Friday, March 3, 2023

RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, SERGEY LAVROV: Did you know that in September 2022 Zelenskyy made it illegal to negotiate for peace with Russia while Putin is in power?

I don't like the statistics of war that in every war there's always more civilians than soldiers who die.  Always.  Maybe except for your parents or for your kids, few people are worth dying for.  And dying for a nation just doesn't make sense, while dying for a civilization may.  

Having said that, the logic and the charm if Lavrov could make a soldier believe that he is fighting and dying for the best and brightest of Russia.  The U.S. could definitely benefit from such a skillful statesman.



ONLY VAN MORRISON [and Eric Clapton]

Did any artist like Beyonce who sought to weaponize sex with music videos or the intermittenly fully unclad sans a wrecking ball Miley Cyrus's and her tongue-sticking crass jerk [any lesser demonstrations of sex seem downright acceptable] or Rihanna's crotch-hugging Super Bowl displays or Madonna's pointy, post-apocalyptic Metroplis bra--did any of these fine artists take a stand agaibst government COVID and question or defy the COVID orders amid weaponized mass fear to lock people down in their homes or protest the masking of faces by fiat mandate to threaten people with their livelihood if they didn't get a vaccine?  Even America's darling Dolly Parton came out not just in favor of vaccines but was outright scolding folks in her syrupy sweet Grand Ole Opry pitch to get the jab.  Van Morrison, the man who brought us Moondance  questioned, wrote songs against ir, and continues to ask biting questions.

From the Tom Woods Letter:

Remember how reliably the music industry complied with lockdown demands, such that we can count dissidents on one hand?

Eric Clapton and Van Morrison were two of the best-known such dissidents.

Van Morrison was just interviewed for Mojo magazine by Billy Bragg. After the interview, which didn’t mention the Covid lockdowns and Van Morrison’s position on them at all, Morrison posed these questions to Bragg, and I thought you’d enjoy seeing them:

1. How did you feel about the COVID19 lockdowns and restrictions and enforcement of same?

2. Did you just comply and go with the government narrative? Did you question any of it?

3. How did you feel about Rishi Sunak saying musicians should retrain and get another job?

4. Were you aware of Neil Ferguson’s track record in relation to mad cow disease and other things he got very wrong?

5. Did you know about the vast sums of money politicians were making off the face mask contracts?

6. Were you aware of the Sage Report and the terms used to get the public to comply, i.e., there must be a threat to get the public to comply?

7. Did you know of the books The State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth and COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab?

8. Are you aware of the agendas of the World Economic Forum?

9. Were you aware of the number of millions of people having protest marches all over the UK and the world? Anti-lockdown protests that weren’t being reported by the BBC or any of the mainstream media. When they were forced to report, they lied about the number of people that were in the protests, i.e., millions not hundreds.

10. Did you know that at least one of the Partygate parties was reported at the time and someone had to resign?

11. Were you against people like myself that spoke out in opposition to the lockdowns?

12. Do you think everyone should just have complied?

13. Do you think wanting freedom is some sort of political stance and, if so, are you pro-freedom of the people or pro-government overreach and enforcement?

14. Did you not approve of me protesting?

15. Did you do any research or look up Event 201 that was in October 2019 in New York and sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, to name but two?

16. Were you aware of other medical experts on the pandemic like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Peter McCullough and many more and would you see this as political also?

17. Are you aware that Neil Ferguson, Chris Whitty, and Patrick Vallance received millions from the Bill Gates Foundation? I wonder why.

18. Matt Hancock…?

Bragg did ultimately answer the questions, so if you’re interested, here they are:

Thursday, March 2, 2023

House Republicans have been in power for nearly 2 months. They’ve known they won power nearly 4 months ago. Where the hell are the subpoenas and oversight hearings on the politicization and weaponization of the Biden Justice Department and intel community?

Jim Jordan to Scale Up Judiciary, Weaponization of the Federal Government Investigations