Tuesday, December 20, 2022

No words can possibly explain the deprivation of due process that Harvey Weinstein suffered and experienced

Americans, those who would defend the 2nd Amendment and the 1st Amendment were the first to strip Weinstein of his 5th Amendment of due process and throw a successful American citizen, who helped launch many careers, under the bus. The allegations alone along with the stories of abuse in the court of public opinion were enough to bury Weinstein.  Did we ever hear from him directly? And if we did, most women would say, "Well, of course he's going to say that." Phase I, bury him in court of public opinion.  Phase II, introduce planted witnesses to give false testimony and use that to build the ongoing case against him. You know, like what they did in the Bill Cosby case.  

Justice and truth in the United States is dead.  It's been hijacked by the Chinese Communist Party.  And we have become the Soviet Socialist Republic all to serve the bloodlust of a mob whipped up into mass hysteria when it should have remained a complaint between two parties.  Most millionaires and billionaires get to plea bargain, pay a fine, admit to lesser charges, say they're sorry, and be on their way.  Why was Weinstein used as unique example of a man with unrestrained appetites? His story made it appear as though starlings going to his hotel room alone were somehow innocent, naive victims who didn't have a voice when all the while it was Weinstein's whose voice was stripped.  Does that make any sense?  These aggressive and assertive women chasing a career were suddenly helpless victims in this man's presence? 

Odd to see and hear women silent on this.  No, actually, they're not silent.  They're calling for more blood.  Who might be their next victim?  Women only want protections and rights for themselves.  

Monday, December 19, 2022

Biden Doing Business With 4 Chinese Gov't Officials, Each With Ties to High Level Intelligence

Was COVID Just the Seasonal Flu All Along?

Frank Church Warning Against Total Tyranny in 1975

The 2020 election was an intelligence community coup.