Iraq War I, and the rest with the Bill Clinton Doctrine and Iraq War 1.5 through the 1990s.  And, of course, NATO expansion in Eastern Europe, also the build-up in Asia, but we'll leave that aside for now.  

14:15  No coincidence at all, and no conspiracy either.  There are books about it, New York Times all about it.  It was Bruce Jackson, Executive Vice President from Lockheed Martin Murrieta who founded the Committee for NATO Expansion and the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq.  This is basic economics, basic rent-seeking by government contractors.  Doesn't matter whether it's the military or any other government program.  They would rather get paid with tax money than have to compete in the marketplace.  And that was just what happened.  And not just them, but the National Security bureaucracy themselves, of course, the generals and all the spies at the CIA, the National Security Agency (NSA), and all these guys . . . no one wants to give up their fiefdom.  If our bases are not for containing the Soviet Union, then maybe they're for interdicting drugs, or maybe it's for threatening Iran, or maybe it's for providing security for some pipeline we're building to cut the Russians out of the Caspian Sea, or some other project, anything but coming home.  

15:21  And so what they did was that they got us into the Terror War, fought it for 20 years and don't have a single thing to show for it.  

🤔🧵 The largest fleet of warships the empire has assembled in a great many years is gathering in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.


Powell is the only restriction on Congress.  Yet the Congressional vandals continue to pass tens and hundreds of billions of dollars of omnibus bills.  Ah, maybe they should stop to bring down the $33 trillion budget back into an earthly realm.