Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Government consumption has grown faster than personal consumption for the past year

Monday, October 2, 2023

In 2018, Letitia James vowed to use the law as her weapon to remove Donald Trump from office, dubbing him "an illegitimate president for colluding with foreign powers."

Every time they give me a fake indictment, I go up in the polls. And you ought to go after this Attorney General Letitia James

Charlie Kirk explains

Donald Trump is facing a civil trial in New York for "fraud." So, which of his victims is suing him? That's a trick question: There aren't any. None of New York's banks or insurance companies, Trump's supposed "victims," are suing him. Trump's loans are repaid and his accounts are current. Because one judge says Trump "overvalued" his properties, that same judge is empowered to fine him hundreds of millions of dollars, break up the Trump Organization, and seize control of his properties, including Trump Tower, all to remedy a phantom crime with no victims. When this happens in China or Russia, we call it what it is: Lawfare against an enemy of the regime.

Normal people do not yet realize how patently insane this is.

Fight like Donald Trump. 

Compared to 2020, we have seen a near 60% increase in small business bankruptcies. Bankruptcies are also up from 2021 and 2022 levels by ~35% and ~40% respectively.