Saturday, April 15, 2023


Remarkable details on multiple points of JFK and his assassination.  "Top Secret JFK Documents the Pentagon Will Never Release--James DiEugenio In-Depth Interview."  Interesting to hear that a lot of Harvard graduates fill positions within the State Department, whereas Yale graduates end up in the CIA. 

From Charles Burris:

One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, James DiEugenio is the author of several books. He is the author of Destiny Betrayed, about the Garrison investigation of the Kennedy assassination, first published in 1992, with a second, greatly revised edition issued in 2012; and Reclaiming Parkland, published in 2013, reprinted in expanded form in 2016, and then reissued with additional material in 2018 as The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, which offers a detailed critical examination of the Warren Commission’s evidence and conclusions as presented by Vincent Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History, along with an analysis of the CIA’s influence in Hollywood.

He is a co-founder of the Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination and the Coalition on Political Assassinations. He was co-editor of The Assassinations, a book on the deaths of JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X. A long-time collaborating associate with director Oliver Stone, DiEgenio is the writer of Stone’s latest two acclaimed documentaries, JFK: Through the Looking Glass (2 hours), and JFK: Destiny Betrayed (4 hours). His latest book is JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. 

DiEugenio has a couple of websites.  One is Kennedys and King.   

Henry Lee, a criminologist, couldn't render an opinion on the JFK autopsy because it was so poorly conducted.  Bullet exiting from Kennedy's head at a 90. 

Series problem with the chain of custody.  Without a good chain of custody, it leaves your defense vulnerable if you can't account for

1965, Kennedy's brain disappeared.  It's not in the National Archives.  Formaldehyde makes the brain more solid to preserve for inspection.  The only record we have of it comes in at 1500 grams, The average brain weight is about 1,350 grams.  The question becomes, how is Kennedy's brain weigh more when as anybody can see from the Zapruder film that JFK's brain gets blasted everywhere--the back seat, all over Dealy Plaza.  Pics of the car at Parkland Hospital were everywhere. How can Kennedy's brain weigh more than the average? 

 the film and in the book, we talk about this being the best evidence for a conspiracy.  

John Stringer testified at the review board, was shown the pics that he was supposed to have, the autopsy photographer that night, Jeremy Gunn, the chief counsel, and said, this is Ansco.  I didn't use Ansco.  These numbers indicate they were part of a presspack, they were done serially.  Courtroom evidence.  Has to certify to the court th.  He used Kodak.  So he didn't take the pictures introduced as evidence.  

Warren Commission said there were only 3 bullets fired.  Only 3 shells were retrieved at the scene of the crime.  Norman Redlich said that if we don't have the single bullet theory, "the magic bullet", then it denotes a conspiracy.  The FBI said that all 3 bullets hit the car.  They didn't have a single bullet theory.  

@36:00 minute, there are actually 2 "magic bullet" theories.  

Still hiding stuff.  14,000 pages are still being kept from the American public, and I believe this is in direct violation of the law because in 2017, Trump said that he was going to release everything.  The day that this was supposed to happen, the FBI and CIA go into the Oval Office and read him the riot act, the speech that says "If you do this, you'll be endangering Agent X over in the Far East, Agent Y over in Central America, Z in Africa, and you will have blood on your hands if you do this . . . .  50 years later, [do] they still have the same agents in the same place?  Most are dead. 



Good news: Mike Pompeo will not be running in 2024 for the GOP ticket

In early polling, Trump looks unbeatable.

Tucker Carlson blasts the Joe Biden govt and the media, including @nytimes and @washingtonpost, for going after the young leaker instead of the lies exposed by the leak.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Jack Teixeira is a patsy for the leak—to justify online repression and censorship