Saturday, September 16, 2023

Family to Receive $1.5 Million-Dollar in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award

The article on Sarah Poling below is dated September 10, 2010. 


9-year-old Hannah Poling

Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months.  

Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae.

Afterward, her health declined rapidly. She developed high fevers, stopped eating, didn't respond when spoken to, began showing signs of autism, and began having screaming fits. In 2002, Hannah's parents filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court. Five years later, the government settled the case before trial and had it sealed. It's taken more than two years for both sides to agree on how much Hannah will be compensated for her injuries
Check out how the government phrases the cause of Hannah's injuries, calling it an " unknown mitochondrial disorder that did not cause her autism but resulted in it. So the vaccine was not the cause but autism was the result of the vaccine.  Got it?  

In acknowledging Hannah's injuries, the government said vaccines aggravated an unknown mitochondrial disorder Hannah had which didn't "cause" her autism, but "resulted" in it. It's unknown how many other children have similar undiagnosed mitochondrial disorder. All other autism "test cases" have been defeated at trial. Approximately 4,800 are awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.


Time Magazine summed up the relevance of the Poling case in 2008: ...(T)here's no denying that the court's decision to award damages to the Poling family puts a chink -- a question mark -- in what had been an unqualified defense of vaccine safety with regard to autism. If Hannah Poling had an underlying condition that made her vulnerable to being harmed by vaccines, it stands to reason that other children might also have such vulnerabilities."

Then-director of the Centers for Disease Control Julie Gerberding (who is now President of Merck Vaccines) stated: "The government has made absolutely no statement indicating that vaccines are a cause of autism. This does not represent anything other than a very specific situation and a very sad situation as far as the family of the affected child."

Sharyl Attkisson wants to know: does Sarah's case form an exception from vaccine culpability or does it set a precedent for lawsuits going forward?  

A TALE OF TWO DRUGS: How the U.S. government demonized Ivermectin after India, in only six weeks, reduced Covid 19 cases by 97% in Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Eads explains that the combination of Ivermectin, Fenbendozale, and B-17 works to kill several common cancers.  Give it a quick read or listen. 

Important facts on Ivermectin

Where to source it from?  From India or TennesseeThis Indian company promises it within 7 days, which kind of answers a lot of people's complaints about ordering from India.  I have not used that particular Indian vendor, but I have used ReliableRx, and I have not had any problems with them.  

DR. CALLS PHARMACY ON IVERMECTIN: Ignorant pharmacists hang up on us. Don’t know @US_FDA rules. Don’t know medicine. Don't know laws. Don’t know drug interactions. Sell Paxlovid.

DR. PAUL OFFIT: The ultimate contradiction in terms to say that you have a religious exemption to vaccination. PAUL, YOUR TYRANNICAL LEANINGS ARE LEAKING AGAIN

You don't vaccinate everybody to save 1 kid.  I am sorry. 

Offit is shameless.  He likens religious convictions to public health policy.  Is there any evidence for this?

And I think that's the tension. I mean, public health is about caring about your neighbor, which I would argue is also what religion is about. 

"We're all in this together" is not a religious ethic, Paul.  Don't start pretending that you're a religious researcher, now, please.  Dr. Paul, religion involves the holy spirit which in turn weighs personal choice.  Religion looks at the individual.  Public health looks at the population as a whole and completely ignores the individual.

Which [is why] I think it's deeply disingenuous to say that, for religious reasons, you're going to put your child and those with whom your child comes into contact in harm's way. How is that a religious principle for any religion? 

You're disingenuous, Paul.  You like to transpose concepts instead of making important distinctions, which makes Dr. Paul, Mr. Adivisor to the FDA, a fraud.

When children were separated from their parents at the southern border, who was there first? It was Christian relief societies that were there.  

Do you see how Dr. Paul conflates topics?  Immigration policy with vaccination policy, Paul?  Sorry, fraud.

I mean, Constantine, who was the first Christian emperor of Rome, at a time when child abuse was the crying vice of the great Roman Empire, established, essentially, organizations to help children. So I don't get it. I don't get it. 

There's that old canard, "It's for the children."  How many atrocities have been committed in the name of children?

It seems to me like such the ultimate contradiction in terms to say that you have religious exemption to vaccination.

Justly Ken Paxton of Texas acquitted on all counts