Sunday, February 26, 2023

WHO's Pandemic Accord Will Give It Control Over U.S. Livestock and Food Supply

Thank you to Klark Barnes at posted at LRC.

. . . nobody is talking about how the accord will give the WHO complete control over agriculture—wild and domesticated animals—and our food supply.

The WHO’s incoming chief scientist said on Monday governments should invest in vaccines for all strains of influenza that exist in the animal kingdom in case there’s an outbreak among humans.

Jeremy Farhar, who is leaving Wellcome to join the WHO later this year, said during a media briefing in terms of a potential pandemic event, H5N1 is a “big worry.”

Farrar warned the H5N1 (avian) influenza viruses are being allowed to circulate among poultry, wild birds, and mammals—and is the perfect way to “create something nasty.”

What I didn’t dive into is the concerning language that gives the WHO not only the authority to impose mandatory vaccines and lockdowns but allows it to use “viruses” in animals and the threat of a “pandemic” to take over U.S. livestock and our food supply.

The WHO is already letting us know they’re going to start with poultry—and you’re either going to allow your flocks to be controlled, surveilled, and vaccinated, or they’ll be killed so the viruses they don’t have won’t spread to people (or harm the environment). They are already laying the groundwork for this, and the authority they’ll derive this power from is the pandemic accord.

If you read through the 32-page draft of the accord, you’ll see how this document gives the WHO the authority to take control over U.S. agriculture and our food supply:

  1. By signing onto the accord, a country acknowledges that “most emerging infectious diseases originate in animals, including wildlife and domesticated animals, then spill over to people.” (See p. 6)

    From the outset, they’re laying the foundation that “most infectious diseases” begin in animals; thus, their ability to regulate animals is within their purview.
  2. Parties must reaffirm the importance of a “One Health approach” to detect and prevent health threats at the animal and human interface, “in particular zoonotic spill-over and mutations, and to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and ecosystems.” (See p. 6)

    In other words, a member state that signs on to the accord has to agree to drink the Kool-Ade. They don’t want member states dissenting, so everyone needs to “reaffirm” their loyalty to an initiative called the “One Health Approach,” whose scope includes the health of people, animals, AND ecosystems.

We're at War. You've Known That. Now It's Time to Serve Notice

From Katherine Watt

Orientation for new readers.

If you decide to use this notice, print out two copies and keep a signed copy for your records. If you want to revise the text before taking it to a medical appointment, download and edit the Word version.

Notice of War Crimes to Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Corporations (PDF)

Notice of War Crimes to Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Corporations (Word)


If you have been promoting or using products known as "Covid-19 vaccines" on patients since December 2020, you have been participating in fraud, mass murder and war crimes, because medical countermeasures (MCMs), covered countermeasures, and prototype products are DOD-contracted bioweapons intended and effective for injuring, sickening and killing recipients.

You may not have known or understood your participation in fraud, mass murder and war crimes before today.  I am now informing you; you have now been given notice.

This document provides:

NOTICE OF DEMAND that YOU, PROVIDER, CEASE AND DESIST from committing acts of additional fraud, mass murder and war crimes, effective as of the date of this notice, and immediately close your vaccination and immunization programs.

NOTICE OF MY REFUSAL TO PARTICIPATE IN OR SUBMIT TO, acts of fraud, mass murder, war crimes and financial crimes you may attempt to commit today or during future visits to your facility.

NOTICE OF MY INTENT TO PROSECUTE you for fraud, mass murder, war crimes and financial crimes you commit today or during future visits to your facility, by providing witness testimony and other evidence; and

DEMAND FOR NOTICE - If you intend to restrict my access to medical care, today or during future visits, due to my refusal to participate in, aid or abet the commission of crimes, notify me immediately, in writing, of the terms and conditions of such access restrictions.

I, [John Doe], hereby notify you, [physician, nurse, pharmacist, medical student or other 'vaccinator,' 'qualified person,' or 'covered person' as designated under PREP Act, 42 USC § 247d-6d(i)(8); 42 USC 247d-6d(c)(4), and related declarations, determinations, notices, regulations and guidance issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.]

Keep reading.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

I know more than 10 clinical trial participants/families willing to discuss their experiences w/@GSK & @pfizer RSV shot

Human Fertility in Jeopardy?

2/3 of the world's non-commercial biological research is funded by just three bodies: The Wellcome Trust in the UK, the NIH, specifically the NIAID under Tony Fauci, and the BMGF

United States with one of the most-funded healthcare systems in the world.  What we find is that mortality is among the worst in the world.  

If you look at these innumerable failed policies, there's only one way to understand them.  They are literally written by pharmaceutical companies.  They can design trials to fail to disprove the use of cheap medicines, and they can make things appear that they don't work.  

I sit as a non-voting member of the action committee for drugs within NIH

BUSTED: 8 NIH Coronavirus Treatment Experts Disclosed Financial Ties to Gilead 

Unfortunately, it's imminently possible to manipulate the outcomes of a clinical study.  If you want a study to fail, that's dead easy.  

A Large Study Finds that Ivermectin Does Not Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization, New York Times, 

Now their fourth "negative study" of Ivermectin in a major medical journal, and each time there's a major media frenzy.  

"Ivermectin Doesn't Work: Yet Another Study Shows No Efficacy in Reducing COVID Disease Progression," Molly Walker, MedPage Today, March 7, 2022.

Yet Another Negative Ivermectin Study, This Time in the NEJM,

People need to understand that academics have been threatened with losing their position, and threatened with getting no further research grants if they speak out against the narrative.  Guess why that is?  2/3 of the world's non-commercial biological research is funded by just three bodies: The Wellcome Trust in the UK, the NIH, specifically the NIAID under Tony Fauci, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

BMJ Investigation Raises Questions for The Wellcome Trust on Possible Conflicts of Interest, Dawn O'Shea, March 4, 2021.

Ten Experts on NIH COVID-19 Panel Have Ties to,  Companies Involved in Coronavirus Treatment

Bill Gates and His Coronavirus Conflicts of Interest, Cheryl K. Chunley, The Washington Times, Thursday, April 2, 2020.

There's this pattern that's consistent with a concerted effort to mislead the public by withholding information using modern technology, social media censorship, really, let's call it what it is: thought control.  

"Big Pharma and Healthcare: Unsolvable Conflictof Interest Between Private Enterprise and Public Health," Mayer Brezis,

"Anti-Vaxxers Have a Dangerous Theory Called "Natural Immunity."  Now It's Going Mainstream," Kiera Butler, Mother Jones,May 12, 2020. 

"The New York Times Writes Hit Piece on Dr. Robert Malone," The Inmate, April 4, 2022. 

"Federal Government Using Social Media Giants to Censor Americans," Editorial Board, New York Post, September 6, 2021.