Thursday, March 23, 2023

Governor Hochul tried to pass a bill that would put citizens into quarantine camps [like the U.S. did to the Japanese during WWII] anybody, even if they were asymptomatic, for an unlimited, unspecified amount of time in a place outside of their home.  It was lawyer Bobbi Cox's team that stopped her.  But Gov. Hochul filed an appeal to overturn that decision, and Ms. Paulin 

"DeSantis would have fired Fauci when he was still repeating Fauci in 2021 . . . after Trump was gone?"

It doesn't look like DeSantis was anti-Fauci or anti-vaccines. And when exactly was DeSantis going to fire Fauci?

Why Should U.S. Taxpayers Be Paying to Train People Who Lead Coups in Africa?

"There is a need for microbes to cohabitate and repopulate, refloralize the gut"

6:00  What are antibiotics?  Fungus of a potato.  It's another microbe, right?  There is a need for microbes to cohabitate and repopulate, refloralize the gut, right?  So the whole process.  Instead of microbiome transplant, figure out what are in the foods.  How do you supplement?  So you're missing the gut microbes, firmicutes, and Bacteroides.  The importance of firmicutes:

This process is called fermentation. When bacteria ferment dietary fibres, they produce metabolites, including vitamins and short-chain fatty acids, like butyrate. Butyrate helps prevent inflammation and fuels the cells of the gut lining, which maintains a healthy colon.

Many members of the Firmicutes phylum are probiotic. Lactobacillus, a probiotic bacterium often found in yoghurt and other fermented dairy products, belongs to this phylum. These microbes make acetate, another health-promoting short-chain fatty acid, as well as lactate, and antimicrobial substances that prevent pathogens from disturbing your health.
Some pathogenic species belong to the phylum, too. For example, Clostridium perfringens is a type of bacteria that causes gastrointestinal infections. There is also Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of some serious infections.   

8:13  Fecal transplant is only approved for Clostridium difficile.   

As a specialist in gastroenterology, internal medicine, and hepatology, Dr. Hazan has used her expertise in many regards over the last two decades. Dr. Hazan is also the Founder & CEO of the Malibu Specialty Center and Ventura Clinical Trials, where she conducts and oversees clinical trials for cutting-edge research on various medical issues. Dr. Hazan is a top clinical investigator for multiple pharmaceutical companies and also acts as the series editor of Practical Gastroenterology on the microbiome, a peer review journal that reaches 18,000 gastroenterologists. She was and is a speaker for World Congress of Digestive Disease, MAGI, Microbiome Congress, International Drug Discovery Science and Technology Conference, and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

12:20 Bacteria is 20x bigger than a virus. A virus secretes cytokines. Bacteria secrete toxins. The key is to keep them from secreting.

The problem with probiotics is that they're not really tested at the level. We looked at patients that were given low-quality, these over-the-counter, CVS generic probiotics, and those people had zero bifidobacteria in their gut as opposed to people taking products from GMP [Good Manufacturing Practice] facilities, where they're validated, and verified, where they see that it's a live microbe that we're giving, and they have a lot of . . . . You may not need probiotics. Kids who are healthy do not need anything. What you want to do is make your body work. You want your enzymes to If you've trashed your microbiome, you're going to need your probiotics. and bifidobacteria are very fragile. It's something that goes up one day, and the next day you're doing something that causes it to go down, and then it's up again. Stress and alcohol cause your bifidobacteria to fluctuate up and down. Fighting with a spouse, friend, or coworker followed by 2 glasses of tequila, eating shrimp infected with whatever and eating strawberries with e coli, and all of this stuff. Or you took antibiotics prescribed by your dentist, and all of a sudden you take all that great bifidobacteria that were fighting against COVID is no longer available, and now you have that perfect storm. I went to the dentist, got antibiotics, and two weeks later I got COVID.

She does admit that she likes Paxlovid, a Pfizer product, but I'd heard too many concerns to trust that myself. She likes Regeneron for the Delta strain. So many strains of the virus, we're seeing Delta, we're seeing Omicron, is it Omicron Plus? When we were in "Omicron," in Ventura, we were seeing Delta still. Because they test the septic, right, they're not testing the individual. As they were removing Regeneron, I was still seeing Delta. Wait, a minute, why are we removing Regeneron? Because I am seeing the whole strain in my office, in my lab. Had doctors had the ability that I have, which is a genetic sequencing lab that sees and follows the evolution of the virus, doctors would have been more equipped to treat COVID. We want to have the ability, as we write more data, to make it available to doctors

PAPER: "Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US CDC During the COVID-19 Pandemic."

By Tom Woods 

I keep talking about historians of the future -- if we have any honest ones, our "public health" institutions are not going to come out looking too good.

A new paper has just been released that I thought you might want to know about. It's called: "Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic."

The paper has four authors, three of whom are academics at the University of California, San Francisco, and one of whom (Kelley Krohnert) is an independent scholar.

Kelley, I am happy to point out, was a guest on the Tom Woods Show after she, an independent analyst affiliated with no university or institution, demolished the CDC's scaremongering claims about the threat of Covid to children, claims that were obviously intended to encourage panicked parents to give their children the shots.

Eighty percent of the errors the four authors examine in this paper involve -- what a surprise -- exaggerating Covid risks.

As one of the authors, Vinay Prasad, put it:

These errors are going to be hard to dispute. They are factually wrong . . . . 

The CDC uses statistics that consistently inflate deaths among children, while it recommended many restrictions on this age group.

These are not errors of interpretation or preference but demonstrably false numbers. Horrific that the CDC has made these errors and in some cases still [has] not issued a correction, and even repeated the errors . . . .

We need more papers like this!