Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Anti-Demoralization Story: 9/11 Boat Lift. A Story of Resilience

The Great Boat Lift of 9/11 became the largest sea evacuation in history, larger than the evacuation of Dunkirk in WWII, where 339,000 British and French soldiers were rescued over the course of 9 days.  On 9/11, nearly 500,000 [American] civilians were rescued from Manhattan by boat and took less than 9 hours.

Thank you to Reinette Senum, who apologizes in advance for Tom Hanks being the narrator. 

“9/11 Boatlift. Raise your hand if you have heard this story.”

When speaking to groups in the past, I asked people to put their hands in the air who had heard this most remarkable event that occurred on September 11th, 2001.

I have only ever received a smattering of hands from any crowd.

So, why is 9/11 Boat Lift, An Untold Tale, still the most untold American act of heroism? Why is it that every American schoolchild can’t recite this story? Why hasn’t a Hollywood movie been made of this extraordinary feat? Or become a favorite bedtime story?

9/11 Boat Lift: A story that the average American has never heard because it’s an elixir for despair and inaction

Is it because it is too empowering? Highlights our true potential? Or is it because it reflects what WE THE PEOPLE, can really do when banded together?

This brings me to Lahaina, and not the latest distraction — Burning Man and their permanent mud bath — but Lahaina because the occupation of that sacred land is still underway, and it represents our future if we don’t draw the line in that tropical sand.

Most people draw a blank look when I mention the need for a proverbial line in the sand—even the ones who understand what is at stake.

People feel powerless. Unable to help. Unorganized. Overwhelmed. Paralyzed.

Not only is our inaction unnecessary, it’s dangerous. We have to do something NOW and have proven we can do anything we put our minds and hearts to.

So, I will draw upon the most remarkable rescue in history as a shining example of our untapped potential: the 9/11 Boat Lift rescue.

The 10-minute documentary below (narrated by Tom Hanks, sorry about that) is worth a watch…. even if you have seen it in the past, watch it again. My truncated version and personal commentary are at the top of this post.

THIS story represents who we are as a humanity. THIS is what we are built of. While those in power don’t want us to remember this, the time is now to do just that: Call upon the ancient memory of who-we-are and how powerful we are (particularly in numbers) and set our collective selves into action.

Kevin McCarthy Changes Position – Will Allow Media, Defendants Limited Access to 44,000 Hours of Footage from Jan. 6 Protests

UFO stories are a sanctioned counterintelligence technique to stop civilians who live near U.S. Air Force Bases from causing unwanted news cycles about classified projects on the base

The 2013 documentary Mirage Men tells the story of 

Richard Doty, a US Air Force counterintelligence officer in special investigations whose job was to disinform people to make them believe there were aliens from what they had actually seen were experimental military projects, principally out of the US Air Force from unfortunate locals who happened to live near US Air Force bases, primarily in the Midwest, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona.  These are folks who live near Air Force bases.  So Air Force bases are huge complexes that often stretch over plains and mountains, and so people often see the activities of the US Military with experimental, early stage technologies and report those sightings.  This is a fascinating glimpse into what happens in the name of OPSEC, which stands for Operational Security, also known as procedural security, when you have a classified operation that you need to protect it against the security threat relating to its exposure.  There are methods of concealing what the operation actually is and sometimes those go psychological, and I find the UFO cover to be a fascinating, one, because it's been used for everything from covering up Laser Technology, satellite technology, drone technology, stealth bomber technology.  Time after time, you see UFO stories being pumped up by the National Security State. 

02:23, DOTY:  There's about 80% of false information being presented, 20% accurate information.  Unfortunately, the UFO Community doesn't know which is which.

02:45. He was tasked by Courtland Air Force Base to infiltrate the UFO research community evidence it's something stupid like aliens.

03:15. "Back in the '80s it was my job to confuse the UFO community."

Doty was representing himself as this deep throat.  He had a wonderful way to sell it, "I'm with the government.  You cooperate with us, and I'm going to tell you what the government really knows about UFOs." 

So he was a current Air Force Special Agent in the Office of Special Investigations, and in National Security speak, "special" means covert and dirty.  Black Ops are all done under "Special Operations."  Black propaganda seeding misinformation, that's all "special," instead of this dirty cloak and dagger effery.   

Doty found a lot of gullible people in the UFO community who would easily believe what he said without any type of scrutiny.

"My commander told me, well, you know, there's this guy, Special Agent Doty, and you got to be careful, you know, because he made the Air Force a little nervous.  They didn't say egg on their face or anything but they were just very cautious.

The housing bubble in Canada is going to pop . . .

Rachell Maddow, Rachell Maddow hops and flip-flops, like a virus, from no masks to must vaccinate. She is the countermeasure queen