Monday, February 20, 2023

3082/9: DeWhine is Lying; City Council Is Lying; Norfolk Southern Is Lying

9 Classes of Hazardous Material

You can't boil away HazMat.  It has to be burned.  It has to be put into an incinerator that burns it at over 4,000 degrees. It has to be burned so hot that the only thing that comes out is carbon. 

RICHARD POE: How the British Caused the American Civil War

American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783

1775-1776, Declaration of Independence.

1777-1778, Saratoga: Turning Point in the Revolutionary War

1781, The Battle of Yorktown.

1783, Treaty of Paris.  

"How the British Caused the American Civil War," Richard Poe, Lew, December 31, 2021.  

Billions Of Lives Saved By Man Wearing Mask While Alone In Car


Sunday, February 19, 2023

The ICC, International Criminal Courts, can ONLY prosecute member states. The United States refused to join the ICC, so no American can ever be tried for a war crime.

All of those folks calling for Nuremberg 2.0 or for crimes against humanity, that's all well and good.  But just know that the United States, or anybody within the pharmaceutical, military-industrial complex.  Fauci will do no time and will see no financial penalty.  So all of these U.S. representatives working on behalf of the pharmaceutical giants and vaccine manufacturers will see no penalty.  Nothing.  Zilch.  Zero.  So everyone can now stop the ridiculous baying for bureaucratic blood.  Ain't going to happen.  

Martin Armstrong explains

The ICC can ONLY prosecute member states. The United States refused to join the ICC so no American can ever be tried for a war crime. The same applies to Russia, yet the ICC is trying to politically indict Putin to create World War III


Dr. Michael Huang Treats Thousands of Vaccine Injured in California

"My first language is common sense."  -- Dr. Michael Huang