Tuesday, September 19, 2023

UAW's fight isn't against the big 3 automakers; it's against China's bagman in the White House, Joe Biden

Joe Biden [pours] billions of tax payer money into subsidizing EVs, electric vehicles, that, in practice, can only be provided at scale by Chinese components or even just importing Chinese cars; meanwhile, comically strict emissions restrictions are essentially forcing the majors to swap to money-losing EVS that again only China has got the capacity to build at scale.  --Peter St. Onge

The 430,000-member United Auto Workers Union launched unprecedented surgical strikes against all three major automakers GM, Ford, and Chrysler.  In a first volley, 13,000 strikers walked off the job and blocked deliveries, idling lines on models including the popular Ford Bronco.  The strike is intended to put maximum pressure to force wage demands and benefits on Wall Street Journal estimates at $136 per hour.  For perspective at a 2,000-hour work year, that works out to $272,000 per year to assemble cars.  The Big Three had actually offered a 20% raise with the cost of living in pension boosts, but the union saw an opportunity so it went for the throat.  In theory, of course, that $136 will be paid by American car buyers because costs get passed on, but in reality, it will probably drive a lot of those princely jobs offshore instead where workers don't make $136 an hour; or, of course, it could drive the company's out of business or into the arms of foreign buyers leaving cars to the Chinese.  For the UAW, the background here is that after years of workers falling behind inflation in this Bidenomics miracle, workers are angry, and monopolistic unions, like the UAW, see their chance.  In the case of auto workers, they got an extra kick by Joe Biden pouring billions of taxpayer money into subsidizing EVs, electric vehicles, that, in practice, can only be provided at scale by Chinese components or even just importing Chinese cars; meanwhile, comically strict emissions restrictions are essentially forcing the majors to swap to money-losing EVS that again only China has got the capacity to build at scale.  The UAW rightly feels sold down the river by Biden on behalf of his Greens, or as Senator Josh Hawley put it, "Auto Workers deserve to have their jobs protected from Joe Biden's stupid climate mandates that are destroying the US Auto industry and making China rich."

So what's next?

The UAW strike could end fast, if the big three cave, or it could drag on for months.  But we can expect a lot more of this and what the media is already calling "a summer of strikes."  Last month saw 4.1 million lost days to strikes.  That is the worst in a quarter century and rising fast.  And keep in mind, there's still another 14 million union workers to go, not even including government unions which number another 7 million and growing like a cancer.  All of these renegotiations will fuel inflation that is already rising again before the UAW snags its $136 an hour.  As that inflation keeps grinding, we could even see a return to the nationwide strikes of the 1970s when entire swaths of American industry were driven offshore or out of business hollowing out entire cities and spawning the famous Rust Belt that 50 years later is only getting worse.  And here it comes again . . . .

When you own the infinite magic-money printing machine, everyone ends up being a CIA/DOD asset

From Mike Benz

Yes, the US State Dept passed literal economic sanctions on Russia bc of a prank call from a CIA cut-out saying a CIA asset wore poisoned underwear The Navalny Novichok Nutsack was a geopolitical strike against a rival gas pipeline.

This is so funny to see Blinken, the 71st U.S. Secretary of State, photographed with one of the two founders of Pussy Riots, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.

From Robert Wenzel's Economic Policy Journal, "Who Is Behind Pussy Riot?" August 20, 2012.

Daniel McAdams discusses:

[W]ho is pushing this Pussy Riot on us? What face is behind the propaganda? We have already seen more than a few US government ties to the organization and its supporters, including NED funding. We can see that its methods are straight out of Gene Sharp's CIA playbook for regime change. We see that the organization's logo is identical to those of the previous US-government funded regime change outfits.

We also see an interesting connection between the US government supported human rights NGOs and this crusade. Take Amnesty International USA, for example. Click onto their home page and you will be assaulted by image after image of Pussy Riot, begging for money to help support them, breathlessly launching campaign after campaign for the organization. Just who is in charge of Amnesty International USA? As the Voltaire Network first pointed out last year, this "independent" human rights organization is headed up by Suzanne Nossel, a former assistant to Richard Holbrooke in his capacity as UN Ambassador and until her appointment last year to Amnesty, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. Before that she worked for another US government connected organization, Human Rights Watch. Getting the picture? A public-private partnership for regime change under the cover of "human rights."

As former FBI agent Coleen Rowley points out in this important piece, organizations like Amnesty International act as a non-governmental front to push US government regime change policies.

From Rowley's piece:

Nossel would have worked for and with Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Samantha Power and Susan Rice, and undoubtedly helped them successfully implement their “Right to Protect (R2P)” – otherwise known as “humanitarian intervention” – as well as the newly created “Atrocity Prevention Board.

She was heavily involved in the lies told to the UN Human Rights Council to agitate for the eventual UN Security Council resolution that sealed the fate of Libya under a rain of NATO bombs and total destruction.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Biden in 2015: “An unrelenting stream of immigration” will make white people a minority in the United States

The situation is hopeless made so in part by Trump locking the country down to China, for which he caught a lot of flack.  Imagine the flack any anti-inmigration bill would receive if either Democrat or Republican would get if they buck the British influence on our country and our open-border immigration policies.

agreement reached between DOD/CIA/DOJ & Houston-partnered Mexican cartels who protect & prop up US energy interests in MX, & this is just a MX version of community settlements

"If Russell Brand had just made the requisite celebrity pilgrimage to Zelensky and kept his mouth shut about the Covidians he would have dodged this bullet"