Monday, December 26, 2022


Just glad to see that the United States is that City Upon the Hill . . . ahem.  


Remember, there are no solutions, only trade-offs.  So let's concede that 60 years of 2 cups of coffee per say does in fact shrink the pineal gland by 20%.  So what?  Does that lead to specific cognitive problems?  Depends on overall lifestyle.  Exercise, even mild, low-impact, and of short duration improves most things immediately. All this article does is raise awareness, and it might not matter to you because the beverage is associated with some of the most memorable social exchanges. But the evidence of lifetime coffee consumption on the volume of the pineal gland is compelling. Calcification of the pineal gland occurs over time with some folks laying the blame squarely on fluoride.  Whereas vitamin D does harden the enamel, so does fluouride.  Try fluouride-fee toothpastes for a couple of years and find out how brittle they can become.  But if you're worried about the calcification of your pineal gland, boron helps to relieve that.

Thanks to Neter Vital.

People who had drunk a considerable amount of coffee (the equivalent of 2 cups a day for 30 years) had pineal glands 20% smaller than those who drank less, or no coffee. 

And this,

it does seem that a population bereft of intuition, imagination and psychic facilities would be easier to control. 

Modern science is not so concerned with supernatural experiences, so research on the pineal gland has mostly centred around melatonin and sleep. Melatonin is the hormone the body uses to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. It is produced by the pineal gland and makes it possible for sleep to occur.

Caffeine, the primary active ingredient in coffee, disrupts the normal function of the brain by effectively tricking the pineal gland into producing less melatonin. The signal to produce melatonin is given by adenosine, and the caffeine molecule blocks the adenosine receptors. Basically, the brain is tricked into thinking sleep is not needed. This is why coffee produces a feeling of wakefulness.

Disrupting the normal balance of a system as sophisticated as the human brain will have consequences. Coffee drinkers have been shown to experience many more sleep problems than people who abstain from the beverage. Previous scientific evidence shows that the smaller the pineal gland, the less melatonin is produced (and there are more sleep problems). But up in till 2018, nobody had studied the link between coffee consumption and the size of the pineal gland.

The Korean study (linked above) found something astonishing. People who had drunk a considerable amount of coffee ( the equivalent of 2 cups a day for 30 years) had pineal glands 20% smaller than those who drank less, or no coffee. The heavy coffee drinkers also experienced more sleeping problems.

Why does coffee shrink the pineal gland? The authors give three possibilities.

Firstly, it may be due to the decrease in melatonin caused by caffeine blocking the adenosine receptors (we already know lower melatonin production is associated with smaller pineal glands). Secondly, another part of the brain, the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, also has adenosine receptors which are blocked by caffeine. This part of the brain regulates the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) and when it is disrupted, brain damage can occur. The third way coffee may shrink the third eye is because it contains flavonoids which have shown to decrease melatonin in animal studies.

While the researches focus on sleep quality, there will likely be other consequences of a shrunken pineal gland, If this truly is the seat of the soul then it is something you do not want to mess with! We do not want to speculate too much, because we are concerned with facts, not theories. But it does seem that a population bereft of intuition, imagination and psychic facilities would be easier to control. We already know that Fluoride (found in our toothpaste and sometimes our water) calcifies the pineal gland. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, look it up. So, coffee may be adding to the problem. As we have said, when it comes to spirituality and health, the modern world provides many pitfalls.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Meek Mill paid the bail to bring 20 Philly women home for the holidays

Who is Meek Mill?  

Robert Rihmeek Williams (born May 6, 1987),[2] known professionally as Meek Mill, is an American rapper. Born and raised in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, he embarked on his music career as a battle rapper, and later formed a short-lived rap group, The Bloodhoundz

this leads to a situation where we're witnessing the collapse of modern society.

When they say "eliminate carbon," they mean us

People are being exploited through the financial system because they don't understand what their property rights are.  And privacy is a property right.  And what the hell does privacy have to do with debt collection?  And I can tell you that I've used it in every single case to fix someone's situation, to restore where they were.  Here's an example.  Say a chiropractor is running an office, and for some reason, he ends up with a huge debt to the IRS, and let's say that the IRS is doing what's called a "till take," where all his receivables are being levied by the IRS every time they come in or every month or something, so maybe he's getting levies $30,000 a month or more.  So what I do, is I come into his business, I do not change his accounting, I don't talk to his CPA, and I'm not even a CPA.  If I need accounting, I go to a CPA.  I don't do that work. 

I do financial risk management.  I will restructure his company and create a payment fraudulent service that is an innocent 3rd party that then receives all the money.  Now his company owes the IRS, and I don't care if he owes them or not, the IRS is taking all of his stuff, or money, I just moved his stuff to a new organization and cut off the IRS in one hour.  The IRS cannot take anything.  So the IRS then has to be polite and come to the table and say, "Hey, Mr. Chiropractor, would you like to work out a payment plan?"  And that's when I get involved officially and act on behalf of the company.  In the meantime, my client's running his business unimpeded.  I've reorganized his property rights and I didn't argue with the IRS to do it and I stopped the collection.  And most of the time, I make that client uncollectible.  And I don't care if he's a multimillionaire, I will get the IRS to agree that he's uncollectible.  That he cannot pay.  I did everything legally.  Didn't do anything fraudulent.  

8:55  In the process of learning all that, they bring in the fake public health emergency, violating public health policy on public health policy that's been established for a century.  I see that as another property rights problem that's being used to exploit people in the health industry.  It tricks somebody into thinking he has a disease and he goes for the treatment, the problem, the treatment creates the disability.  The treatment creates the illness.  There was no illness.  It never existed, right?  Well, how do you articulate that?  You walk into a place, into a grocery store, and they ask that you wear a mask because we're supposed to protect everybody, we're going to save you, right?  "Oh, that's so great!  So I want to see evidence that you actually do have financial responsibility in the event that I suffer the consequences that you're claiming to be able to protect me from." 

"No, no, no, we can't do that." 

"Well, then shut up." 

And now they get scared because you're putting the responsibility for their actions in your hands.

Yeah, it's very simple.  I told you about going into the doctor's thing where you go to the doctor for treatment on something that you already know obviously you need treatment on this thing.  And for the last couple of years, you have had to wear this mask.  You have to take this fake test.  So my question is Bryan calls me from the hospital, risk management supervisor.  

10:25  Put him on the phone, and I say, "Hey, I am your patient's ADA advocate.  I am an advocate under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  You're regarding my client as having a disability for which there has been no diagnosis.  Obviously, he is presenting with symptoms for which he does need treatment.  You're capable of providing the treatment and yet you're telling him you won't do it until he submits to another medical treatment which is completely underrated for which he has not been diagnosed.  That sounds like an assault, negligence, and malpractice.  See how fast they are so nice to my client.  They walk him in.  They treat him like a king in the hospital because I just talked about a property right. 

It's so remarkable the words they use against ys and how simple it is once you understand those basic principles.

And the concept.  

"Okay, you want to protect me?  Prove that you can."  And prove that you have to have financial responsibility. And also, prove that you have the duty to do so because there's a doctrine called the doctrine of the assumption of risk. So if you engage in a dangerous activity, it's well-known that everybody understands the danger in it. No one else is liable but you.  If there's a risk to the entire community and everybody's aware of it, and it's every man for himself, there isn't one party who is going to be legally liable for your demise.  There is no insurance for that, right?  So you cannot possibly . .   can't even establish approximate or probable cause.  So I love having my clients listen to my calls, "Just write letters to retailers where you live and tell them that you were at their place of business last week, you caught COVID, and you want to know what the insurance is to make a claim, right?  Just see how fast their general counsel writes back to say "Oh, we're not insured for that."

12:30  Okay.  Then why are you telling everybody that you can protect them?  It works so easily though, but you've got to talk to the right people though.  Not to the cashier.  It's got to be the decision-maker.  

12:55  Ignorance and fear are the control mechanism of the slave master.  And once people rise above ignorance, they automatically rise above fear.   

That mask is the constant reminder that you need to be afraid, and if you're not afraid shame on you.

Now, this leads to a situation where we're witnessing the collapse of modern society. Or we're witnessing the destruction of it: the supply chains and everything else.  So this fake thing that's going in right now is an aspect of the climate change hoax.  It's a complete hoax as you all probably know because back in the 80s like I said, I was not a good student. I left high school in 1987 and went to college, and even then I was a C student.  BTW, I had to rake chemistry twice to get a C.  And I had to hire a tutor and I still got a C.  I alone decided, okay, if there's more carbon in the atmosphere and there are things in the biosphere made of carbon you would think that the biosphere would be happy and absorbent and there's this homeostasis.  And sure enough, we have science on the books.  How in the heck are we arriving at "Aaaaaaahhhh!!!! the earth is breaking up"? 

Talk about the science.  The science is on the books. Earlier, thriving ecosystems had twice the carbon in the air

We have a carbon deficit right now.  When they say "eliminate carbon," they mean us.  They want to eliminate people.  

14:50  And BTW, fossil fuels are on the scientific determination, 1892, the Geneva Convention, tables where the scientists got together and said let's establish some definitions for some nomenclature.  Let's talk about what is fossil fuel.  Well, it's a thing that's a thing that used to be combusted, that used to be part of something that was living.  Okay, so that's compost.  That's a tree that died a long time ago.  That's not where oil comes from.  Oil is a consequence of the geological movement.  It's a product of the earth.  It's a mineral. It's not a fossil fuel.  It ain't from something that was living.  We have more oil and coal . . . we have so much coal that we can continue wasting it . . . because our energies are so inefficient for several centuries and never pay attention and it wouldn't destroy the earth.  The atmosphere would say thank you very much.  And we'd have more trees everywhere.  So we're heading to a point, where we're creating a situation where there's a breakdown in the supply chain, "John, what are you doing?"  Well, I live on a 1/5th acre here.  I bought 91 acres just in Cedar Key, Florida, okay, by Gainsville on the gulf.  And so I want to create the situation where you can walk in . . . my wife is from Europe, and in Europe, they don't have lawns, such a wasteful use of land.  16:15  They have tomato vines, and grape vines and they're in the front yard.  And if you walk down the street from where my wife is from, you can just get a bag and pick tomatoes and stuff and everybody loves when you do that because they're too lazy to get it because they already have so much food.  Here it's ridiculous.  If I try to put up a banana tree in my front yard, the HOA is going to talk smack about it.  So this is what we need to do.  We need to coordinate with our neighbors. At least start talking to your neighbors.  

An HOA is a private membership association.  It's exclusive to homeowners.  And if you're not a homeowner or renter, same thing, in that neighborhood, you ain't in it.  That's what makes it private.  The problem is we're not paying attention, right, we're busy watching TV or on the computer.  Well, the HOA has lee rights, and today they're run by psychopaths for the most part.  We can cure that.  Simple.  If the voting already took place months ago, call a special session, get your friends and neighbors, and vote them out.  No big deal.  

17:35  And then do this: an HOA has a perpetual lien on every property in the neighborhood.  That may not mean too much to you, but remember, I come from financial risk, right.  If I don't pay my mortgage or if I don't pay my property tax, it gets foreclosed on me.  The title gets stripped away from my name, and whoever I didn't pay, gets to take the title and then sell the property and someone else gets it.  The one thing that didn't change there, is my mortgage lien got exhausted, or it foreclosed on or I paid it off.  My state tax lien got exhausted because it was paid off when it got auctioned off.  My HOA lien did not: it's in the second lien position.  But it never goes away.  Now, check this out.  Let's say you see what's going on in your community, they're shutting everything down, they're torturing people, committing genocide, and you say, "I'm not paying for this."  I'm not going to pay my property taxes.  I tell my neighbor 

49:49  The idea behind cryptographic currency and the technology there . . . remember, this technology is ours.  Mathematicians created cryptocurrency 

54:35  There's a help desk function.  Takes a week to respond sometimes.  Can reach him on telegram.  ID is JJsingleton.  Telegram seems to be the best way to get a hold of him., $300 to $600 to join, where he talks about a lot of these legal concepts.  Video membership with an inner circle where he talks about some really technical things. He mentions The Zunga. $600 to join.  

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Man beats incurable Glioblastoma (brain cancer) w/only Raw Fresh Garlic as his main therapy

In a word, raw garlic. Okay, that's two words.

Here is the study on garlic.