Sunday, April 23, 2023

Cops break into front door, kidnap father for piercing son's ear

Revolution is a bankruptcy of government.

Bill Fawell's 3 rules for a revolution:

1.  Revolution is a bankruptcy of government. 

2.  Everyone is invited to the revolution and attendance is mandatory.  

3.  Fear.

Should we start with the rules or start with the stages?  

Stage I began May/June 2015 when Trump and Bernie Sanders decided to run.  This opened the door for all of the discontent, whether it was focused and established, but it's more of a feeling with the people.  Economies are still good but the people start going to the new faces that offer a new way because deep down inside people feel that there is systemic failure.  There's something wrong  So they start looking for something wrong.  So when Trump and Bernie came out, that started Stage I.  

Stage II started when Stage I ended, and that's when Trump was elected. Interesting to note that that leader from Stage II is generally someone from outside of government. And they never dee it through.  They always get mooed [moved?] out.  And between Trump was elected and when he was sworn in, I watched on C-SPAN with a bunch of economists out east and he said, "It's not the government; it's the people in the government.  I'm going to bring in the right people, and we're going to make this government work." And there's no way in hell because the government is in systemic failure, it is bankrupt, and he needed to come in and clean house totally, talking about the swamp.  He didn't do that.  He left a lot of things going.  He left the bankruptcy running, and he paid for it.  I said right then . . . my head was in my hands and I said he's going to last one term, and that, in fact, is what happened.  Hook or crook, right or wrong, they're going to get rid of that guy.  

Stage III, the system still hasn't been resolved but now you've pushed aside the wrong group of revolutionaries and Stage III you have a group of organizations that just want to get rid of the other guy because they have their own idea of what they see as the way out during the revolution out of the bankruptcy.  They get together and they support one guy: in this case, it was Joe Biden.  And their first order of business was to get rid of him because he's going to fail because he's dealing with the same systemic failure that the Stage II leader, in our case, was Donald Trump, President Trump, he's just gotta go.  And when you start looking at the world and events knowing that, okay, Trump is not going to last, he's got 4 years at best.  And you look at Joe Biden and you say, hey, Joe's done.  

He was done before he even began to be honest with you.

Joe will be gone between the [midterm] election and Christmas [2022]. 

I agree.

They absolutely have to get rid of him because once Kamala takes over, she has to have a VP, and she has to get that VP confirmed by the House and the Senate before the Republicans takeover in January, so that's not a real big window.

"He threw a phony, contrived, absolutely fraudulent study that he manipulated and orchestrated to make that drug 'standard of care.' It is homicide"

Who's Bankrolling E. Jean Carroll's Rape Suit Against Trump? Just Some Trump-Hating Billionaire Named Reid Hoffman

Enter 79-year-old Elizabeth Jean Carroll, grifter #6,438. 

And Reid Hoffman, grifter. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

History of the Left: People were killed for being on the Left. They were jailed for being on the Left, for making real and material and mortal sacrifices for a cause.

Mario Cuomo's 1984 Keynote address.  It attacked the Republican Party as the party of the rich, while affirming the Democratic Party as the party of the working class. 

To fill the void in the Democratic Party, they created a juggernaut to stop a class struggle mobilization from below like Bernie Sanders.

Woke politics to give a veneer of being progressive and cutting edge without making any sacrifices.

History of Left: People were killed for being on the Left.  They were jailed for being on the Left, for making real and material and mortal sacrifices for a cause.  What does it mean now? 

Judith Butler, 2020.  Says she's doing something real historic, right up there with the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Spanish Civil War.  What does she do? She announces that her new pronouns are they/them.  O, that's a real act of martyrdom.  That's Christ being nailed to the cross.  It's so laughable what passes now for radical politics.  Radical politics is raking in tons and tons and tons and tons of cash.  

Ibram X gets $10 million dollars from Jack Dorsey.  

Barrack Obama gets $100 million dollars from Jeff Bezos.  

Van Jones gets $100 million dollars from Jeff Bezos.  

Black Lives Matter so-called leadership--they collected $90 million dollars tohe year of the George Floyd demonstration, i.e., the Summer of Love, 2020.  None of the activists saw one dime of it.  But Patrisse-KhanCullorso, one of the so-called leaders, she goes out and purchases 4 homes.  Another leader, Tamika Mallory, did a commercials for Cadillac.  

This is a bonanza!  This is a bonanza!  This is not sacrifice.  This is not what the Left used to stand for.  It's just making money.  Grifters!  There are grifters making money off of the cause on one hand, and then there are all these fake radical people pretending they are so cutting edge and so woke because they changed their pronouns or they drool over trans people.