Friday, January 20, 2023

Greta Thunberg. You're Welcome

The questions are hysterical and just way too good.

Bob Woodward wasn't actually a journalist and had no background whatsoever in the news business.

This was a terrific indictment of the Biden Administration.  Finally.  But what does Tucker mean by "Biden is done"?  Does he have any evidence for that?  I think that's what he's presenting.  True, but we've seen all that.  We've known of Biden's crimes since, no, before he took office.  The doddering, demented, pedophiliac, white-haired fool apparently is the best way to psychologically distract and disarm the American public via the shock of traipsing this criminal stooge out in front of the American people as someone legitimate or deserving of the highest office in the land.  Kind of screws with your expectations and work ethic of working hard, working honestly with integrity, serving, dedicating yourself, THEN getting rewarded. 

The best part of Tucker's takedown comes when he discusses President Nixon at the 7-minute mark.  Nixon believed that there were elements in the federal bureaucracy working to undermine the American system of government.

On June 23, 1972, Nixon met with then CIA Director Richard Helms at the White House.  During the conversation, thankfully it was recorded, Nixon suggested that he knew "who shot John," meaning John F. Kennedy. Nixon further implied that the CIA was directly involved in Kennedy's assassination, which we now know it was.

Four days before on June 19, the Washington Post had published the first of many stories about the break-in at the Watergate Office building.  Unbeknownst to Nixon, and unreported by the Washington Post, 4 of the 5 Watergate burglars worked for the CIA.  The first of many dishonest Watergate stories was written by a 29-year-old Metro reporter called Bob Woodward.  Who exactly was Bob Woodward?  Well, he wasn't actually a journalist.  Bob Woodward had no background whatsoever in the news business. Instead, Bob Woodward came from the classified areas of the federal government.  Shortly before Watergate, Woodward was a naval officer at the Pentagon.  He had a top-secret clearance.  He worked regularly with the intel agencies.  At times, Woodward was even detailed to the Nixon White House where he interacted with Nixon's top aides.  Soon after leaving the Navy for reasons that have never been clear, Woodward was hired by the most powerful news outlet in Washington, DC, and assigned the biggest story in the country.  And just to make it crystal clear what was actually happening, Woodward's main source for his Watergate series was the Deputy Director of the FBI, Mark Felt.  Ans Mark Felt, we're not making this up, ran the FBI's COINTELPRO program, which was designed to secretly discredit political actors the federal agencies wanted to destroy, people like Richard Nixon.  And at the same time, those same agencies were involved n taking down Nixon's elected Vice President, Spiro Agnew.  In the fall of 1973, Agnew was indicted for tax evasion and forced to resign.  His replacement was a colorless congressman from Grand Rapids, called Gerald Ford.  What was Gerald Ford's qualification for the job?  Well, he had served on the Warren Commission which had absolved the CIA of President Kennedy's murder. Nixon was strong-armed into accepting Ford's in Congress, "We gave Nixon no choice but Ford," Speaker of the House, Carl Albert boasted.  8 months later, Gerald Ford, of the Warren Commission, was president of the United States. 

Permanent Washington remains in charge of our political system.  Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government and crush anyone who tries to reign them in and in the process, our democracy becomes a joke.   

Now, you may have noticed that the very first person in the Trump Administration the federal agencies went after was General Michael Flynn. Why Flynn?  Because Flynn was a career Army Intel Office who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency.  In other words, Mike Flynn knew exactly how the system worked, and as a result, he was capable of fighting back.  Four days after Donald Trump's inauguration, the FBI lured Mike Flynn into a meeting without his lawyer, concocted a series of fake crimes, and forced him to resign.  So that's how things actually work in Washington.  Let's stop lying about it.  Joe Biden whooped like a hyena when the Justice Department destroyed Mike Flynn. So there is, we have to say, a certain perverse justice watching something very similar happen to Joe Biden himself 6 years later.  Joe Biden does not deserve our sympathy.  He's being shafted, but don't weep for him.  And yet the rest of us do deserve a better system, an actual democracy.  When people who nobody voted for run everything, you are not living in a free country.  

If you'd like a little more background on what really happened and who was involved in the Watergate break-in, check out Charles Burris' article, "The Watergate Conspiracy," 2013.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The evidence will demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 meets the definition of a BioWeapon and the development of this BioWeapon is a violation of U.S. Criminal Law

If you possibly can, watch this video.  It is of Dr. Richard Fleming, the one scientist who is taking the fight against COVID criminals to the criminal courts.  He is accompanied by two guests from India who are part of his team that is amassing evidence, getting affidavits and filtering out friend from foe, the latter of which are prominent names trying to sabotage his case.  But he is persevering.  As are his allies.  

When I first found Dr. Fleming, I was stunned by his clarity of expression and the clarity of his logic.  On these counts, he is relentless.  Here is what he is doing: 

First, addressing the Criminal alteration of naturally occurring viral pathogens to make a chimeric virus (SARS-CoV-2) capable of infecting humans. Once infected these viruses are then able to transmit by respiratory and gastrointestinal pathways. Left untreated, as the evidence will demonstrate, these viruses can kill people (COVID-19) by producing Inflammation and Blood Clotting (InflammoThrombotic Response; ITR). This untreated ITR is responsible for the death of more than 556,000 Americans with more than 30 million infected. 

The evidence will demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 meets the definition of a BioWeapon and the development of this BioWeapon is a violation of U.S. Criminal Law responsible for the deaths of these Americans; as well as violations of the Biological Weapons Convention, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics, and the 1947 Nuremberg Code. The evidence will show that the above-named defendants are responsible for the funding and development of this BioWeapon, they have interfered with the treatment of individuals infected with this BioWeapon, they have promulgated the use of experimental drug vaccines that (a) exacerbate the ITR in individuals otherwise not adversely affected by the virus itself, and (b) use a drug technology that has repeatedly failed to successfully treat disease but has successfully been used to introduce altered genetic material into the human nucleus of cells. The evidence will show that this interference of t 

Then check out his list of facts surrounding the whole COVID and vaccine disaster.  His book is titled, Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon: A Scientific and Forensics Investigation, Dr. Richard Fleming, 2021.

Greta Thunberg showing some heart. But doesn't look good for her future going forward . . .

NHS DIRECTOR CONFIRMS: Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic.